Emily Holl of the Sibling Support Project

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Rachel and Christie talk with Emily Holl of the Sibling Support Network about the challenges for siblings of kids with disabilities both visible and invisible. Emily talks about SibShops, a worldwide program, that offers support to siblings of kids with special needs. Emily also offers tips on how parents can best support these siblings and help them voice their own feelings and fears. 

Emily Holl is the Director of the Sibling Support Project. Emily is a social worker, author, trainer, and sibling. Since 2003, she has worked in the disability field and has provided workshops, training, and groups for siblings, families, and individuals with disabilities. Emily has served as a board member of the national Sibling Leadership Network (SLN), and she founded sibsNY, the New York state chapter of the SLN. Emily has written about her own sibling experiences in blogs, magazines and books such as Thicker than Water. Emily was an author and a co-editor of The Sibling Survival Guide: Indispensable Information for Adult Brothers and Sisters of People with Disabilities, published by Woodbine House in 2014. 

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How to Talk So You Kids Will Listen by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

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