Dirt Bags Series Kickoff!

Dirt Bags Podcast

A pair of Dirt Bags, Luke Eggebraaten and Luke Payne, give us a run-through of what's to come for this series.

Link to order a copy of Luke's new book on Amazon, The Digital Dirt World: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BW23B1ZY

Link to order a pair of the one and only BUMZ sunglasses: https://bit.ly/3Z4Kc1l

A construction podcast hosted by a couple of Dirt Bags that are trying to bring value to the industry. The Dirt Bags podcast is structured as an "organized but laid back" podcast where we can have a great time with a couple of glasses of whiskey, but also deliver exceptional resources, advice, content, perspectives, and knowledge. The podcast is hosted by Luke Eggebraaten and Luke Payne. Luke & Luke. Ya can't mix that up.

Luke Eggebraaten owns Phaser Marketing as well as Dirt Work Marketing. He comes in as the digital marketing guy that loves branding, SEO, websites, social media, and of course, dirt. Luke started his marketing agency back in 2019 and is only working with construction companies. Their ideal clients are construction companies that do 1-10M in revenue and want to step it up a notch when it comes to their online presence. You can learn more about his companies here:

Phaser Website

Dirt Work Marketing Website

Luke Payne is a man of many talents. Not only is he an incredible podcast host for the Dirt Bags, Luke owns Black Iron Dirt as well as Western Excavation. Black Iron Dirt is an excavation company based out of Fargo, ND. Luke started this company back in 2019 also and has been growing it like crazy ever since. His other company was started in 2022 out in Bismarck, ND. Western Excavation focuses on excavating services, site development, and grading services out in western North Dakota. If you want to learn more about Luke's companies, shoot them a follow on social media or check out his websites here:

Black Iron Dirt

Western Excavation

We couldn't do this without the support of all you Dirt Bags out there. Thank you for making this thing explode!

Let's go!!








