The sparing use of will is essential for making the life you want. However, the overuse of will can do harm. Find a power greater than willpower; discover an easier way to get what you want.
A Better Way to Do Things
A greater will and consciousness is at hand to help us in our lives.
There’s a better way to think and get things done than using self-will all the time.
There’s a greater will and consciousness within us that can outdo self-will every time.
A Greater Power than Willpower
There is a greater power than willpower; this greater power is the eternal presence at our core.
Discover your greater power — get calm, relaxed and stable. Go for a walk; read a good book. Meditate, pray, sleep more; eat well and exercise.
The Best Use of Will
A gentle use of will is usually the best.
Willpower is an excellent tool when used at the right time and place.
Willpower is basically an emergency response, narrowing our focus and creating instant action. Used this way, willpower can save our lives and preserve the good we have.
Use Willpower Lightly
The gentle use of will can help us tend a task.
Willpower, used lightly, can initiate and maintain good habits, with better thoughts and actions.
The gentle use of will, over time, can get us what we want.
Overuse of Will
Overuse of will can limit our possibilities and diminish our personal competence.
Using our will too much, and too intensely, can take us out of sync with life and put us at odds with the world.
Immortality Book for You!
See our book that shows you exactly what to do for human immortality, "Qigong and Spiritual Growth," on Amazon
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Choose and Act Your Way to Grace
Have the best day of your life.
You are immortal now!
- Show
- PublishedJanuary 23, 2021 at 4:00 AM UTC
- Length24 min
- Season2
- RatingClean