You Cured What?!

Joe Kalb
You Cured What?!

This is the podcast of reversing the "irreversible". Each week, you hear an interview with a real person who shares how they have healed from a condition that is commonly thought to be chronic and progressive.

  1. 30/11/2020

    Depression, Anxiety with Jason Andrews

    Jason Andrews shares how his debilitating anxiety was healed instantaneously via hypnosis and how it inspired him to learn hypnosis to help others. For complete show notes, visit Andrews is a talented online commentator, coach, and hypnotist. As a young man, he healed from his own anxiety and depression via hypnosis. After he was able to beat these conditions, he decided to learn hypnosis himself so that he could help others. He now helps others overcome social anxiety, achieve habit change, clear emotional backlogs, and more. Find out more about Jason at [0:55] Joe plugs his project; a website of healing. [1:55] Joe introduces Jason. [2:50] Jason gives some background on his life, especially as it relates to the anxiety and depression he suffered from at a young age. His mother and her father both had suffered from anxiety and depression. Jason suffered from social anxiety. [4:20] Around the age of 15, Jason got caught up in a religious group. That group was extraordinarily skilled at persuasion and getting people to change their minds. He said this group helped many people, but it made his anxiety and depression much worse. He even suffered panic attacks. [6:00] Jason's doctor put him on anti-depressant drugs. He says it made him a lot dumber. And then his highs weren't high and his lows weren't low. [6:45] Jason tried SSRIs (think: Prozac, Zoloft, etc.). It killed his sex drive. He tried all sorts of other medications too. [8:20] Jason read Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. [9:10] Jason learned from Ross Jeffries. Jeffries used hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to seduce women as a pick-up artist. [10:00] Jason gives a brief overview of what hypnosis is and what NLP is. [10:40] Jason worked with a mentor. [12:10] Jason's mentor, during a chat, told a story about pigs. And in the story, a big fat ugly sow was slaughtered. And at that moment, Jason's anxiety was gone forever. And Jason felt it all over his body. [14:00] This made Jason want to go all in on hypnosis. He says many movies, including the newest Star Wars movies, are full of hypnosis. Christopher Nolan movies are also hypnotic. [16:00] As Jason's anxiety was instantaneously healed, his muscles were twitching. It may have been a release of kinetically stored memories. [18:20] Jason briefly got into the Pickup Artist world. [19:00] Jason continued working with his mentor, who helped him reverse more programming he had received from the aforementioned religious group. [20:20] What type of results has Jason had working with family, friends, and paid clients (Jason works as a hypnotist and coach)? [21:40] Jason describes a client who he helped overcome social anxiety. But when he got to the end (his anxiety had "evaporated"), the client said: "By the way, how do you talk to people?" He had never learned to really talk to people because he had always been so focused on his own social anxiety. [23:50] Jason describes how he runs hypnosis sessions. [25:00] Jason provides some details on how to bring someone into a hypnotic trance. [26:05] Jason can now help people even without bringing them into a formal trance. "I don't know what just happened, but I feel better about it." [29:10] Jason shares remarkable "downstream effects" where fixing one issue fixes a bunch of peripheral issues: for instance, they might come in to relieve their overwhelm (and get help in limiting their social media usage) and they end up being able to breathe better. Or their back pain goes away. [32:00] Jason discusses the deep connection between the mind and body, and how perhaps we sometimes store traumas or stresses in the body. He says there are theories that the body may be part of the mind as opposed to being the other way around. [37:50] "This is an example of literally working with someone's metaphor but

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  2. 23/11/2020

    Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Depression, More with Shawn Wells

    Shawn Wells, the Ingredientologist, shares his story of healing from depression and fibromyalgia, and he shares his formula for adding energy to life. For complete show notes, visit Wells has a wealth of experience improving health. The world's leading nutritional biochemist and a former Chief Clinical Dietitian, he has counseled thousands of people on natural health solutions. And he has personally overcome various health issues including Epstein-Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, depression, a pituitary tumor, and more. Known as "The Ingredientologist", he is the author of The Energy Formula. [1:00] Joe plugs his project. [1:55] Joe introduces Shawn. [3:50] Shawn gives his health background. He was overweight as a child and had low self-confidence. [6:25] Shawn's doctor, with words, helped Shawn chase down his dream of becoming a nutritionist. [7:00] A college guidance counselor crushed his dream, with words. Shawn almost killed himself afterwards. [11:15] Shawn was working 70-80 hours a weeke and got a brain tumor. [11:50] Shawn does carb cycling, but largely eats a ketogenic diet. Paleo, whole foods. Also he practices gratitude, meditation, uses saunas, and cold showers. He also works with therapists (including hypnotherapy). [14:20] "Everything happens for you and not to you, and I believe that." [16:25] Shawn describes how he got into the ketogenic diet (approximately 20 years ago). He did a lazy keto diet and still included some processed foods, so he doesn't consider it a perfect diet, but he still had a lot of success with it. [21:10] Shawn suffered from depression and he went from being overweight to being underweight and anorexic. [23:45] How have Shawn's physical health and mental health interacted? [28:20] Shawn finds that by improving mental resilience, he is more physically capable. And likewise, as he improves his physical resilience, his mindset improves. [29:30] Shawn talks a lot about how "the obstacle is the way". What are some of the biggest obstacles he has faced? [34:15] Does Shawn have any tips for how listeners can improve their mindset? He mentions religion and relationships as important concepts to consider. [40:15] "Start changing your words and you change your life." [41:50] How has Shawn's pituitary tumor progressed over time? [48:00] Are there any supplements that Shawn finds that are beneficial for a lot of people he works with? He lists off most of his Top 10 list and provides the reasons for each. Vitamin D3 (5000-10,000 iUs per day, with Vitamin K2) Berberine Fish oil (high DHA) Magnesium (especially magnesium glycinate) Creatine monohydrate Probiotics (also he mentions prebiotics and postbiotics) Vitamin C (liposomal) Alpha-GPC Active forms of B vitamins (like P-5-P and methylcobalamin) [58:20] Now that he's improved his health, what is one thing Shawn enjoys doing that he couldn't do before? [1:01:15] Shawn describes his book: The Energy Formula. It's about how to give yourself energy. ENERGY is an acronym. E = Experiment N = Nutrition E = Exercise R = Routines G = Growth Y = Your Tribe [1:04:40] Shawn Wells gives a closing message. "You don't need the pill. You have the power in your mind to change your life."

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  3. 02/11/2020

    IBS, Psoriasis, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea, Much More with Larry and Kay Lynne Diamond

    Husband and wife Larry and Kay Lynne Diamond share their family's experience healing from a wide variety of health conditions. For complete show notes, visit and Kay Lynne Diamond, a husband and wife, have healed from many health conditions. They have put sleep apnea, severe allergies, joint pain, anxiety, depression, psoriasis, and more into the past. They healed themselves using a combination of modern science and ancestral wisdom. They also helped their young daughter's health significantly. And Larry now helps others as a coach and researcher for The Fasting Method ( He offers a free consult to see if personalized coaching is a good fit at [0:55] Joe plugs his "website of healing" project: [1:55] Joe introduces Larry and Kay Lynne Diamond. [2:55] Larry gives some background on his health background. His journey to health started on May 1, 2013. He was 47 years old and "completely breaking down". Anxious, fatigued, weak. [4:10] Larry had sleep apnea and severe allergies. He was on lots of meds for his allergies. [5:20] Larry's intuition told him that, at age 47, he was going to die by age 50 if he didn't make major changes. [6:40] Kay Lynne mentions one of the questions Larry posed: "Why am I hungry all the time?" [8:50] Larry describes some of his work as a coach and researcher with The Fasting Method. [11:10] Larry has had clients improve many health conditions and health markers such as triglyceride:HDL ratio. [13:00] Larry had severe IBS. He was often brought to his knees in pain after eating and he often had bloody stools. Lots of inflammation too. [14:45] Using historical, anthropological thought process, Larry privileged "real" foods in his diet. [15:55] To combat insulin resistance, Larry decided to lower his carbohydrate intake. He started to question the popular idea that fat is bad for you. [18:00] Larry only lost 2 pounds the first month by lowering carbs and not snacking. . . but by the end of the first month, he was no longer hungry all the time. That was "game over for illness" and "the start of a new chapter in my life". [19:40] "In less than a month, I changed my biology." [20:30] Kay Lynne started to change her diet about eight months later. She was in rough shape. Almost 200 pounds (at five-foot-two), with joint pain, sleep apnea, anxiety, and depression (and medications for some of these conditions). [21:50] Larry took over the cooking. So they were having healthy meals at home. [22:30] "I had basically accepted by that time I was just overweight... I had accepted the joint pain and the back pain as 'approaching middle age'". [23:10] "Even bigger than dropping the weight, he was so much happier." [24:00] By Christmastime 2013, Larry (five-foot-nine) was around 230 pounds. He lost about 60 pounds in seven months (and went on to lose a total of about 100 pounds in a year). [26:00] Kay Lynne mentions how upset she was when they determined they should remove corn from their diets. [28:35] Going grain-free (including dropping corn), Kay Lynne's joint pain started to go away (including her hip pain in the middle of the night). This major effect was confirmed when she had some corn chips and her hip pain came back within 8 hours. [30:40] Kay Lynne lost about 20 pounds from January to June 2014. [31:10] After a surgery that did not allow Kay Lynne to exercise for a couple months, she continued losing weight; she lost approximately 20 more pounds that summer. [31:50] What were the staple foods in the Diamonds' diet? "Meat and veg". Whole foods, close to nature, cooked in natural fats. Primal. [36:40] How did Kay Lynne's anxiety and depression respond to the new diet? She was able to taper off her anxiety and depression medications. [37:55] Larry and Kay Lynne have also started a morning meditation practi

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  4. 26/10/2020

    Cauda Equina Syndrome, PCOS with Nevada Gray

    Dr. Nevada Gray shares her story of recovering her health after suffering paralysis, incontinence, and more from Cauda Equina Syndrome. For complete show notes, visit Nevada Gray, the Paleo Pharmacist, suffered a horrible back injury in 2016. She was diagnosed with a rare condition named Cauda Equina Syndrome. She initially did not know if she would ever be able to walk again. In the years since, she has transformed her health and her life. Now, she is not only mobile, but she is thriving. With a spirit full of positivity, she shares her journey online and is helping many others. She is sharing her story of healing in this podcast episode. [0:50] Joe plugs his project. [1:50] Joe introduces Nevada. [2:50] Nevada details her health background. Several years ago, Nevada had started suffering from back pain. It started getting worse and worse, until eventually one day she couldn't even walk to her car after work; she needed a motorized cart. The next morning she woke up paralyzed from the waist down, in excruciating pain, incontinent, and with a lack of reflexes. She had to get to a high-level medical center. [5:40] The E.R. physician recognized there was something wrong with the lower part of her spinal cord (horse tail, the cauda equina). Nevada needed emergency surgery. [7:00] The emergency surgery was critical. It took place about 36-38 hours after acute symptom onset. [9:00] After waking up from surgery, what was going through Nevada's mind? She is very grateful for her neurosurgeon's words (the first she heard upon waking up after surgery): "I believe you can have a full recovery." (This reminds me of Brandon LaGreca's episode of You Cured What?!, where he discusses that it's important to avoid medical hexing.) [10:00] Nevada stayed in the hospital for a week after surgery. Her bowel and bladder function came back, but she did have residual numbness. She had physical therapy after that and had lots of support from family and friends. [11:30] Even though her surgeon told her not to Google her condition... Nevada Googled it! It was discouraging. But a friend encouraged her to find success stories online, and she came across Shawn Stevenson who had overcome a (different) back condition via nutrition and fitness. [13:00] Stevenson had come up with his own protocol, and Nevada decided to research her own protocol for her rare condition (Cauda Equina Syndrome). She found out about the neuroprotective potential of the ketogenic diet and found some rodent studies showing that a ketogenic diet may be beneficial for spinal injury. [13:55] Nevada found The Ketogenic Girl Vanessa Spina online and she helped Nevada adopt a well-formulated ketogenic diet. [14:30] She found Dr. Stuart McGill and his functional back training programs. She trained gradually: she made progressions from wheelchair to walker to cane. [15:35] She found the work of Dr. Joe Dispensa, who also healed from a back injury. He emphasizes techniques involving mindset and visualization. [16:30] Nevada created a vision board of what she wanted to accomplish. [17:45] In what timeframe did Nevada start noticing benefits from her multifaceted healing approach? [19:20] Nevada considered herself recovered after one year, and her foot drop resolved at about a year and a half. [20:35] Nevada had muscle spasms in her legs. She had to take Valium for the pain. It felt like she had an alien in her leg. She also tried foam rolling to deal with it. [21:40] "I wanted to just be able to feel like I was in control of my mind." [22:00] As of recording, Nevada is about five years out from her back injury. [22:40] What did Nevada put on her vision board? She wanted to return to work, to go to the gym, and she wanted to run in a 5K on Thanksgiving Day after her surgery. The 5K was an ambitious goal, but she completed it! [23:55] "It was something I felt like I had

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  5. 19/10/2020

    Trauma, Benzo Withdrawal, "Mental Illness" with Ali Zeck

    Ali Zeck shares her story of healing from overprescription of psych meds, misdiagnoses, abuse, trauma, and more to find awareness and live a healthy life. For complete show notes, visit Zeck has been through the mental health system. Diagnosed (or as she would later come to understand, MISdiagnosed) with "mental illness", she spent decades on psychiatric medications. She suffered the effects of these drugs, leading to suicide attempts and eventually to very difficult psychiatric medication withdrawal (including "benzo" withdrawal). She has regained her health, and she now looks at the mental health system and at society with a new level of clarity, providing sharp commentary about both online. [1:00] Joe plugs his project. [2:05] Joe introduces Ali. [3:00] Ali gives her background in the mental health and healthcare systems. She was brought up in a family that held doctors in high regard. She felt anxiety during college. She was diagnosed with bullimia and over-exercise at that time. She was told she was mentally ill and put on Prozac. [5:35] Ali discusses how she underwent trauma and how that impacted her subconscious and her behaviors. Combined with lots of psychiatric medications, this put her into a psychosis that lasted many years. [6:40] She had started on a path dominated by the belief system that she just had to find the right drug to cure her "mental health" issues. [7:25] Over 25 years, what psychiatric drugs did Ali take and what were some of the effects? (Some examples of drugs she was put on are Xanax (a benzodiazepine) and Valium. Also, SSRIs and anti-seizure medications.) The withdrawal effects of coming off these drugs were awful. And some of them gave skin-crawling feelings when she was on them. [9:15] What was the timeline on Ali coming off benzodiazepines and what were the withdrawal symptoms like? [10:15] One general practitioner abruptly switched her from Prozac to Lexapro in one day, which is very dangerous. This led to Ali's first suicide attempt. [10:50] Ali stopped taking benzodiazepines cold turkey (dangerous) in August 2015 and went into a horrible psychosis. She couldn't sleep, she was having heart palpitations, muscle contortions, diarrhea, and she had hallucinations of a man chasing her around her bedroom. She was misdiagnosed at this point with bipolar disorder and put on her more meds which gave her a skin-crawling feeling. [12:40] What led Ali to wanting to come off the benzos cold turkey? Trauma was a big part of this. [13:40] Ali was told by one of her psychiatrists that he didn't know what was wrong with her, that the drugs helped everyone else. She later found out that that same psychiatrist had at least three patients kill themselves in a single year. [14:35] When Ali decided to go cold turkey off her meds, she had an appointment already scheduled with holistic doctor Dr. Kelly Brogan. [17:20] Ali describes the gaslighting and abuse she faced from many of her doctors. She thought the drugs were making her unwell, but the psychiatrists told her it was actually her genetic "mental illness" causing the problems, not the drugs. She got indoctrinated into their belief system. [20:30] How did Ali go from being trapped inside the mental health system to being outside of it, looking at it with clarity? Dr. Kelly Brogan did a lot for her, starting by changing her mindset and letting Ali know that Ali was not mentally ill. [22:45] Dr. Brogan helped Ali change her lifestyle as well after helping change her mindset. This includes diet and meditation. Brogan helped Ali deal with her trauma. [26:00] What specifics in lifestyle changes were big difference-makers for Ali's health? She references a no-gluten, no-sugar, no-dairy, Whole30ish diet that Dr. Brogan said she needed to go on immediately (and Ali committed). Ali sees that most people don't understand how much alcohol and food impact how

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  6. 12/10/2020

    Over 10 Autoimmune Conditions, C-Diff, More with Rebekah Farmer

    Rebekah Farmer shares her journey of healing from over 10 autoimmune conditions (plus many more issues) via a powerful change in diet. For complete show notes, visit Farmer has dealt with health issues for most of her life. These include mood disorders, structural problems, and over ten autoimmune conditions. In spite of all those challenges, she has found healing. Now she uses the wisdom and passion she's gained from her experience to work as a health and life coach to help others heal. [3:10] Rebekah gives her health background. She has overcome over 10 autoimmune conditions and over 20 total diagnoses. [4:20] Malnutrition was an issue for Rebekah from a young age (6th grade). She was diagnosed with osteoporosis at a young age. She was on antibiotics a lot growing up and her immune system was not great. [6:30] Rebekah, in 7th grade, was put on a lot of medications for anxiety, insomnia, narcolepsy, and more. And she was told by her doctors that they could all be taken long term and that they were not addictive (she now knows that they should not be taken for long, and that they are addictive). She was on many prescription drugs for over a decade. [8:30] In 2017, Rebekah crashed. [9:10] What was Rebekah's diet like growing up and in early adulthood? [11:40] Rebekah's knowledgeable relative convinced her that she needed to get off the flurry of medications she was on. [12:05] What was the withdrawal like trying to come off of her medications? (Clonazepam for anxiety was the hardest one to come off of. Very addictive.) [13:30] Coming off the meds, Rebekah was suffering chronic fatigue. This sent her to functional medicine doctors who diagnosed her with chronic Lyme disease. [15:40] Rebekah left her Lyme doctors after treatments were going to continue to be too expensive for her. And the doctors were telling her the treatments would be long term. (Rebekah was 25 at the time; she is 28 as of recording.) [18:15] After seeing the Lyme doctors, she got in to see a renowned rheumatologist and was diagnosed with Central Sensitization Syndrome, a diagnosis that encompasses many issues. [19:35] Rebekah was also diagnosed with several digestive issues: IBS, IBD, celiac, gastroparesis, slow transit colon, diverticulitis. [20:30] Rebekah found ozone therapy helpful. She also tried PRP (platelet-rich plasma). These things didn't make enough of a difference for Rebekah. [21:50] After a long time doing a strict ketogenic diet, Rebekah was no longer bed-bound. She was getting her energy back. But then she started to lose severe amounts of weight. She did not need to lose weight and was not doing the diet to lose weight. Despite eating up to 6000 calories a day, she was losing weight (and didn't want to). She was even misdiagnosed as having an eating disorder because she was getting so skinny. [23:10] Ultimately, Rebekah was diagnosed with C-Diff, a bacteria that had taken over her entire gut. [23:50] Rebekah's lowest recorded weight (at a height of 5-6) was 68 pounds. That's how bad her C-Diff was. [25:20] Her diet at the time did not include a lot of meat. [25:30] Rebekah went through 13 rounds of antibiotics to prepare for a fecal transplant. [26:30] She had two fecal transplants. The first one did not get rid of C-Diff. The second one initially led to a negative test, but a month later she tested positive for C-Diff again. [27:20] Rebekah provides a description of what the idea is behind fecal transplants. [28:10] She had a third fecal transplant, and she still had C-Diff. [29:10] In 2019, after more trips to the ER, Rebekah decided she had to give the carnivore diet a try. She had initially heard of it from Danny Vega. [31:10] What are some of the keto "treat" foods that Rebekah was addicted to? (Fat bombs.) [34:00] Rebekah, diagnosed with prediabetes and non-epileptic seizures, now thinks she was not getting enough prot

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  7. 05/10/2020

    Sleep Apnea, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, More with Christine Trimpe

    Christine Trimpe shares her journey from being overweight, in pain, and tired to being healthy, energetic, and full of joy. For complete show notes, visit Trimpe is this episode's guest; she has reversed numerous health conditions: including but not limited to extreme fatigue, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, obstructive sleep apnea, cystic acne, and more. Along the way, she has lost over 100 pounds. Bust most importantly, she is now full of energy and doing her best to live a joyful keto life. As part of her work at, she has even provided a special "Goals" resource for listeners of this episode: Click here to grab Christine's "Goals" resource. [3:00] Christine shares her health background (age 53 as of recording). She was chubby during childhood but started having big problems in college (she gained not the Freshman 15, but the Freshman 40). [4:15] Christine tried everything to get her weight under control: Weight Watchers, medical weight loss centers, intense exercise, and more. She could never find anything that worked sustainably. [6:10] Christine discovered Dr. Jason Fung's work on January 13, 2017, and it was life-changing. [6:25] Christine had a major turning point for her health in the fall of 2015 when she was unable to join her husband on a mountain trail hike. This motivated her to improve her health and look into her sleep problems. She was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. [8:50] Christine found out she had not only painful ovarian cysts, but also fatty liver. [10:45] Christine's first step was to cut sugar; and her first step in cutting sugar was quitting coffee cold turkey because she used flavored sweetener in her coffee. [12:00] Over ten months, Christine resolved her headaches, migraines, and cystic acne by simply cutting sugar out of her diet. However, she only lost 18 pounds over this time, which was far from her goal. And she still had several other ailments. [15:40] What were the next steps after Christine binge-watched/read Dr. Jason Fung content? She was brought to tears by the idea expressed by Fung that "this is not your fault". [17:00] (Speaking of her former doctors) "I was told I had metabolic syndrome. But they never explained it to me." [18:15] Christine took the two week Diet Doctor Challenge (starting on a low carb diet) and the rest is history. [20:00] Other than weight falling off, what did Christine notice? She was bouncing off the walls with energy (after previously suffering from chronic exhaustion). [21:30] Christine's diet includes 20 grams of carbohydrates or less per day and she does 18:6 intermittent fasting. [24:15] What are Christine's staple foods? She now eats a lot of red meat, some pork, some salmon, some greens, some cauliflower, olives, and she eats cheese and other dairy foods. [27:00] "How much would it blow your mind from 5, 10 years ago (Weight Watchers background) that you could lose that much weight and overhaul your life to that degree packing bacon, olives, and cheese for lunch every day?" [29:10] "My energy is so much better just eating two meals a day. You know, whole healthy meals that keep me energized and satiated throughout the day." [29:40] Christine shares the story of the reversal of her obstructive sleep apnea. This is backed up by a sleep study. Completely reversed. Her doctor: "It's very rare that people come off a CPAP machine." [33:00] How have Christine's family and friends reacted to her health transformation? [34:20] Christine shares the name of her blog: Joyful Keto Life ( Also, she has a website for her speaking ministry at [37:00] On her journey to health, what have some of Christine's challenges been? [39:00] Christine even needed new shoes because her shoe size went down. [39:30] Christine shares her experience doing a medical weight loss program. Even though s

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  8. 28/09/2020

    GERD, Psoriasis, Hypertension, More with Gary Fettke

    Dr. Gary Fettke shares how he overhauled his health and how he has radically helped patients improve theirs via real food, Low Carb Healthy Fat diets. For complete show notes, visit Gary Fettke is an Australian orthopedic surgeon and a hero of the health and nutrition world. He was silenced for helping his patients with nutritional advice. He was persecuted but he stood strong knowing he was doing what was right, and eventually he was exonerated. But before taking on the establishment with his message emphasizing the importance of real food, he had to heal himself of prediabetes, high blood pressure, inflammatory joint disease, psoriasis, and more. [2:50] "I'm often quoted as saying 'Once you see something, you can't unsee it.' And I've seen the health benefits of changing diet and nutrition for myself and I've seen it for my family and I've seen it for my patients." [4:20] Dr. Fettke shares his "fresh, local, and seasonal whole food" message. He explains that we should reduce processed food and added sugar. This often leads to a low-carbohydrate, Paleo, and/or ketogenic style of diet. [7:30] What is Gary's health background? He was an overweight kid and even had joint aches as a kid. He had a pituitary gland tumor at age 38. He had high blood pressure, skin conditions, and other ailments (metabolic syndrome). He had this type of health while eating a diet largely based on the food pyramid. [10:50] A lightbulb went off for Gary when he realized his tumor showed up on PET scan based on glucose metabolism. It was growing and thriving on sugar. Since then, he often reflects on the Krebs cycle and how our bodies create ATP for energy. [14:10] Gary started out by cutting out sugars. Then he cut out polyunsaturated oils. Then he cut out other carbohydrates. [15:15] In 2013 and 2014, Gary came up with a nutritional model of inflammation. The idea is that the combination of refined carbohydrates, polyunsaturated oils, and fructose cause a highly-inflammatory state in the body. This inflammation sits behind basically every disease and ailment we face. [17:30] Initially, Gary lost about 8 kilos (approximately 20 pounds) without exercise by cutting out sugar. He was inspired by David Gillepsie's book Sweet Poison. [18:50] Gary, a surgeon, performed many amputations of diabetic limbs and digits. His patients were coming in with their limbs rotting off and it bothered him because he now sees it is preventable. [22:25] "I'm infinitely healthier now than I was ten years ago." Gary shares how he came off ten medications. [23:45] Dr. Fettke discusses the problem of the lack of informed consent for lifelong medications which have massive side effects. [25:30] Gary mentions that information about Tracey Brown, the CEO of the American Diabetes Association, improving her diabetes significantly by limiting carbs has been taken offline. [31:05] Gary, paraphrasing his wife Belinda: "You guys are talking about the science. Nobody's listening. Who's blocking that?" [32:00] Gary talks about the importance of SAM: support, accountability, and motivation. [38:10] Gary talks about how eating healthfully allows his patients to take back some level of control over their lives. [39:50] Gary shares a story of a patient: 70-year-old who had horrible arthritic pain and was down to bare bones on X-rays. Gary talked to her about low carb. 3 months later she came back to his office down 12 kilograms (approximately 25 pounds), felt better, and no longer needed surgery. "It's just fascinating for me that someone with bare-bone arthritis can turn around their pain before they lose weight." [41:40] "If you reduce your sugar and carbs, you reduce your insulin production, you reduce your inflammation. It happens within days or weeks successfully, before weight loss." [42:25] Are some of Gary's patients who come in on a reconstructive surgery consult able to avoid the need for

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This is the podcast of reversing the "irreversible". Each week, you hear an interview with a real person who shares how they have healed from a condition that is commonly thought to be chronic and progressive.

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