
A little-known secret: Washington Post Opinions columnists like talking to one another. They don’t always agree, of course, but they are in almost constant conversation – testing their ideas, refining their thoughts and sometimes changing their minds. Now you can listen in on some of those conversations. Each week on “Impromptu,” Post columnists go beyond hot takes and have personal, candid conversations on the latest topics in news and culture that we can't stop thinking about. Listen in on the conversations that happen before the columns are written. New episodes every Wednesday.
Подкасты с преимуществами по подписке
Just the Drink I Was Looking For
18 янв.
Thank you for this, I have been wanting to dive in for more info concerning the SG’s announcement. I do have one question, what is “bin” drinking? Half kidding of course I think your MD guest was saying “binge” but it sure sounded like “bin”.
Shake off the chains.
15 февр.
The country is on fire and episodes are about things like “why is it so difficult to stop making pennies?” Really? If the hosts are somehow constrained by WP leadership, have the courage to strike out with your own podcast! The talents and knowledge of the likes of Milbank, Marcus, etc. — Kane was excellent but now he seems out of the picture? — are being squashed and wasted.
Two idiots and Ruth Marcus
12 февр.
It is obvious that the WaPo is enthralled to King Trump
Enough Giggling Already
11 февр.
I was interested in the topic of remote work and this return to office now being implemented. But I couldn’t get past the hosts giggling and bad jokes. Felt like a bad lunch table in high school. It’s too bad to, Heather Long always had great info and it gets lost here.
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- АвторThe Washington Post
- Годы выхода2024 - 2025
- Выпуски69
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- ПоставщикThe Washington Post
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