Death in the Regenerative Garden: Rethinking Food, Farming, and the Cycle of Life

Human Nature Odyssey

What death is required for life to grow? In our culture’s resistance to death we seem to have caused so much of it.

And what if humans aren't inherently a destructive force on the planet? How might we actually be another symbiotic part of our ecosystems?

Jake Marquez and Maren Morgan are the hosts of Death in the Garden, a podcast exploring the complex intersection between myth, civilization, climate change.

Mandy Magill is a regenerative agriculture educator and cofounder of the Earth Regeneration Alliance and Rooted in Real.

In this episode we’re sharing exerpts from both these conversations to explore our culture’s aversion to death, how food is the nexus of civilization, and alternatives to conventional farming that can regenerate ecosystems and recreate our relationship with nature.

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More on Mandy's organizations: Rooted in REAL (Regenerative, Ethical, Authentic, Local) is an upcoming app that will educate and guide subscribers to food and beverage businesses that are sourcing REAL food and products, along with creating community and philanthropy around living regeneratively. Earth Regeneration Alliance is focused on educating the public, introducing and guiding regenerative legislation, and creating community around the many ways to heal and regenerate Planet Earth.

Music: Celestial Soda Pop

By: Ray Lynch

From the album: Deep Breakfast

Courtesy Ray Lynch Productions © Ⓟ 1984/BMI 

All rights reserved.

1.  Amazon: Celestial Soda Pop    

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