America's Top Rebbetzins

Vera Kessler
America's Top Rebbetzins

Powerful interviews with inspiring rebbetzins who share words of wisdom designed to instill purpose in our lives. Each rebbetzin offers her own unique insights on living a life filled with clarity and meaning.

  1. 5 小時前

    Nili Grutman Understanding Perimenopause, Menopause and Thyroid Health

    What happens to women's bodies during perimenopause and menopause? In this fun and educational conversation with Functional Nutritionist Nili Grutman, we learn, in depth, about how estrogen and progesterone are produced, as well as the role that these hormones play in a women's body. We also learn what happens when, as women age, the production of these hormones decreases, and the effect that decreased estrogen and progesterone has on our bodies. Estrogen is produced in the follicles of our ovaries. It is responsible for a variety of functions in our body, including (but not limited to): --development of our feminine figure --production of the collagen in our face that keeps us looking young --support of production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain --enabling us to feel safe, secure and happy Progesterone is produced after ovulation. It is also plays a key role in women's bodies, and performs many functions, including (but not limited to): --thickening the uterine lining --regulating our menstrual cycle --helping regulate our sexual libido --controlling our moods Women usually experience perimenopause when the are between 35-37 years old. At that time, the number of follicles in their ovaries significantly decreases, and their menstrual cycle becomes less frequent. Nili advises women to take care of their thyroid health and do a liver detox during this time. Nili strongly suggests that women find a thorough and competent endocrinologist who is able to administer a series of tests to determine their thyroid health. She also advises women to take Kelp as a natural supplement to boost thyroid health. It is very important to detox your liver because the liver is key in flushing out waste, including hormone waste, from your body. If the liver isn't healthy, toxins stay in your body longer, as may potentially cause damage. Nili talks about a variety of supplements that people can take to help detox their liver, including milk thistle, amino acids, and magnesium glycinate. As a side note, Nili also reveals the reason behind weight gain (fat gain) specifically in our midsection. She explains why abdominal weight gain happens during perimenopause. As for menopause, it begins in women between the ages of 45-55. We say that a woman is in menopause one year after her last period. At that time, she is no longer ovulating. In this phase of her life, she may appear cranky and more irritable. She is also more sensitive to stress. She needs to properly care for herself so that she reduces as much stress as possible from her life. She can also take supplements to support her during this time, such as ashwaganda, relora, vitamin D, fish oil, and omega-3 fatty acids. At the very end, Nili speaks about hormone replacement therapy, which might be helpful to many women. Nili believes in using nature as a vital resource for health and wellness. To be connected with Nili, please email Vera Kessler, host of America's Top Rebbetzins at

    1 小時
  2. 6 天前

    Rebbetzin Tehilla Birnbaum--The Torah Approach to Physical, Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing

    In this lively conversation with Rebbetzin Tehilla Birnbaum, we talk about the Torah approach to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. We learn to understand WHY it is so important for us to care for ourselves in these realms, since they all affect each other. The age old question is..."Am I a body, or am I a soul?" The answer is both. The body is a vessel that contains our soul. Since our body is a vessel that contains our soul, we need to take the best care of it possible. We need to incorporate physical activity into our lives. We need to sleep properly, make sure that we have good physical hygiene (like bathing daily and brushing our teeth at least twice a day), we need to take the time to get dressed properly so that we are put together. We use our physical being to elevate ourselves spiritually. Our thoughts and emotions also play a large role in the way we perceive the world and elevate ourselves. When we are able to look at a situation in a positive light and show gratitude for the blessings, and also the challenges, in our lives, we elevate ourselves emotionally and mentally. Focusing on the positive in people, situations, and circumstances promotes clarity of the mind. When our mind is clear, we can make good decisions. We can keep ourselves spiritually healthy through prayer. It could be through traditional written prayer like you find in a siddur (prayer book) or Tehillim (psalms), or it could be through having a conversation with G-d in your own words (hitbodedut.) By speaking with G-d in your own language throughout the day, our soul is in constant connection with Him. We begin to feel calm and protected. To be connected to Rebbetzin Tehilla Birnbaum, please email Vera Kessler, host of America's Top Rebbetzins at:

    42 分鐘
  3. 1月28日

    Dr. Adrienne Youdim--Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, Zepbound: Is One of These Medications Right For You?

    Are you looking to lose weight--5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 50 pounds or more? Are you wondering if Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, or Zepbound, the big names in weight loss drugs at the moment, might be right for you? Who qualifies for these medications and what are the side effects? In this comprehensive conversation with Dr. Adrienne Youdim, board certified physician specializing in clinical nutrition and obesity medicine, we get the inside scoop. We learn that these drugs were formulated specifically with health outcomes, not aesthetic outcomes, in mind. In other words, people do lose weight on these drugs, but they were specifically designed for people with certain health conditions, such as diabetes. Dr. Youdim talks about GLP-1 semaglutides and their effects on the body. She explains that they slow down the digestion of food in your gut, keeping you feeling full for longer periods of time, thereby curbing your appetite. This helps fight obesity. Dr. Youdim also explains that since these drugs are directed to function in the gut, the side effects are also felt in the gut. Side effects include, but are not limited to diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and, in some cases, pancreatitis. You will hear Dr. Youdim speak beautifully about a mind, body and soul approach to medicine, including weight loss. She emphasizes that nothing is without a cost; there is a cost to taking action, and there is a cost to not taking action, when it comes to your health. Dr. Youdim's TED Talk can be found here: Dr. Youdim's book, Hungry for More can be purchased here: To be connected to Dr. Youdim, please email Vera Kessler, host of America's Top Rebbetzins at

    41 分鐘
  4. 1月9日

    Rebbetzin Lisa Babich--The Influence of Social Media on Adults and Children

    Did you grow up with an iPhone? Were you able to message on Instagram with your best friend in middle school? Was Facebook your primary source of interaction in high school? Many of us grew up at a time where if we wanted to socialize with our friends, we walked over the their house, sat next to them in the cafeteria at school, or called them on their landline phone from our landline phone (or maybe even from a payphone!) Times have changed so much, and the new generation of children are growing up with iPhones, iPads, cell phones, and access to an entire array of social media sites and apps. It's not just our children who have access to these platforms, it is adults, as well. We are role models for our children in the way we use social media. In this honest and sincere conversation with Rebbetzin Lisa Babich, the rebbetzin of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue in New York City, we talk about both adult and child usage of social media. As adults, we need to be mindful about the content we are posting. We also want to be balanced so that we don't overpost or overshare. Before posting anything, we need to ask ourselves, "What is the intention of my post?" or "What is my goal in posting?" We need to check in with ourselves to make sure that we are not bragging and showing off, keeping in mind that other people might get hurt or offended by what we post. Rebbetzin Lisa shared a passage from the Torah that speaks about how when the Israelites were camping in the dessert, the openings of their tents were turned away from each other in order to give each person and family their privacy. Not everything is for public consumption. We also have to make sure that we are not obsessed with the number of "likes" we receive for our posts. We need to have inner confidence, regardless of how many "likes" or "views" we receive. Inner confidence leads to true happiness. Rebbetzin Lisa also spoke about having open communication and conversations with your children and spouse about social media, and setting social media limits and boundaries for kids and teens. Contact:

    34 分鐘
  5. 2024/12/16

    Malka Sima Pais-Connecting to the Light of Your Soul Changes Your Reality

    There is a deep connection between our body, our mind, and our soul. The cells in our body hold our consciousness; our traumas, our negativity. Our body always tells the truth. Quite often we are so busy in our heads with our to-do lists, places we need to go, people we need to call/email/text. Malka Sima Pais helps us to get out of our heads and into our bodies. She helps us stop surviving and start thriving. Malka Sima offers a compassionate, safe space for women, both one-on-one and in community, to tune into the wisdom of their body and soul. She is a somatic and movement therapist, certified Shake Your Soul dance instructor, and Director of the Moonlit Circle. She is also the outreach coordinator of the Purim High Council. You can reach her through her website at We start off our conversation with an empowering somatic healing technique to relax our nervous system and gets us out of our head and into our body. She speaks to us about tuning into our soul and shedding Divine light onto our consciousness. When we connect to the true light of our soul, we are able to change our reality and thereby improve our quality of life. When we listen to ourselves and to what we are feeling, we tune into the wisdom of the soul. We shine light onto our pain, and we see ourselves, really see ourselves. Healing is achieved when we shine love, light and compassion on ourselves. Contact:

    46 分鐘
  6. 2024/12/04

    Miriam Racquel Feldman--The Secret Wisdom of Your Mind, Body, and Emotions

    Have you ever wondered why you keep getting migraines? Why your back is constantly in pain? Why your stomach always hurts or why your body aches? Your body is "speaking" to you through the pain...and it has a lot to say! Miriam Racquel Feldman is a somatic healer, trauma and anxiety specialist, relationship coach, and the author of the book, Somatic Healing for the Modest Goddess. In our conversation, Miriam explains how our thoughts and emotions affect our body, and the different messages that our bodies are trying to tell us. In fact, the cells of our body can hold emotions from traumas that happened 20, 30, 40, or even 50 years ago! Those emotions manifest themselves as pain in our body! In Miriam Racquel's book, Somatic Healing for the Modest Goddess, she starts off with a strategy for for releasing stress, anger, sadness, fear, or any other negative emotion BEFORE it has the opportunity to cause pain in the body. The strategy is called the ROAR! method. ROAR! is an acronym--R for Rip, O for Open, A for Action, and R for Release. She speaks about each of these steps in detail. Miriam Racquel's book is divided into different sections, and is categorized according to topics such as self-care, dating, marriage, parenting, and parnassah (making money/career). In our conversation, Miriam Racquel and I talk about issues that arise in these different areas of our lives, and what we can do to prevent the stress, angst, and confusion from penetrating into our bodies and causing us harm. Remember, we are souls in bodies. We need to figure out what messages our bodies are giving to us, and then we need to pay attention to those messages-don't ignore them! You need to dive into your feelings in order to heal them. If you would like to purchase Miriam Racquel's book, Somatic Healing for the Modest Goddess, please click here: If you would like to reach Miriam Racquel for one-on-one coaching or to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website at: Contact:

    45 分鐘
  7. 2024/12/02

    Rebbetzin Chavie Bruk--My Personal Journey of Adopting Five Children

    If you have ever considered (or are now considering) adopting a child (or multiple children), this is the conversation for you! Rebbetzin Chavie Bruk, and her husband, Rabbi Chaim Bruk, founded Chabad Lubavitch of Montana in Bozeman, in 2007. Soon afterward, Rebbetzin Chavie was diagnosed with infertility. She was 23 years old. During our discussion, Rebbetzin Chavie shares her story about what it was like for her to adopt five children; how she felt when she adopted her first child, and why she and her husband decided to adopt more children. She tells us not to limit Hashem (G-d.) He is capable of giving to us in abundance. We should never decide for Hashem what He will give us or how much He will give us. Rebbetzin Chavie also opens up about the ups and downs of motherhood, and how raising adopted children is different that raising biological children. She tells us that every parent has a unique situation, so we shouldn't compare and despair. Instead, we should find a support group of people who are going through something similar to us so that we can be strengthened by each other's support. Rebbetzin Chavie has a fun blog called, Clear As Mud, which can be found by clicking this link: She also has a podcast called Totally Unexpected, which you can listen to on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and everywhere else that podcasts are found. Contact:

    50 分鐘


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Powerful interviews with inspiring rebbetzins who share words of wisdom designed to instill purpose in our lives. Each rebbetzin offers her own unique insights on living a life filled with clarity and meaning.









