Did Jesus Claim To Be God?

The Theomatic Podcast

We exist to make Good Theology Automatic

We do that here by discussing everyday issues, problems and questions from a Biblical and theological standpoint. We determine if we know enough already from what God's Word says to have a position and make a move in our world OR if we need to go and study more! 

This series will stream live on Youtube and on The OC (Our Online Discipleship Community)

Today's episode is the recording of Season 7, Episode 3 entitled, "Did Jesus Ever Claim To Be God?" 
We discuss the question of Jesus' divinity, both from the perspective of Jesus and the other New Testament writers.  

After each live recording we will go to ONLY THE OC for live QnA, Prayer & Ministry! 

Find out more here: https://logikos.circle.so/c/start-here/

“May God bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace!” Numbers 6:24-26

Logikos Ministries

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