
Jake the film guy

Helping you quote, land, and lead 4 and 5-figure video productions. I'm your host, Jake the film guy, from microbudgeter.com and this podcast is simply the audio content from the microbudgeter YouTube channel, stripped from their videos for all you auditory listeners out there!

  1. Why You Need Business Cards for Your Video Production Service!


    Why You Need Business Cards for Your Video Production Service!

    Why you need business cards for your video production service! Video producers! You need to have business cards! I talk about this elsewhere when starting a video production business (below), and it’s important for a myriad of reasons. First of all, Benjamin Franklin is still handing out his business card, and secondly, not everybody is into the whole QR code or clicking a hyperlink kind of thing. Even in this new world that we are adjusting to, printed products have a place in your video production business. Starting your video production business and scared like an alley cat? Never fear, you can start today! http://microbudgeter.com/blog/start-a-video-business Have no idea how to qualify a client? Don’t waste this God-given nonrenewable resource called time! microbudgeter.com/blog/video-production-dont-waste-precious-time-qualify-your-clients-first Want a good, reliable SUV when it comes to business cards? I use and recommend MOO. They make a quality card, and the name is memorable unlike the stodgy old printers at Vista Print: https://tinyurl.com/ycdjod2g ... Follow Microbudget Filmmaker & Jake the film guy: http://instagram.com/microbudgeter http://linkedin.com/in/jakethefilmguy Disclaimer: This video and the other Microbudget Filmmaker content contain affiliate links. This means if you click them and buy something, the merchant will provide Microbudget Filmmaker a small commission, at no extra charge to you. This helps support the mission of Microbudget Filmmaker - thank you!

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Helping you quote, land, and lead 4 and 5-figure video productions. I'm your host, Jake the film guy, from microbudgeter.com and this podcast is simply the audio content from the microbudgeter YouTube channel, stripped from their videos for all you auditory listeners out there!








