38 min

Elevating Leadership Presence: Techniques for Making a Lasting Impression Leading Beyond Limits

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In this episode, we're thrilled to welcome Regina Huber, the dynamic CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE. With a career spanning through five continents, Regina brings a wealth of experience and insight to the table, from her leadership roles at The Boston Consulting Group to owning businesses across Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S.
As a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of "Speak up, Stand out and Shine," Regina is on a mission to drive bold, value-driven, and heart-centered leadership of self and others. Join us as we delve into Regina's eclectic journey, her strategies for empowering leaders to stand out and shine, and her vision for transformational leadership in today's global landscape. Whether you're an aspiring leader or a seasoned executive, this episode promises to inspire and equip you with the tools you need to elevate your performance and make a meaningful impact. Tune in and discover how Regina Huber is shaping the future of leadership one bold step at a time.
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In this episode, we're thrilled to welcome Regina Huber, the dynamic CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE. With a career spanning through five continents, Regina brings a wealth of experience and insight to the table, from her leadership roles at The Boston Consulting Group to owning businesses across Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S.
As a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of "Speak up, Stand out and Shine," Regina is on a mission to drive bold, value-driven, and heart-centered leadership of self and others. Join us as we delve into Regina's eclectic journey, her strategies for empowering leaders to stand out and shine, and her vision for transformational leadership in today's global landscape. Whether you're an aspiring leader or a seasoned executive, this episode promises to inspire and equip you with the tools you need to elevate your performance and make a meaningful impact. Tune in and discover how Regina Huber is shaping the future of leadership one bold step at a time.
Connect with Regina
Ø  Book Angel to speak here
Ø  Follow the Podcast on Instagram 
Ø  Have a podcast? Need to Create Promo Graphics?  Get 2 Weeks FREE of Headliner
Ø  Looking for Podcast Guests? Or Wanting to be a guest on other podcasts?  Check out this podcast matching service

38 min