The Diablo Podcast

Diablo 4 news, builds, guides, Diablo 4 Wiki, and forums
Good show, these guys are very behind meta though
This is over all really good content. These guys have great flow with eachother and all seem like really good dudes. However, for min maxers of the game this podcast will be really hard to listen to at some points. These guys don’t have any understanding of the meta in any parts of the game. Would be a better show if they all just realized they are fans of the game and acted as hosts, having more guests on that can truly speak to how the game evolves and the deeper mechanics of meta play.
Erm the audio quality is absholutly unacsheptable
Im joking its fine. It was kinda bad a while back but it’s much better. Overall a great podcast, just wish they would upload more.
Diablo Podcast Review
It’s such a great podcast but the audio quality is horrific. I can’t even hear what some of them are saying even at 100%. It’s too bad because the content is great from what I can hear.
Can’t figure out audio.
Almost every episode the audio is terrible. The latest episode the volume is so low that even at max volume can’t hear anything. This isn’t a one off every episode the whole shows volume is very very low or some people or the guest. Guys log in 10 minutes early have everyone log in to the room 10 minutes early and do an audio test. Then fix the levels and do another test. Repeat until the audio is good then start the show.
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