The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast

Florence Christophers
The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast

Welcome to the Kick Sugar Coach Podcast! Everyone knows alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes can be addictive, but sugar? Oh yes, sugar! It flies under the radar, but it should not. Sugar is not only addictive it is also linked to modern chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, depression, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and more. Reducing or eliminating our consumption of refined carbohydrates is not easy. Our podcast is here to arm you with the information and inspiration you need to unhook from sugar’s seductive grip and fall in love with (and leverage the healing power of) whole foods. Becoming a whole food man/ woman is not just awesome for you, it is awesome for our children and our planet. We are swimming in processed and addictive food garbage. It is time for humans to rise up, fight back, eat real food, and feel fabulous. And it is time for sugar addicts to find the freedom they are seeking and discover the benefits and blessings of walking the path of recovery.

최고 5점
38개의 평가


Welcome to the Kick Sugar Coach Podcast! Everyone knows alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes can be addictive, but sugar? Oh yes, sugar! It flies under the radar, but it should not. Sugar is not only addictive it is also linked to modern chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, depression, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and more. Reducing or eliminating our consumption of refined carbohydrates is not easy. Our podcast is here to arm you with the information and inspiration you need to unhook from sugar’s seductive grip and fall in love with (and leverage the healing power of) whole foods. Becoming a whole food man/ woman is not just awesome for you, it is awesome for our children and our planet. We are swimming in processed and addictive food garbage. It is time for humans to rise up, fight back, eat real food, and feel fabulous. And it is time for sugar addicts to find the freedom they are seeking and discover the benefits and blessings of walking the path of recovery.

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