Until Saturday: A show about college football

Welcome to Until Saturday, The Athletic's college football podcast. This is your home for everything college football. Join David Ubben, Chris Vannini, former Alabama running back Damien Harris, The Athletic's CFB staff, and guests to celebrate our favorite day of the week, Saturday.
Great analysis
21 февр.
I just listened to this show for the first time and it’s very well done. Chris and Damien are both very knowledgeable and not afraid to drop criticisms without sounding like they’re desperately seeking attention like so many others in sports media today. Definitely a new follower and probably this is probably my go to show for CFB now.
Not the same
12 янв.
Used to be a good show with Ari. Lazy analysis, and unfortunately hosts lack personality. Love The Athletic but this show is a miss
25 янв.
This has gotten so bad the last few years. Used to be good when it was the A.S.S. Even was fine with Ari. Now it’s just three dudes who all think they’re the smartest person in the room, who all have terrible opinions and even worse chemistry. Can’t even tell what the content is half the time cuz it’s one person or the other just talking over everyone else.
Ignorant analysis
18 янв.
Calling the FWAA freshman defensive player of the year “that freshman from Notre Dame,” while confidently announcing it is impossible to cover OSU in man when ND did so last year and held Harrison to less than 45 yards shows how little you bother to study beyond the surface level of OSU star power. OSU is better and will probably win, but try to put a little effort into your analysis.
17 янв.
More stars if it was more David and Chris. Less Damien please.
Damien the SEC Glazer
17 янв.
Too much SEC glazing. I’m out.
6 янв.
Obviously, Ari and Manny have a anti-Alabama bias, and their analyzation is absolutely ridiculous. Or they just hate Deboer. I just started listening and I’m about to cut bait because they are nonsensical. Plus their voices are so whiny.
Chris and David are great
Please please put Damien on a SEC/Bama podcast he detracts from a national show
Really misses Ari- new hosts just don’t get it
It’s unfortunate this show has fallen off as bad as fsu in 2024 once Ari left the show. All other shows on the Athletic network are high-quality and have real intriguing dialogue, now it’s just cringe-worthy whining from a few unpolished and biased podcasters. Recommend looking elsewhere for college football coverage.
I’m not sure if they’ve watched any games
It’s like listening to unhinged message finebaulm callers
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- Годы выхода2019 - 2025
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