Designer Genes: A Conversation about CRISPR

Efrain C., Hope J., Maria R., Sanjay A.L.
Designer Genes: A Conversation about CRISPR

From Mendel to modern laboratories, genome-editing has fascinated the minds of many. Recently, the CRISPR-Cas9 system has been a major advancement in genome editing. Though this newly discovered mechanism has shown the potential to cure life-threatening genetic problems, the novelty of it has caused some concerns over potential ethical violations. Designer Genes is a conversation hosted by four curious biology undergraduates at Emory University that attempts to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge of CRISPR and the general public’s understanding. See website for references.


From Mendel to modern laboratories, genome-editing has fascinated the minds of many. Recently, the CRISPR-Cas9 system has been a major advancement in genome editing. Though this newly discovered mechanism has shown the potential to cure life-threatening genetic problems, the novelty of it has caused some concerns over potential ethical violations. Designer Genes is a conversation hosted by four curious biology undergraduates at Emory University that attempts to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge of CRISPR and the general public’s understanding. See website for references.

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