powherfull inc startup stories

Mia Frankl
powherfull inc startup stories

This podcast represents the behind the scenes of starting a business, who you have to be, what actions drive the best results, the lessons learned and the internal growth of truly creating a business that serves you, that aligns with your purpose and acts as the playground for your soul. It's being in the thick of it now, and how we change and show up to actually match the desires of our heart. Here you will find a no fluff (not even intro music!) series of "as is / where is" conversations, with authentic and unedited female business owners in the early stages of launching, to pull back the curtain on being a solopreneur and building the biz from the ground up! #thisishowstartupsdoit If an episode moved you, please leave a review to help our reach. If you are looking for more of this community join the Collabratory on FB, where many of my guests and I carry on the conversation and do the work together to grow our businesses! Stay inspired and learn from my heart to yours how I manage my business and show up to serve in a way that works for me, and is simple enough to manage among a job, kids and a happy life! My gifts to you are: Self Love Guided Circle Master your Business Operations If you would like to be a guest, reach out to me at mia@powherfullinc.com ! xo

  1. Anna VanAgtmael, CEO & Founder of Wandering Roots


    Anna VanAgtmael, CEO & Founder of Wandering Roots

    Anna VanAgtmael is the founder of Wandering Roots. She hosts adventure retreats for women all over the world and helps entrepreneurs plan and host their own profitable retreats. Ummm that's more of what she does..... who she is though.... is what we talk about in this episode!! Anna is funny, intelligent and down to earth. She started her business in 2018 and worked it as a "side hustle" (I have to have a whole convo about that moniker though....) for two years before taking the leap into full time entrepreneurship..... and then! COVID! So she pivoted. She leveraged her passion and clarity with hosting women's retreats into HOW to host them (logistics to content to marketing etc). There are so many valuable lessons in this episode on making choices, on conviction, on seeing life higher than the routines of the day to day. Who Anna is today, to who she was circa 2017/2018 is vastly different, and yet just more of who she has always been. It's far too easy to get comfortable with the "book of life" approach to life (get a job, get married, grow up and be boring) and when we are called for more, it comes to get us. Often in the unfortunate yet break you free, shatter you to pieces way of a life changing event. While we don't wish that to be cause for WHY we evolve, in our conversation we explore whether or not we would evolve if not for such events.... And so, whether or not YOU face such a life changing event, the truth is you are always capable and available to make a change, a new choice, a new way regardless.... So will you ANSWER the call anyway? Brevity, courage and really, just pure willingness, carefree childlike curiosity of.... what else is possible.... is "all it takes!" From molecular diagnostics to.... women's retreats. Who would have thought! This is a gorgeous and relatable story of an everyday woman, just like you and me, choosing more! Go follow her at www.yourwanderingroots.com www.instagram.com/yourwanderingroots www.facebook.com/yourwanderingroots www.linkedin.com/in/anna-vanagtmael-214973b/ And maybe your "wake up call" is her freebie on how to plan your own retreat!! Build a profitable retreat in just 1 minute per day. For entrepreneurs who want to earn more money with their existing brand! This 2-week email series will help you create an incredible experience for your clients while making you more $...and it's totally free! https://retreat.yourwanderingroots.com/ Want a taste of what a Wandering Roots retreat is like? Grab a free DIY retreat guide (usually $39!) and enjoy all the adventure with NONE of the stress of planning. https://freebie.yourwanderingroots.com/

    41 мин.
  2. Caren Cooper, Trauma Informed Mindset Coach (& Disco Queen!)


    Caren Cooper, Trauma Informed Mindset Coach (& Disco Queen!)

    Time to enter STUDIO 54!!!! hahaha. YOU GUYSSSSSS. Caren Cooper is on the powherfull stage today and she is delivering FIIIIIREEEEEE. Let's boogie on the dance floor for this incredible episode!!! It's pure floooowwwww. Caren & I met a few years back in a mindset program and her transformation is an incredible testament to the power of saying YES TO YOURSELF. Caren basically lived as a suppressed, un-expressed, stressed woman for the majority of her life. She kept her bold fire dim and damp. but when she said YES to the program, she said yes to letting go of over 40 years of pent up insecurity, lack, and shrinking. From corporate America to self led entrepreneur, Caren now fully owns who she is, lives out loud and is a true example of how simple your healing & transformation can be. Pick a coach, DO THE WORKKKKKKKK, don't just buy a program but become the program. Which really ladies means slow down, just do the one thing and let it rebuild you to who you always were. No pressure, no judgement, just sit in the discovery of limiting beliefs, of your inner critic and take timmmmeeee to purge and release the junk that weighs you down. Because once you truly incubate yourself in this part of the journey, you emerge as a massive & magnetic firework ready to really LIVE. And this is what we talk about through this episode. Truly an example of one my fave powherfull tag lines "Overcome yourself to become yourself". LET'SSSS GOOOOOOO. Buckle up, its such a good episode!!!! And go follow the amazing Caren Cooper at: www.instagram.com/carencooper https://www.linkedin.com/in/carencooper https://www.facebook.com/caren.s.cooper

    51 мин.
  3. Shaté Hayes, CEO of Career Steward


    Shaté Hayes, CEO of Career Steward

    I admit I was nervous to meet with Shaté, her portfolio reads like a BIG DEAL. And that warrants credit - she has "accomplished" a LOT in her life already, vision, drive and impact. Full out pursuit of who she is / was.... success and accolades..... So yeah, I was like "who am I to speak with her about life and business...." But the instant we saw each other on the screens, the energy was there. We shared the lifeness of life and a laugh and it felt like connecting a long time friend I was just thrilled about hanging out with. My point? Who you are is not what you do. Who you are is your heart, your realness and your ongoing pursuit of that - of that spirit led, peaceful inner self who leads herself with clarity, with vision, with impact and for the sake of the service therein. Not so much attached to the outcome. So voila, welcome to the beautiful, relatable and honest Shaté Hayes. She is a creative strategist and storyteller on a mission to help professionals everywhere feel a sense of purpose and pride in their careers. She spent over a decade in her first career as a professional dancer/choreographer making stories come to life on live stages. As an edtech leader, she embedded strategy and storytelling into the career content and programs her team delivered. Now, as a consultant and founder of Career Steward, Shaté helps creatives and nonprofits tell the story of their work so they can get more of it. Go find her at: Freebie: www.lightmycareermatch.comWebsite: www.careersteward.coLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sedwards1908

    48 мин.
  4. Karen Sarmento, CEO of Sarmento Mentoring Services


    Karen Sarmento, CEO of Sarmento Mentoring Services

    I an in such awe of the amazing, powHERfull women I meet through this podcast. Who knew how incredible this show would become for my heart, for your heart, and for my genuine ever growing circle of "online" friends..... I just may have to have an in person event with all these beautiful guests one day....... I share this because whatever you are feeling, desiring, wondering about being possible, IS POSSIBLE. We are genuinely "just everyday women" making moves (not BIG moves in all cases) towards "more" The beautiful, gentle and encouraging Karen Sarmento left a 19 year career in nursing to start her coaching practice. NINETEEN YEARS. She stays on as auxiliary now but has transitioned into her business because she can serve in a different way and have more life flexibility, more income control and of course - more spirit led fulfillment. So how willing are you to try something different, not better, just different. After all, we only have this one life right? So why not find out how much MORE is possible...!!! Time to join us for a love filled conversation on being willing to look for more of yourself in the everyday. Karen is on a mission to empower women to redefine what success TRULY means to them and to create a life by design. She has created a step-by-step program to help you rediscover your passion, find your true purpose, and make a meaningful impact. JUST LIKE SHE DID. Big or small moves, JUST MOVE and SEE WHAT MORE IS POSSIBLE! And then go hang out with Karen at: Facebook Group Facebook Personal Page YouTube Instagram Trust yourself sister, let us show you how much you can actually trust yourself. Karen's freebie here is an awesome 10 Step WorkBook to actually "in your face" show you your confidence, done with Karen's gentle heart and encouragement. MOVE - this is a great first / 1000th step!! "10 Strategies to Instant Confidence"

    39 мин.
  5. Dominiece Clifton, CEO of Transformation YOUniversity


    Dominiece Clifton, CEO of Transformation YOUniversity

    Are you ready? Are you open? Are you relaxed and available to receive as we pour into you with another fabulous episode of startup stories with Dominiece Clifton; a woman who has overcome herself to BEcome herself. I love this "bio" in her own words: I'm a momma, a spiritual guide, a business coach, a healer, a teacher, and a modern day medicine woman. But really, I’m just a girl who had the courage to say YES! YES to my soul’s calling. YES to becoming someone new. YES to living life on my own terms. Can you be courageous to let more of who you are out? Do you know who she is, can you feel her inside of you? What you can create for yourself is completely possible and REAL. And its not complicated, its not "far away" and its not expensive!!! Its just about choosing, choosing more deeply, more intentionally and choosing "higher" than the complacent status quo we can easily fall into (this is a no shame, no judgement comment sisters!). HOOOOWWW we always want to know HOW. "Sounds good on paper MIA but HOW THE FRIG DO I DO "THIS"!!!? Right???? I feel you girl!!!! And Dom and I talk about HOW in this episode. How is imperfect, how is changing, how is uncomfortable, HOW TAKES TIME. And then, time passes and HOW becomes more of you, takes over and the HOW becomes the BEING. Dom gained momentum with daily habits and now offers her "4% Formula for Success" an easy and bite sized habit builder to support your mind, your faith and your body. I could go on, but I'd rather you hit play and lean in. Receive, believe and then HOW it into reality!! OXOX Follow Dom at: www.domrclifton.com https://domrclifton.com/glow-resources/ https://www.instagram.com/dominiecerclifton/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominiece-r-clifton-288b20b3/ https://www.facebook.com/dominiececlifton www.youtube.com/@dominiececlifton5473

    56 мин.
  6. Charm Moore Canada, CEO of Digital Wealth Creation Consultants (Abundance Quest)


    Charm Moore Canada, CEO of Digital Wealth Creation Consultants (Abundance Quest)

    Charmin how I love thee, let me count the ways!!!! disclaimer we got going so fast I didn't even record the intro, so hang on close & tight and lets gooooo!!!! I am constantly blown away and yet so "of course" about the powHERfull women I meet via this podcast. Thank you listeners for being there to receive and give back to us. When these convos occur, we lean deep into your heart and aim to speak life into your spirit. We feel connected to you and we relate to you. This could not be more true for this episode. Charm and I are connected through the supernatural for sure and the flow of this conversation takes you into that vortex. From the employee floors to the expanded self, we explore how you create what you want on the daily, and that it doesn't need to be BIG moves. Sisters, everyday empowerment is available NOW and its when you tap into that, that Moore Charm haha! like what I did there! comes forward. Charm and I are both still working jobs but it's not an excuse or barrier to pursuing higher work, higher self and most of all, ALL OF SELF. This is the freedom we seek, this is the spirit alive everyday, this is the eternal magic and fulfillment we desire. It is not some external circumstance, it is an inner state of BEING. Seek your divine calling, not wealth, and allow for things to come outside your forcing, outside your control, outside of you. Show up and prepare to receive. Be the woman who does receive because of who she is being.....! Hold on to earth for this one, because we fly hiiiiiigh and away here! Follow Charm at: www.iamcharmin.com www.facebook.com/Lifecoach.iamcharmin www.linkedin.com/in/charminmoore/ www.instagram.com/iamcharmin

    47 мин.
  7. Virginia Muzquiz, CEO of Master Connectors


    Virginia Muzquiz, CEO of Master Connectors

    Virginia is BACK and this time we tear apart the "should" from the who you really are and what role actually flows most naturally for you. I love the softer side Virginia presents in this conversation on positioning yourself for highest impact versus "spotlight". Stay with me, as we unpack the different ways you can find fulfillment without having to be front and center. We all have roles to play that bring forth mutual benefit. Sometimes we might "think" (ahem or be sold" on the idea that we all want a similar life or success story, but when we get deeper into our own truth, we can see that our meaning is self led and brings us to the right environments and results. So - get clear on who you love to be around and to serve. Become a trusted voice for that group by mirroring their needs and challenges. And then really consider the value of building strategic partnerships and a supportive team to complement one's own strengths and weaknesses. -> Even if it doesn't look like you though it would!!! (Let go of outcome). There is abundance all around, and we don't have to operate in a state of heavy "doing/performing" energy (masculine) to get what we want. There is a divine reason for different energies, for balance of masculine and feminine. They each fulfill different roles and each need each other for holistic outcomes. Virginia beautifully articulates finding the right balance between masculine and feminine energies. And she cautions against over-emphasizing masculine traits like drive and ambition at the expense of the feminine qualities of nurturing and community. She encourages focusing on experiences and relationships rather than chasing arbitrary financial goals, and being open to unexpected opportunities and resources. This is a fab episode from a fireball of a woman who is presently finding her softer, surrender and laisser faire frequency in the pursuit of greatness!!!! Find Virginia at: www.linkedin.com/in/virginiamuzquiz www.masterconnectors.com/blueprint (Freebie)

    53 мин.

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This podcast represents the behind the scenes of starting a business, who you have to be, what actions drive the best results, the lessons learned and the internal growth of truly creating a business that serves you, that aligns with your purpose and acts as the playground for your soul. It's being in the thick of it now, and how we change and show up to actually match the desires of our heart. Here you will find a no fluff (not even intro music!) series of "as is / where is" conversations, with authentic and unedited female business owners in the early stages of launching, to pull back the curtain on being a solopreneur and building the biz from the ground up! #thisishowstartupsdoit If an episode moved you, please leave a review to help our reach. If you are looking for more of this community join the Collabratory on FB, where many of my guests and I carry on the conversation and do the work together to grow our businesses! Stay inspired and learn from my heart to yours how I manage my business and show up to serve in a way that works for me, and is simple enough to manage among a job, kids and a happy life! My gifts to you are: Self Love Guided Circle Master your Business Operations If you would like to be a guest, reach out to me at mia@powherfullinc.com ! xo

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