Dr. Lisa Gives a Sh*t

Lisa Levy
Dr. Lisa Gives a Sh*t

ABOUT THE SHOW: Dr. Lisa has been practicing unlicensed therapy since 2001. She’s worked with over 1,000 clients including artists, comedians, musicians, politicians, writers, actual shrinks, celebrities and complete strangers.In 2001, she added Self-Proclaimed Psychotherapist to her busy schedule as an art director and conceptual artist. As an art project, she conceived and produced a live show where she invited audience volunteers to have a quickie therapy session on a couch on stage with her, making fun of the fact that she had no experience, and showing off her forged diploma.Within a year she had a regular show, Psychotherapy LIVE! and a ton of press to go with it from places like, The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Village Voice and pretty much any NYC paper with a theater section. She started her radio show, Dr. Lisa Gives A Shit in 2015, and before the pandemic, continued to perform therapy live in front of audiences.With her lightning quick read of people and her forthright insights, she can get to the essence of what people are trying to communicate quickly, and her sense of humor keeps everyone out of trouble.Due to her genuine curiosity, thoughtful questioning and quick wit, Dr. Lisa’s guests/patients reveal themselves whether they are planning to or not. It takes either a willingness to divulge or a bit of courage to be on Dr. Lisa’s couch. In Dr. Lisa’s world, everyone can sit for a therapy session and anything can seem like a therapy session. https://listentodrlisa.com/ #jencatron #pauloutlaw

  1. DLG0325_Yoshie Sakai talks about how her beautiful relationship with grandmother has influenced her art.

    ٣١ يناير

    DLG0325_Yoshie Sakai talks about how her beautiful relationship with grandmother has influenced her art.

    Yoshi Sakai is a super talented artist who is showing at my gallery, @Dog_House_Gallery for funny artists at The Brooklyn Comedy Collective. She was here all week and we sort of worked together since I have to manage working with the BCC inside of their busy space. So it was super cool to have gotten to know her and her work process before she came on the show. Yoshie is the first artist in her family and also (first) second generation. Yoshie trained as a professur in great and Latin, but at 30 took a turn and discovered art. Yoshie is very self-effacing, but in my fake-shrink opinion—I think shes self-effacing mostly because she cant quite grasp how successful she is at something so unusual and personal. I also think her humility is part of the secret sauce which makes her work so good. See Yoshie's work and more HERE Follow Yoshie on Instagram: @yoshie_sakai_studio Yoshie's Artist Statement: I create characters that respond and negotiate contemporary social issues of cultural identity, gender roles, and familial and personal relationships. As a subtly transgressive undercover cultural agent, I expose the absurdities of manipulative social structure while humorously struggling and reveling in those structures as a participant. By staging my videos within intimate installations that become psychological and imaginative playhouses, I give form to our vulnerability and evoking, sometimes, nervous laughter. My sculptures are created from found objects and composed into imaginary characters and interior sceneries grounded in both tangible and fantastical domesticity. I use tropes including East Asian soap operas, Hollywood musicals, and the wellness industry to expose the anxieties of aspiration, model minority myths, and filial piety through the lens of the longstanding, yet under-represented Japanese American community in South Los Angeles. My ongoing project has been an East Asian/Asian American hybrid soap opera video installation series called “KOKO’s Love,” where I challenge the “model minority” myth to reveal the guise of superficial “perfection” of being a 1.5 generation Japanese American woman—the “.5” feeling of not belonging to either the first generation or the second. Loosely autobiographical, I felt it was important to write, produce, direct, and play every character as a performative process. My work is about accessibility while nurturing human connection. I plan to focus on grandparents and the challenges within a family structure of varying generations in order to encompass a wider audience beyond “KOKO’s Love.” My work can function as a a critique of capitalism’s production of space and ways of being, while also drawing on popular forms of entertainment and media to engage diverse audiences, especially those historically devalued, ignored, and seen as burdens. People often ask, “Why are you so happy all of the time?” and my response is “It’s better than crying.” Ultimately, in my work I would like to continue the exploration of humor as a complicated intersection where hope, happiness, anxiety, and darkness reside much like our society, a tension-filled existence of both criticality and complacency.

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  2. ٢٧ يناير

    DLG0225 Comedian Claire Pelligrino's dad dated Dr. Lisa in the 90's.

    I had the great fortune of meeting Claire at an open mic in Bushwick. After they called my name she came up to me and asked me if I knew her parents. I did. Claire Pelllegrino has known of me since she was born because I am a leading character in her parent's, Jean Galton and Ron Pellegrino's origin story. I was really close to her mother bacaue we both worked for the same difficult boss at our first jobs in advertising. And I met her Dad while I was working at other agency freelance. I dated him for about 6 months. And as Claire already knows, they met at an apartment party I had. Ron and I had broken up by then and were good friends, and as was Jean and I, even though we were no longer working together. It seems like Jean and Ron were a case of love at first sight. And in my very own home. And as I tell Claire-he traumatized me once on a date for not letting me to get off a bus in New Jersey to the bathroom. Looking back I'm glad he dissuaded me—we'd still be wandering around NJ. Even tho I had nothing to do with shaping her now, I do take pride in her report that her parents were a good match and me cause of me. The weird thing for her I think is that even though, she's never seen me interact with her parents, I knew so m much about them. It made me so pleased to hear Claire discuss how happy and grateful for her parents doing such a great job in raising her which she describes beautifully. Claire is a super talented comedian. Check her out on Insta! @pellegrino_claire

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التقييمات والمراجعات

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‫٨ من التقييمات‬


ABOUT THE SHOW: Dr. Lisa has been practicing unlicensed therapy since 2001. She’s worked with over 1,000 clients including artists, comedians, musicians, politicians, writers, actual shrinks, celebrities and complete strangers.In 2001, she added Self-Proclaimed Psychotherapist to her busy schedule as an art director and conceptual artist. As an art project, she conceived and produced a live show where she invited audience volunteers to have a quickie therapy session on a couch on stage with her, making fun of the fact that she had no experience, and showing off her forged diploma.Within a year she had a regular show, Psychotherapy LIVE! and a ton of press to go with it from places like, The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Village Voice and pretty much any NYC paper with a theater section. She started her radio show, Dr. Lisa Gives A Shit in 2015, and before the pandemic, continued to perform therapy live in front of audiences.With her lightning quick read of people and her forthright insights, she can get to the essence of what people are trying to communicate quickly, and her sense of humor keeps everyone out of trouble.Due to her genuine curiosity, thoughtful questioning and quick wit, Dr. Lisa’s guests/patients reveal themselves whether they are planning to or not. It takes either a willingness to divulge or a bit of courage to be on Dr. Lisa’s couch. In Dr. Lisa’s world, everyone can sit for a therapy session and anything can seem like a therapy session. https://listentodrlisa.com/ #jencatron #pauloutlaw

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