Negative Modifier

Something Wicked Studios
Negative Modifier

Negative Modifier is the best real play podcast you're not listening to yet. We play a variety of games, often leaning more towards the slightly more adult end of the spectrum. We play a wide array of games including Delta Green, Starfinder, Alien, Call Of Cthulu, Pathfinder, and many many more.

최고 5점
13개의 평가


Negative Modifier is the best real play podcast you're not listening to yet. We play a variety of games, often leaning more towards the slightly more adult end of the spectrum. We play a wide array of games including Delta Green, Starfinder, Alien, Call Of Cthulu, Pathfinder, and many many more.

무삭제판 에피소드를 청취하려면 로그인하십시오.

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