Hello and Welcome to episode 74 of UNFILTERED: Life & Awakening Podcast!
In this episode we take on the topic of Draconian, Reptilian, Illuminati, or Kabalian energy intention and discuss the implications of its message on Earth.
We start by describing the nature of our interpretation, the origination of light as our only and the primary source of being, and how all dissemination of self including energy of different intent originates from light.
We talk about the sovereign choice of self and at what point of our being are we made aware of the entire spectrum of choice that is us.
We discuss the nature of misdirection, distraction, and the introduction of narrow thinking to keep us from experiencing the full breadth of knowledge, the entire truth of us and the expansive knowledge of our being.
We discuss various examples and effects of choices both into light and integration and into the narrowed down perception of self by functioning in the selection of our lower chakra systems.
We discuss the importance of seeing through the choice of self and selecting sovereignty from the standpoint of full awareness; thus the freedom to be your own being.
As a whole, we identify, and introduce various aspects of implementation and the overall path of humanity into open minded, clear sovereign choice of self.
Hope you enjoy listening and find your own truth and path to being in the freedom on your right.
As always, with Love, Tanya & Elliott
Links from the Episode:
- Timothy Hogan, Grand Master of the Knights Templar - https://www.instagram.com/timothyhogan5
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs
- Library of Alexandria - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Alexandria
- Yuga Cycle - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuga_cycle
- Schools Banning Yoga - https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2018/09/why-schools-are-banning-yoga/570904/
- Lynne McTaggart - https://lynnemctaggart.com/
- Tony Robbins - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Robbins
- Phil Stutz - https://www.thetoolsbook.com/about-phil-and-barry
- 프로그램
- 주기매주 업데이트
- 발행일2025년 2월 18일 오전 11:00 UTC
- 길이1시간 36분
- 에피소드74
- 등급무삭제판