Divrei Torah for the Growth-Oriented Jewish Teen

Rabbi Zvi Herman
Divrei Torah for the Growth-Oriented Jewish Teen

A series of shiurim focusing on different aspects of religious growth, given to alumni of Baer Miriam seminary but relevant for Jewish teens throughout the world. DT4tGOJT will feature weekly Parsha schmoozes, with quick-hitting, thought-provoking Divrei Torah to help paint an overall picture of the parsha, as well as a series on classic mussar works, such as Mesillas Yesharim. The podcast is hosted by Rabbi Zvi Herman, who has been teaching in post-high-school yeshivas and seminaries in Israel for over fifteen years.

평가 및 리뷰

최고 5점
2개의 평가


A series of shiurim focusing on different aspects of religious growth, given to alumni of Baer Miriam seminary but relevant for Jewish teens throughout the world. DT4tGOJT will feature weekly Parsha schmoozes, with quick-hitting, thought-provoking Divrei Torah to help paint an overall picture of the parsha, as well as a series on classic mussar works, such as Mesillas Yesharim. The podcast is hosted by Rabbi Zvi Herman, who has been teaching in post-high-school yeshivas and seminaries in Israel for over fifteen years.

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