It's another news round-up as we look at the legal consequences facing Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, for enabling some pretty dark stuff on his end-to-end encryption chat app. Meanwhile, Boeing's woes continue as the Starliner has completely failed and stranded two astronauts on the ISS until February.
We also dig into the latest in the epidemic of security breaches that have almost certainly put your personal information at risk, the failure of companies to entice workers back to the office, and a truly ridiculous new feature for Google's Android phones.
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The post E041: Telegram and Boeing f***ed around and found out first appeared on Acceptance Criteria.
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- Chương trình
- Tần suấtHằng tuần
- Đã xuất bản10:00 UTC 26 tháng 9, 2024
- Xếp hạngSạch