The D.L. Hughley Show

The D.L. Hughley Show

The D.L. Hughley Show is now here! In this daily podcast, Comic D.L. Hughley provides a dose of truth while commenting on the latest news, pop culture, politics, sports, and social justice. Hughley takes listeners on a no-holds ride of humor and reality, stating, "I'm fast, funny, and topical. I make people laugh a lot and think a little. Some people want to push the envelope – I try to see if I can singe it a little."

최고 5점
92개의 평가


The D.L. Hughley Show is now here! In this daily podcast, Comic D.L. Hughley provides a dose of truth while commenting on the latest news, pop culture, politics, sports, and social justice. Hughley takes listeners on a no-holds ride of humor and reality, stating, "I'm fast, funny, and topical. I make people laugh a lot and think a little. Some people want to push the envelope – I try to see if I can singe it a little."

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