Degenerates talk Sports

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Sports news, business news, and athlete investments can be difficult to get into. Degenerates talk Sports fills the sports media gap with a podcast centered around the typical degenerate that loves sports betting, fantasy sports leagues, gambling, and staying up to date on their favorite athletes. In today’s era of “everything is sports” Degenerates talk Sports combines all of your interests by diving into the business news surrounding our favorite past times. It’s a must-listen for businessmen, hustlers, gamblers, and sports fans alike!

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Sports news, business news, and athlete investments can be difficult to get into. Degenerates talk Sports fills the sports media gap with a podcast centered around the typical degenerate that loves sports betting, fantasy sports leagues, gambling, and staying up to date on their favorite athletes. In today’s era of “everything is sports” Degenerates talk Sports combines all of your interests by diving into the business news surrounding our favorite past times. It’s a must-listen for businessmen, hustlers, gamblers, and sports fans alike!

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