Come Rain or Shine

Dan Cockerell
Come Rain or Shine

Creating and maintaining a magical culture in any organization takes dedication and commitment. Dan Cockerell, a 27-year Disney veteran and retired Vice President of the Magic Kingdom, and host Jody Maberry share stories and insight to help you build the mindset you need to develop a strong organizational culture. Come Rain or Shine will equip any leader with the tools to influence the weather in your kingdom for years to come.

  1. 28.12.2023

    The Final Episode

    "When you're appealing to everybody, you're appealing to nobody. You really have to know who you are and differentiate yourself. Home in on that thing that people are going to remember." Episode Highlights 00:00 Returned to business world after offering advice. 05:06 Importance of mentoring and paying it forward. 09:57 Focus on client needs, not credentials. 10:32 Enthusiasm attracts people. Focus on them and provide value. 15:46 Value in encouragement and diverse experiences. 17:44 Grateful for learning to ask questions, listen, and engage with others. 23:33 Appreciation for sponsorship and ongoing friendship. 26:13 Connect with Dan at Connect with Dan: About Dan - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook - The Final Episode "When you're appealing to everybody, you're appealing to nobody. You really have to know who you are and differentiate yourself. Home in on that thing that people are going to remember." After 5.5 years and 285 episodes, it's time to say goodbye to the Come Rain or Shine podcast. It's been an incredible ride, filled with valuable lessons and heartfelt connections. I want to express my deep gratitude for everyone who tuned in, engaged with the content, and contributed to the show's success. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Hosting this podcast has been an adventure that brought on many unanticipated lessons and new friendships. It would take too long to capture them all, so here are three big lessons can be applied to your own journey: Momentum and Differentiation: Starting something new, whether it's a business venture or a creative project, can be daunting. Building momentum and finding ways to differentiate yourself from others in your industry are essential steps for success. The Power of Enthusiasm and Providing Value: Enthusiasm is a powerful differentiator, and providing value before expecting something in return can help you build lasting relationships and drive business growth. Interviewing and Curiosity: Hosting the podcast taught me the importance of asking thoughtful questions, actively listening, and showing genuine curiosity in others' stories. These skills have translated into valuable personal and professional relationships. As I bid farewell to the podcast, I'm excited to announce that I will continue sharing insights and valuable content through a monthly article. You can sign up for this on my website. I'd love to stay connected with all of you. Thank you to Jamie and JJ Eubanks and the entire Magical Vacation Planner team for their incredible support. It's been an honor to work with them and showcase their exceptional service. It's been a privilege to share this leadership journey with all of you. The lessons and stories will stay with me as I transition to my new role at Torrens University in Australia. This chapter of life may have me heading in a new direction, but the impact and memories created with the Come Rain or Shine podcast will remain cherished and appreciated.

    28 мин.
  2. 14.12.2023

    A Trip Down Elm Street

    [Rebroadcast of one of Dan's favorite episodes.] “No matter what you’ve done in your life, career and what you’ve been involved with, you’re going to have hard times. And moving on is really the only option you have. You get up and keep moving forward.” In this episode of Come Rain or Shine, special guests, Clint Hill, and Lisa McCubbin join the show to discuss the history of President John F. Kennedy and Former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy from their perspective. A former U.S. Secret Service agent who served under five presidents from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Gerald Ford, Clint is best known for courageously stepping into the presidential motorcade immediately following President Kennedy’s assassination. Having retired from the U.S. Secret Service in 1975, Clint swore he would never write a book; however, after meeting Lisa decades later during her writing of The Kennedy Detail, he changed his mind.  Years later, Clint and Lisa have written three memories detailing a career like no other: Mrs. Kennedy and Me became a #1 New York Times bestseller, followed by Five Days in November and Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford.  Due to her books and connection with Clint, Lisa has interviewed hundreds of former and current agents. As noted in her writings, Lisa carries a deep respect for all who’ve sacrificed to protect the Office of the President. With no signs of stopping, Clint hopes to continue spreading the legacy of whom he served with Lisa helping pen his voice.  Resources:  Amazon:  Website: Connect with Dan: Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook -

    30 мин.
  3. 07.12.2023

    Developing a New Point of View

    “Just because the information is at our fingertips doesn't mean we're always leveraging it to actually get stuff done and do things." In today's fast-paced world, information is readily accessible, yet many of us struggle to leverage it effectively. We often find ourselves consuming content for entertainment purposes rather than using it to fuel personal growth and development. It’s easy to forget the power of new perspectives and information. Developing a new point of view could transform the way we approach new ideas and expand our knowledge. You just need to know what to do once you access the information. It all starts with identifying the areas you want to improve in. Is there a specific topic or skill you've been meaning to work on? AI? Project management? Strategy? Choose your focus and gather knowledge. Hit the books, read articles, listen to podcasts, and watch videos on your chosen topic. Immerse yourself in the wealth of information available to you. But don't just consume passively—take notes and highlight key insights for future reference. Make sure to expand the sources you gain information from. Don't rely on one book or one expert. Seek a variety of perspectives and opinions. Google the best books, search for credible articles, and tap into online courses. The more sources you explore, the more well-rounded your understanding will be. As you learn and gain new perspectives it is important to capture everything. Whether you use a digital note-taking app or a physical notebook, create a dedicated space to collect your learnings. Jot down quotes, examples, and references that resonate with you. This way, you'll have a bank of knowledge to draw upon when needed. Once you develop a new perspective, apply what you've learned. Use your newfound knowledge to shape your point of view and problem-solving approach. Don't just let it gather dust—put it to work. Share your perspective in conversations, presentations, or even in written content like articles or blog posts. Developing a new point of view is an ongoing process. Stay curious and keep seeking knowledge. As Zig Ziglar once said, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." Keep exploring and growing. Episode Highlights 02:09 Self-education and developing expertise, with a focus on AI. 04:34 Leverage multiple sources of expertise for continued growth. 08:44 Books help expand perspective on information and current events. 10:33 Storytelling in books stays within your subconscious. 15:39 Improve skills by building your own knowledge bank. 16:15 Importance of capturing and referencing information. Connect with Dan: About Dan - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook -

    18 мин.
  4. 30.11.2023

    What Is Holding You Back

    "You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it and how you kind of take it in, and that's all on you." Episode Highlights 02:26 Courage and discipline are key to growth. 04:51 Change mindset, find motivation, or make change. 07:43 Attitude and choices determine control and confidence. 12:52 Start doing, make it real, change. 13:24 Transition from sedentary to active lifestyle. Connect with Dan: About Dan - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook - What is Holding You Back? Any time someone tells me they wish something was different in their life I ask, “what is holding you back?” Is it fear, self-doubt, or the comfort of familiarity? During this episode, Jody and I talk about taking ownership and being proactive in our lives. We all have worries, concerns, and dreams, and too often often we let fear hold us back from taking action. It is imperative that we break free from the limitations we impose on ourselves. There are many common roadblocks: job dissatisfaction, wanting to lose weight, fears of public speaking, or concerns about children's safety. We can all relate. The first step in overcoming your unique barriers is acknowledging their existence. Once we recognize what is holding us back, we have the power to make a change. No matter how small of a change you start with, it can have a significant impact in the long run. As I reflect on my own experiences, I’ve realized the importance of facing challenges head-on. Having courage and discipline to tackle what's holding you back can lead to great things, but it takes sacrifice. My father, Lee, often says, "Get on it!" Don't let problems control you. Take that first step, no matter how small, and soon you'll gain momentum and start moving in the right direction. Even if the situation worsens, you have control and can find a solution. We often know what's holding us back but choose to walk around with it, avoiding the necessary actions. It's time to break free from that pattern. Take responsibility for your life. Blaming external factors leaves us feeling powerless. Recognizing that we have choices and can influence outcomes is liberating. Changing habits and routines is challenging, but essential. It may be tough initially, but as you gain control over your choices, your self-confidence will soar. Admit what's holding you back, take responsibility, and start small. Every action counts. Don't deny yourself the joy and growth that comes from overcoming challenges. Listen to this episode for more on ways Jody and I have broken habits so those barriers no longer hold us back.

    15 мин.
  5. 23.11.2023

    Pay Attention to the Person In Front of You

    “You create your own luck.' When you engage in conversations with strangers, you never know what it may turn into - a pleasant conversation, a business opportunity, or even a friendship." Episode Highlights 01:27 Pay attention to people for effective leadership, communication, and relationship building. 04:43 Nonverbals are a powerful way to communicate, including in unintended ways 06:48 Interactions can lead to unexpected opportunities and relationship 11:29 Listening with intent helps uncover new connections and opportunities. 12:40 Being present earns respect. 17:43 Eliminating distractions for focused quality time with family and at work. Connect with Dan: About Dan - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook - Pay Attention to the Person In Front of You Paying attention is a powerful tool in your leadership toolkit. It shows respect, builds trust, and opens doors to unexpected opportunities. It's a behavior that can make a significant difference in leadership and relationship-building. Being present and fully focused on the person in front of you is key. Being present and engaging with the people around me is something I actively work on, even during his travels. Whether it's the organizer of the event or a stranger at a dinner. Take a moment to acknowledge someone, ask questions, listen, and pay attention. If you want to effectively pay attention, there a few tactics that help avoid distraction. Create an environment where you can fully engage without interruptions. Ask questions. The more you inquire, the deeper the connection becomes. Be genuinely interested. Be eager to learn about the people you interact with and their experiences. Reset when entering a room. Focus on the present moment, leaving behind any distractions from the past. The power of paying attention goes beyond just building relationships. It contributes to trust, rapport, and, ultimately, success. When leaders prioritize paying attention, it creates an environment where people feel valued and connected. I remember once walking with Bob Iger, where Bob's undivided attention made me feel like the most important person in the world. Leaders who pay attention create powerful connections. Remember that paying attention is not limited to personal relationships. It also applies to the workplace. Distractions can hinder collaboration and productivity. Set aside time for focused conversations with teammates, leaving devices and distractions behind. Take a moment to consciously practice these tactics and see the impact it has on your relationships, both at work and in your personal life. Embrace the power of paying attention and watch your relationships and success grow.

    19 мин.
  6. 16.11.2023

    Take Responsibility

    “Sometimes I look around and say, why am I in this situation? It makes me take a step back to say, “ What did you do to get yourself in this situation? What could you have done to not be in this situation?” Episode Highlights [00:03:58] Take responsibility for hiring, then address issues or remove employees.. [00:10:54] Ownership mindset leads to remarkable acts of responsibility and trust-building.. [00:14:44]  Leaders encourage employees to take risks and assume responsibility for the guest experience [00:16:47] Take initiative to improve customer experience. [00:19:13] Embrace the things that make you unique and stand out confidently. Connect with Dan: About Dan - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook - Take Responsibility Taking responsibility is the key to success, both in business and in life. Every outcome can be traced back to one's decisions, and it's crucial to own up to it, no matter how tough it may be. Organizations with top-notch service and ownership, like Disney and Marriott, can transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary ones Creating a culture where people take responsibility impacts much more than just the guest experience. It's about teamwork and how employees can elevate the customer experience by going the extra mile and owning up to the company's standard. Leaders can foster a culture of ownership and empower their team to take responsibility. It's all about inspiring and guiding others to make decisions that align with the organization's values and goals. A fantastic book full of wisdom on ownership and leadership is "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Wieneck. There is no doubt that it will ignite your passion for unlocking your full potential as a leader. Make sure to listen to this episode of "Come Rain or Shine" to discover the magic of extreme ownership and its potential to transform your business. It's not just a podcast; it's a blueprint for success.

    20 мин.
  7. 09.11.2023

    Change Your Environment to Change Your Mindset

    “We’re just so busy and distracted, things come in and out. We just don't take time to say, wow, that's a nice thing. I'm creating a little memory for myself right now." – Dan Cockerell Episode Highlights [00:02:19] Saying yes to opportunities and changing environments can be refreshing and inspiring. [00:05:07] Meditation is challenging but worthwhile. Be present and appreciate the little things. [00:09:15] Outdoor trip to Bryce Canyon. Refreshing and inspiring. [00:11:14] Effective meetings occur when they are held while doing related tasks. Connect with Dan: About Dan - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook - Change Your Environment to Change Your Mindset  There come times in life when we feel stuck in a rut, lack energy, or struggle to see things from a new perspective. We've all been there. One way to break free from these patterns is to change your environment. Jody and I took the time to talk about our recent hiking trip to Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park. Stepping out of our regular routines and immersing ourselves in nature had a profound impact on our mindset. Getting away from your usual surroundings allow you to disconnect and gain a fresh perspective. The change in environment, combined with the opportunity to have unstructured time, ignites creativity and will recharge your energy. Another way to reshape your mindset is by embracing new experiences and saying "yes" to opportunities that come your way. Jody really helped me remember why we need to spend more time practicing mindfulness and appreciating the little things. By slowing down, observing nature, and being fully present in the moment, we can find joy in the simple beauty around us. Doing this is a powerful reminder to prioritize our surroundings and not always rush towards the next goal. If you're feeling stuck or in need of a mindset shift, consider changing your environment. It doesn't have to be a grand trip to a national park. A simple change of scenery can make a difference. Take the time to explore a new place, immerse yourself in nature, or even connect with different people. By breaking free from your routine, you open yourself up to new ideas and perspectives. Remember, it's not about rushing to get things done or reaching the next goal. It's about being present in the moment, appreciating the beauty around you, and allowing your mind to recharge and refocus.

    14 мин.
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Оценок: 90

Об этом подкасте

Creating and maintaining a magical culture in any organization takes dedication and commitment. Dan Cockerell, a 27-year Disney veteran and retired Vice President of the Magic Kingdom, and host Jody Maberry share stories and insight to help you build the mindset you need to develop a strong organizational culture. Come Rain or Shine will equip any leader with the tools to influence the weather in your kingdom for years to come.

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