

Greetings, travelers of space and time! Know then that this is the #1 Dune podcast in the Known Universe, examining all things from the world of Frank Herbert’s legendary universe, including the classic books, groundbreaking movies, TV miniseries, tabletop and video games, documentaries, ongoing novels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson, and much, much more. Whether this is your first foray into the saga or you are returning like a Duncan Idaho ghola, join us for a show beyond your dreams and a podcast beyond your imagination. The ultimate Dune podcast is hosted by avid science fiction fans and podcasters Joe Tavano and Rod Johnson, and is part of the RetroZap Podcast Network. We endeavor to create the most detailed and insightful examinations of every piece of the Dune Universe, and connect with other fans in the process to create a positive and active community.

최고 5점
48개의 평가


Greetings, travelers of space and time! Know then that this is the #1 Dune podcast in the Known Universe, examining all things from the world of Frank Herbert’s legendary universe, including the classic books, groundbreaking movies, TV miniseries, tabletop and video games, documentaries, ongoing novels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson, and much, much more. Whether this is your first foray into the saga or you are returning like a Duncan Idaho ghola, join us for a show beyond your dreams and a podcast beyond your imagination. The ultimate Dune podcast is hosted by avid science fiction fans and podcasters Joe Tavano and Rod Johnson, and is part of the RetroZap Podcast Network. We endeavor to create the most detailed and insightful examinations of every piece of the Dune Universe, and connect with other fans in the process to create a positive and active community.

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