Day 23

Vox Advent Daily Reflection

“The Light of the World”

Today’s reading from John 1:1-13 reminds us of the profound truth of Jesus’ identity as the Word and the Light of all mankind. Through Him, all things were made, and His light shines in the darkness, a light that darkness cannot overcome. This passage calls us to recognize the unifying force of Jesus, fully divine and fully human, who offers the hope of life and light to the world.

As we marvel at the Christmas lights illuminating the season, we are reminded that they are only a reflection of the true light, Jesus. To those who receive Him, He gives the right to become children of God—a reality so powerful it should never lose its meaning.

This Christmas, pause to reflect on the beauty of this gift. You are a child of God, belonging to the source of all light. Let this truth fill your heart with joy and inspire you to glorify Jesus, the Light of the World.

What is Advent? It is the season of remembering and rejoicing. We remember Christ’s first coming as a baby born in Bethlehem and joyfully anticipate his second coming, when he will return to renew and redeem every part of the fallen creation. The Advent season is a time to reflect upon God's promises and anticipate their fulfillment.

Join us on this journey of hope.

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