Discover the world of Chris Kim in "Decoded," where coding and life intricately intertwine. Amidst the challenges of building a startup and personal explorations, each episode sheds light on the life of Chris, decoding his relentless pursuit of bridging the gap between AI and everyday individuals.
- Выпусков: 10
Об этом подкасте
Discover the world of Chris Kim in "Decoded," where coding and life intricately intertwine. Amidst the challenges of building a startup and personal explorations, each episode sheds light on the life of Chris, decoding his relentless pursuit of bridging the gap between AI and everyday individuals.
- Канал
- АвторChris Kim
- Годы выхода2 тыс.
- Выпуски10
- ОграниченияБез ненормативной лексики
- Авторские права© Chris Kim
- Сайт подкаста
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