Detention, LIVE! episode 103 – with Guest Co-host Lewanika

The RPG Academy

Hello Academaniacs!

In this episode Michael and Chris are joined by guest co-host Lewanika from Tabletop Journeys to talk about the 2nd edition of Star Trek Adventures by Modiphius

Extra Curricular

Lewanika –  Podcasting, Actual Play for the podcast (star Trek), Freelancing writing/editing TTRPG products including Sentients (we recently did a Show & Tell on that), Factions Kickstarter is a little bit behind but coming along. Kraken Week adventure is nearly completed.

Chris – In addition to all the normal stuff, finished Umbrella Academy but the big news is Chris got to try out a LARP for the first time and loved it and wants more! Michael – Only Murders in the Building, Teaching Games at my school and it’s going well, but lots of lessons learned. AcadeCon, Jacob struggling to get a game together, Improv heavy GMing is great – but not everyone is ready for that. Faculty Retreat in late September 10 Things Chris – 10 things his next LARP character has to have Michael – 10 things you could find in your pocket John – 10 RPGs you’ve not yet played but hope to play in the future.

USED BOOKS: Star Trek Adventures 2nd edition discussion Where have my Fingers Been? Lewanika – last two survivors on a star trek ship with only room for one more on an escape vessel Michael – two LARPERS, one veteran one newbie lost in a cheese factory in Wisconsin Chris – At AcadeCon, trying to find something to do. Cryptozoology: N/A Audience Q&A: Question about Dragonbane. Only Michael had experience and generally really likes it and wants to play more.

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The music used during our intro and outro is a modified version of Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions  Used under the Creative commons Attribution-shareAlike License.

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