Hoos in STEM

STEM Advisor to the Provost at the University of Virginia
Hoos in STEM

Host Ken Ono, STEM Advisor to the Provost, keeps his finger on the pulse of scientific and technological innovation at UVA. Hoos in STEM showcases the marvelous cornucopia of STEM at UVA, from the latest innovations to growth inside and outside the classroom. Our theme music is CPU by Apples in Stereo.

평가 및 리뷰

최고 5점
8개의 평가


Host Ken Ono, STEM Advisor to the Provost, keeps his finger on the pulse of scientific and technological innovation at UVA. Hoos in STEM showcases the marvelous cornucopia of STEM at UVA, from the latest innovations to growth inside and outside the classroom. Our theme music is CPU by Apples in Stereo.

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