Defending Employers

Defending Employers

This is the audio feed from Lois Law Firm’s popular webinar training series. Every month the Firm’s attorneys present different topics in workers’ compensation. Meant as a 101 level training course, the attorneys present a fresh take on common issues in workers’ compensation defense. Special Reports and Presentations: When emerging legal issues arise that impact employers, Lois Law Firm publishes special presentations. These special events, hosted by attorneys and presented in plain English, make the emergent changes understandable for business owners, insurance carriers, and other attorneys. DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not legal advice! The materials presented by this podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois or LOIS Law Firm LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

  1. Episode 349: Using Motion Practice to Stay in Control of the New Jersey Case

    MAR 3

    Episode 349: Using Motion Practice to Stay in Control of the New Jersey Case

    Motion practice is an integral part of any litigation process, and New Jersey workers’ compensation law is no exception. In this episode, Greg Lois helps attorneys learn how to effectively and efficiently handle the various motions that may arise in New Jersey workers’ compensation cases. Whether you’re a seasoned attorney or new to this area of law, our course covers essential tools and strategies for motion practice. How to attend these webinars live and ask questions Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register for a New York Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a New Jersey Workers' Compensation Webinar Schedules and Information Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim and correspond to chapters in the Workers' Compensation Handbooks offered by the Firm. Webinar Archive View archive of prior New York Workers' Compensation webinars View archive of prior New Jersey Workers' Compensation webinars View archive of prior Civil Litigation webinars View archive of prior Construction Defense webinars Disclaimer This webinar is not legal advice! The materials presented by this webinar/podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No viewer/listener/reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this video/podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois, the presenter in the video/podcast, or LOIS LAW FIRM LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

    57 min
  2. Episode 348: Critical Medical Considerations Within New York Workers’ Compensation

    FEB 6

    Episode 348: Critical Medical Considerations Within New York Workers’ Compensation

    In this episode, Greg Lois focuses on critical medical considerations within the realm of New York Workers’ Compensation. Whether you’re an attorney, claims adjuster, or employer, this course equips you with essential knowledge to handle medical aspects effectively. How to attend these webinars live and ask questions Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register for a New York Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a New Jersey Workers' Compensation Webinar Schedules and Information Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim and correspond to chapters in the Workers' Compensation Handbooks offered by the Firm. Webinar Archive View archive of prior New York Workers' Compensation webinars View archive of prior New Jersey Workers' Compensation webinars View archive of prior Civil Litigation webinars View archive of prior Construction Defense webinars Disclaimer This webinar is not legal advice! The materials presented by this webinar/podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No viewer/listener/reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this video/podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois, the presenter in the video/podcast, or LOIS LAW FIRM LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

    50 min
  3. Episode 346: Delve into the Intricate World of New York Workers’ Compensation

    JAN 9

    Episode 346: Delve into the Intricate World of New York Workers’ Compensation

    In this episode, Greg Lois delves into the intricate world of New York Workers’ Compensation, focusing on critical decisions and procedural aspects. Whether you’re an attorney, claims adjuster, or employer, this course equips you with essential knowledge to navigate the complexities of workplace injury claims. How to attend these webinars live and ask questions Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register for a New York Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a New Jersey Workers' Compensation Webinar Schedules and Information Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim and correspond to chapters in the Workers' Compensation Handbooks offered by the Firm. Webinar Archive View archive of prior New York Workers' Compensation webinars View archive of prior New Jersey Workers' Compensation webinars View archive of prior Civil Litigation webinars View archive of prior Construction Defense webinars Disclaimer This webinar is not legal advice! The materials presented by this webinar/podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No viewer/listener/reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this video/podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois, the presenter in the video/podcast, or LOIS LAW FIRM LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

    1h 1m
  4. Episode 345: Practical Skills Needed to Effectively Handle Workers’ Compensation Cases in New Jersey

    JAN 6

    Episode 345: Practical Skills Needed to Effectively Handle Workers’ Compensation Cases in New Jersey

    In this episode, Greg Lois helps equip attorneys with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to effectively handle workers’ compensation cases in New Jersey. Whether you’re a seasoned attorney or new to this area of law, our course covers the critical aspects of client intake and defense strategy. How to attend these webinars live and ask questions Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register for a New York Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a New Jersey Workers' Compensation Webinar Schedules and Information Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim and correspond to chapters in the Workers' Compensation Handbooks offered by the Firm. Webinar Archive View archive of prior New York Workers' Compensation webinars View archive of prior New Jersey Workers' Compensation webinars View archive of prior Civil Litigation webinars View archive of prior Construction Defense webinars Disclaimer This webinar is not legal advice! The materials presented by this webinar/podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No viewer/listener/reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this video/podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois, the presenter in the video/podcast, or LOIS LAW FIRM LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

    49 min
  5. Episode 344: 2024 Year in Review of New York Workers’ Compensation Case Law


    Episode 344: 2024 Year in Review of New York Workers’ Compensation Case Law

    In this episode, Greg Lois looks back to review and explain important case-law decisions, regulatory changes, and statutory updates that impact the handling and defense of New York workers’ compensation cases. We look at the game-changing cases and decisions in 2024 that will change the way we defend these matters in 2025. Join us for an end-of-the-year review and look ahead! How to attend these webinars live and ask questions Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register for a New York Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a New Jersey Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a Civil Litigation Webinar Schedules and Information Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim and correspond to chapters in the Workers' Compensation Handbooks offered by the Firm. Webinar Archive View archive of prior Workers' Compensation and Civil Litigation webinars Disclaimer This webinar is not legal advice! The materials presented by this webinar/podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No viewer/listener/reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this video/podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois, the presenter in the video/podcast, or LOIS LAW FIRM LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

    33 min
  6. Episode 343: New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law Year-in-Review & Predictions for 2025


    Episode 343: New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law Year-in-Review & Predictions for 2025

    In this episode, we delve into the most significant case law and legal decisions from the past year. Experienced attorney Greg Lois, offers listeners insights into recent developments and anticipate changes in New Jersey workers’ compensation law for the upcoming year. How to attend these webinars live and ask questions Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register for a New York Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a New Jersey Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a Civil Litigation Webinar Schedules and Information Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim and correspond to chapters in the Workers' Compensation Handbooks offered by the Firm. Webinar Archive View archive of prior Workers' Compensation and Civil Litigation webinars Disclaimer This webinar is not legal advice! The materials presented by this webinar/podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No viewer/listener/reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this video/podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois, the presenter in the video/podcast, or LOIS LAW FIRM LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

    26 min
  7. Episode 342: Applying the Rules of Ethics to New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Litigation


    Episode 342: Applying the Rules of Ethics to New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Litigation

    This episode focuses on the ethical issues for respondent’s counsel in a New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Case. Experienced attorney Greg Lois, explores conflicts of interest relating to insured clients, legal billing guidelines, representation that exceeds boundaries of the workers’ compensation act, candor to the tribunal and adversary, sworn pleadings, and contact and cooperation with adversaries. How to attend these webinars live and ask questions Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register for a New York Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a New Jersey Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a Civil Litigation Webinar Schedules and Information Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim and correspond to chapters in the Workers' Compensation Handbooks offered by the Firm. Webinar Archive View archive of prior Workers' Compensation and Civil Litigation webinars Disclaimer This webinar is not legal advice! The materials presented by this webinar/podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No viewer/listener/reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this video/podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois, the presenter in the video/podcast, or LOIS LAW FIRM LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

    21 min
  8. Episode 341: Issues That Arise at the Time of Settlement or Closure of a Workers’ Compensation Claim in New York


    Episode 341: Issues That Arise at the Time of Settlement or Closure of a Workers’ Compensation Claim in New York

    In this episode, Greg Lois delves into the issues that arise at the time of settlement or closure of a workers’ compensation claim in New York, including settlement considerations, legal and ethical issues surrounding general releases and resignation from employment, and deposits into New York’s Aggregate Trust Fund. Whether you’re an attorney, claims professional, or employer, this episode equips you with essential knowledge to navigate complex settlement scenarios. How to attend these webinars live and ask questions Join us for our monthly webinars on New York and New Jersey workers’ compensation law. Register for a New York Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a New Jersey Workers' Compensation Webinar Register for a Civil Litigation Webinar Schedules and Information Handout materials are provided in advance of each session. The webinar courses follow the "life cycle" of a claim and correspond to chapters in the Workers' Compensation Handbooks offered by the Firm. Webinar Archive View archive of prior Workers' Compensation and Civil Litigation webinars Disclaimer This webinar is not legal advice! The materials presented by this webinar/podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No viewer/listener/reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this video/podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois, the presenter in the video/podcast, or LOIS LAW FIRM LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

    36 min

Ratings & Reviews

out of 5
6 Ratings


This is the audio feed from Lois Law Firm’s popular webinar training series. Every month the Firm’s attorneys present different topics in workers’ compensation. Meant as a 101 level training course, the attorneys present a fresh take on common issues in workers’ compensation defense. Special Reports and Presentations: When emerging legal issues arise that impact employers, Lois Law Firm publishes special presentations. These special events, hosted by attorneys and presented in plain English, make the emergent changes understandable for business owners, insurance carriers, and other attorneys. DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not legal advice! The materials presented by this podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois or LOIS Law Firm LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.

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