Dare to Dwell: A Podcast with the Daughters of St. Paul

The Daughters of St. Paul
Dare to Dwell: A Podcast with the Daughters of St. Paul

God has dared to dwell in you. Do you dare to dwell in him? What does it mean to abide in Christ? We are Catholic religious sisters gathering around the mics to break open this dare with you. Join us as, together, we explore the radical, intimate, earth shattering invitation of Jesus to each one of us. This season, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Marie Benedicta share about the love of of God poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Episodes published every other Wednesday. Podcast formerly known as The Daughters' Project. The Daughters of St. Paul is a congregation of Catholic women living our vocation to consecrated religious life in service to God's people by preaching the Gospel through all forms of media. Nicknamed The Media Nuns, we hope that we will help you to encounter God's love wherever you happen to live, work, or scroll.

  1. 08/10/2024 · BONUS

    Bonus Episode: Using Media to Witness to Christ with Fr. Cassidy Stinson

    In today’s episode, Sr. Allison Regina and Sr. Julie Benedicta are joined by Fr. Cassidy Stinson to share their reflections on living as media apostles in the world. “A priest pours water on the head of a child while saying mysterious words; the minister of God extends his consecrated hand over the repentant sinner and says: “I absolve you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” But underneath these things, underneath these causes, true prodigies are performed. St. Thomas does not hesitate to say that the justification of a single sinner is a greater work than the creation of the world.” – Archbishop Luis Martinez, The Sanctifier Chapter 8 Fr. Cassidy’s Social Media: Twitter (https://x.com/TheHappyPriest) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/thehappypriest/) Find out more about the Media Apostle Retreat: Are you a Catholic actor, producer, writer, author, journalist, musical artist, designer, or digital evangelist?  We are calling all media pros to join the Daughters of St. Paul on an exclusive retreat created just for you to be fortified in Christ and immersed in the Pauline media spirituality- a weekend to retreat and strengthen you in your craft. It is a time for you to join like-minded media apostles to pray, retreat and dream into your calling! Join the Daughters of Saint Paul at the upcoming East Coast Media Apostle Retreat for the West Coast Media Apostle Retreat on January 3 to 5 in Malibu, CA. Register now: https://connect.pauline.org/MediaApostle (https://connect.pauline.org/MediaApostle)    STAY IN TOUCH WITH US!Twitter: @DaughterStPaul (https://twitter.com/DaughterStPaul)and @PBMPublishing (https://twitter.com/PBMPublishing)Instagram: @DaughterStPaul (https://www.instagram.com/daughterstpaul/) and @PaulineBooksAndMedia (https://www.instagram.com/paulinebooksandmedia/)YouTube.com/daughterstpaul (http://youtube.com/daughterstpaul) Thank you for listening. Leave us a rating and review on your favorite platform so that others can discover and listen to us too!Thank you to our supporters on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/DaughterStPaul) who make this podcast possible!Support us and find out more: connect.pauline.org/Patreon (http://www.thedaughtersproject.com/)The Daughters of Saint Paul

    42 min
  2. 08/07/2024 · BONUS

    Chaplet to the Holy Spirit

    Season 5 Concluding PrayerA standalone episode for those who would like to simply pray the Chaplet to the Holy Spirit.Holy Spirit Chaplet: For Printing (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Holy-Spirit-Chaplet-2024.pdf) | For Mobile (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Holy-Spirit-Chaplet-for-Mobile.pdf)This season was brought to you by The Sanctifier, by Archbishop Luis Martinez.You don’t need to have the book to follow along, but if you’d like to get a copy, you can find it here:  Paperback: PaulineStore.com (https://paulinestore.com/sanctifier-rev-3333-116039.html) | Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Sanctifier-Classic-Work-Holy-Spirit/dp/0819874124)  eBook: Kindle (https://www.amazon.com/Sanctifier-Classic-Work-Holy-Spirit-ebook/dp/B0CH4DQQL9) | Kobo (https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-sanctifier)STAY IN TOUCH WITH US!Twitter: @DaughterStPaul (https://twitter.com/DaughterStPaul)and @PBMPublishing (https://twitter.com/PBMPublishing)Instagram: @DaughterStPaul (https://www.instagram.com/daughterstpaul/) and @PaulineBooksAndMedia (https://www.instagram.com/paulinebooksandmedia/)YouTube.com/daughterstpaul (http://youtube.com/daughterstpaul)Thank you for listening. Leave us a rating and review on your favorite platform so that others can discover and listen to us too!Thank you to our supporters on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/DaughterStPaul) who make this podcast possible!Support us and find out more: connect.pauline.org/Patreon (http://www.thedaughtersproject.com/)The Daughters of Saint Paul

    7 min
  3. 29/11/2023

    Season Wrap-Up and some Eschatological Musings

    Season 5 Episode 17: Season Wrap-Up and some Eschatological MusingsIn today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta wrap up the season and talk about some of our favorite points from the book, and then launch into a long reflection on how great Heaven is going to be!Thanks for joining us this season! We’ll catch up with you again in a few months!“As the Holy Spirit gives himself to us forever and desires that his action, as far as possible, be constant in our souls, our correspondence, our devotion, must be a total, definitive, and perpetual surrender, a true consecration.” – Archbishop Martinez, The Sanctifier, Ch 19“Consequently, the cross, the supreme symbol of love and pain, is the consummation of devotion to the Holy Spirit and therefore of Christian life and perfection.” – Archbishop Martinez, The Sanctifier, Ch 19You don’t need to have the book to follow along, but if you’d like to get a copy, you can find it here:  Paperback: PaulineStore.com (https://paulinestore.com/sanctifier-rev-3333-116039.html) | Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Sanctifier-Classic-Work-Holy-Spirit/dp/0819874124)  eBook: Kindle (https://www.amazon.com/Sanctifier-Classic-Work-Holy-Spirit-ebook/dp/B0CH4DQQL9) | Kobo (https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-sanctifier)Sr. Orianne’s article on Shadow and Bone for the Pauline Center for Media StudiesCall to action:1.    Spend some time reflecting with the question: Can I let God catch me off guard and surprise me? Do I want to let him change me?2.    What was your favorite theme from this season? Consider spending some time in adoration or other prayer space in a conversation with God about that topic.Holy Spirit Chaplet: For Printing (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Holy-Spirit-Chaplet-2024.pdf) | For Mobile (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Holy-Spirit-Chaplet-for-Mobile.pdf)STAY IN TOUCH WITH US!Twitter: @DaughterStPaul (https://twitter.com/DaughterStPaul)and @PBMPublishing (https://twitter.com/PBMPublishing)Instagram: @DaughterStPaul (https://www.instagram.com/daughterstpaul/) and @PaulineBooksAndMedia (https://www.instagram.com/paulinebooksandmedia/)YouTube.com/daughterstpaul (http://youtube.com/daughterstpaul)Thank you for listening. Leave us a rating and review on your favorite platform so that others can discover and listen to us too!Thank you to our supporters on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/DaughterStPaul) who make this podcast possible!Support us and find out more: connect.pauline.org/Patreon (http://www.thedaughtersproject.com/)The Daughters of Saint Paul

    45 min
  4. 08/11/2023

    Hearing God’s Voice (A St. Paul appreciation episode with Sr. Bethany)

    In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta are joined by Sr. Bethany for a conversation about how we hear the Holy Spirit in our daily lives and how to come to trust that it’s really God that we’re hearing. They also spend some time appreciating St. Paul and his willingness to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 1.    Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love by Fr. Thomas Acklin and Fr. Boniface Hicks Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Personal-Prayer-Guide-Receiving-Fathers/dp/1645850234) | Publisher (https://stpaulcenter.com/product/personal-prayer-a-guide-for-receiving-the-fathers-love/)2.    Books on discernment from Fr. Timothy Gallagher (https://paulinestore.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=gallagher)3.    The story of Eutychus (the “window kid”) Acts 20:7–12 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+20%3A7-12&version=NABRE)Call to action:1.    If they aren’t already, make Scripture and the sacraments a regular part of your life. Make sure that you are familiar with God’s word.2.    During your regular prayer time, make sure you are checking in with the Holy Spirit and asking where he is leading.3.    Spend some time looking back and try to identify one time when the Lord worked through you. What were the circumstances? What might be a way the Holy Spirit likes to get my attention?4.    When was the last time I went to confession? Is it time to go again?Holy Spirit Chaplet: For Printing (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Holy-Spirit-Chaplet-2024.pdf) | For Mobile (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Holy-Spirit-Chaplet-for-Mobile.pdf)STAY IN TOUCH WITH US!Twitter: @DaughterStPaul (https://twitter.com/DaughterStPaul)and @PBMPublishing (https://twitter.com/PBMPublishing)Instagram: @DaughterStPaul (https://www.instagram.com/daughterstpaul/) and @PaulineBooksAndMedia (https://www.instagram.com/paulinebooksandmedia/)YouTube.com/daughterstpaul (http://youtube.com/daughterstpaul)Thank you for listening. Leave us a rating and review on your favorite platform so that others can discover and listen to us too!Thank you to our supporters on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/DaughterStPaul) who make this podcast possible!Support us and find out more: connect.pauline.org/Patreon (http://www.thedaughtersproject.com/)The Daughters of Saint Paul

    55 min
  5. 11/10/2023

    Discernment: What’s love got to do with it?

    In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta are joined by Sr. Emily Beata in a conversation about discernment, the will of God, pitfalls we can fall into, and tips for making a good discernment about big or little things.Sr. Emily describes discernment as placing ourselves in a space where we can become aware of both internal and external realities so that when we choose, we can choose with God.“The will of God is his greatest act of love for us.”– Blessed James AlberioneYou don’t need to have the book to follow along, but if you’d like to get a copy, you can find it here:  Paperback: PaulineStore.com (https://paulinestore.com/sanctifier-rev-3333-116039.html) | Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Sanctifier-Classic-Work-Holy-Spirit/dp/0819874124)  eBook: Kindle (https://www.amazon.com/Sanctifier-Classic-Work-Holy-Spirit-ebook/dp/B0CH4DQQL9) | Kobo (https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-sanctifier)1.    1 Thessalonians 5:16-22: (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Thessalonians+5%3A16-22&version=NABRE) Test everything2.    Joseph Chiwatenhwa brief biography (http://histoiresainteducanada.ca/en/the-martyrdom-of-joseph-chiwatenhwa/), and the Prayer text (https://www.wyandot.org/friendsofgod.htm#:~:text=The%20more%20I%20thank%20you%2C%20the%20more%20I%20find%20I%20can%20give%0A%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%20myself%20to%20you)Excerpt:It fills me with joy to know you. I can feel the   presence of your love.Thank you for letting me give you myself just   as I amThe more I thank you, the more I find I can give   myself to youHelp me let go of the things I used to place my   faith in. All I ask is to be yours.3.    Judges 6:36–40 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+6%3A36-40&version=NABRE): Gideon’s fleeceContact Sr. Emily Beata for vocational inquiries at daughtersofstpaul.com (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/) or at vocations@paulinemedia.comCall to action:1.    Cultivate a daily habit of an examen, asking yourself, “Where was God today, and how did I respond to him?” and inviting the Holy Spirit to help you to see the patterns in your relationship with the Lord.2.    Throughout your day, ask, “God what are you inviting me to now?” and pray, “Come Holy Spirit,” and then act. Holy Spirit Chaplet: For Printing (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Holy-Spirit-Chaplet-2024.pdf) | For Mobile (https://daughtersofstpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Holy-Spirit-Chaplet-for-Mobile.pdf)STAY IN TOUCH WITH US!Twitter: @DaughterStPaul (https://twitter.com/DaughterStPaul)and @PBMPublishing (https://twitter.com/PBMPublishing)Instagram: @DaughterStPaul (https://www.instagram.com/daughterstpaul/) and @PaulineBooksAndMedia (https://www.instagram.com/paulinebooksandmedia/)YouTube.com/daughterstpaul (http://youtube.com/daughterstpaul)Thank you for listening.

    49 min
  6. 27/09/2023

    Longing for a Good Father

    In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta discuss chapters 15 & 16 of The Sanctifier, which emphasize love for the Father and how our longings can bring us into conformity with God’s will.“Therefore charity is perfected when the soul is united to God and enters into the joy of the Lord. For this reason Jesus prayed so earnestly that we would all be perfected in unity; and this is why the first and last aspiration of the soul in love is expressed in the first versicle of the Song of Songs: “Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth” (1:1). The mouth of the Father is the Word; his kiss is the Holy Spirit. Through that mysterious kiss the entire Trinity is communicated to the soul and the soul to the Trinity. The consummation of unity, the consummation of love, consists in this: that the soul transformed into Jesus reposes in the bosom of the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.“These are the three stages of divine love: the soul is possessed by the Holy Spirit; the soul is transformed into the Word made flesh; and the soul rests in the bosom of the heavenly Father. They are three aspects of the same love, three forms of one devotion, three depths of one abyss of life and happiness.” The Sanctifier, Ch 15“Jesus, who loves the Father with a divine passion, had, as a secret nourishment, the fulfillment of the will of him who sent him. And therefore also, true devotion to the Father consists in a filial love that rejoices in loving adoration of the divine goodness and aspires with all its strength to fulfill the divine will.“The Holy Spirit alone can give us a share of Jesus’ hunger to do the will of God, because this hunger is love and all true love comes from infinite Love.” The Sanctifier, Ch 16You don’t need to have the book to follow along, but if you’d like to get a copy, you can find it here:  Paperback: PaulineStore.com (https://paulinestore.com/sanctifier-rev-3333-116039.html) | Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Sanctifier-Classic-Work-Holy-Spirit/dp/0819874124)  eBook: Kindle (https://www.amazon.com/Sanctifier-Classic-Work-Holy-Spirit-ebook/dp/B0CH4DQQL9) | Kobo (https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-sanctifier)1.    CCC 238-239 (https://www.usccb.org/sites/default/files/flipbooks/catechism/64/): Many religions invoke God as “Father.” The deity is often considered the “father of gods and of men.” In Israel, God is called “Father” inasmuch as he is Creator of the world. Even more, God is Father because of the covenant and the gift of the law to Israel, “his first-born son.” God is also called the Father of the king of Israel. Most especially he is “the Father of the poor,” of the orphaned and the widowed, who are under his loving protection.By calling God “Father,” the language of faith indicates two main things: that God is the first origin of everything and transcendent authority; and that he is at the same time goodness and loving care for all his children. God’s parental tenderness can also be expressed by the image of motherhood, which emphasizes God’s immanence, the intimacy between Creator and creature […] 2.    Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to his son Michael, June 9, 1941: “It is something to be the father of a good young soldier. Can’t you see why I care so much about you, and why all that you do concerns me so closely? Still, let us both take heart of hope and faith. The link between father and son is not only of the perishable flesh: it must have something of æternitas about it. There is a place called ‘heaven’ where the good here unfinished is completed; and where the stories unwritten,

    51 min


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125 notes

À propos

God has dared to dwell in you. Do you dare to dwell in him? What does it mean to abide in Christ? We are Catholic religious sisters gathering around the mics to break open this dare with you. Join us as, together, we explore the radical, intimate, earth shattering invitation of Jesus to each one of us. This season, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Marie Benedicta share about the love of of God poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Episodes published every other Wednesday. Podcast formerly known as The Daughters' Project. The Daughters of St. Paul is a congregation of Catholic women living our vocation to consecrated religious life in service to God's people by preaching the Gospel through all forms of media. Nicknamed The Media Nuns, we hope that we will help you to encounter God's love wherever you happen to live, work, or scroll.

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