Driving Change: Marcela Eslava on Latin America’s Social Security Woes

IMF Podcasts

Driving Change: Women-Led Development Economics from the Ground Up

The International Economic Association’s Women in Leadership in Economics Initiative (IEA-WE) connects women economists worldwide and helps showcase their important empirical research, especially in developing countries. IMF Podcasts has partnered with the IEA-WE to produce a special series featuring the economists behind the invaluable local research that informs policymakers in places often overlooked. This episode of Driving Change features Colombian economics Professor Marcela Eslava, whose research looks to fix Latin America’s dysfunctional social security network.

Other episodes in the series include Turkish economist Ipek Ilkkaracan, who makes a strong business case for investing in social care infrastructure, and Kenyan economist Rose Ngugi, whose indices help local counties design better policies.

Transcript: https://bit.ly/3Os40bc

Special thanks to IEA editor Navika Mehta for this collaboration.

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