Emma Neary (Moneysupermarket) on Direct Sourcing & Candidate Experience

Click IQ Academy Podcast

Emma Neary and Alan Walker talk direct sourcing, and how candidate experience plays a big part in this. They discussed what an organisation needs to do to move towards a direct sourcing model, the important things to be mindful of, and some of the quick wins that can accelerate this approach.

In this conversation with Emma we discussed:

  • The key things that need to change to move towards a direct sourcing model.
  • How to move a recruiter from being an order taker to being a business partner.
  • The essential elements of taking a recruitment brief, and the need to ask “why?”
  • How taking a brief improves the ability for a recruiter to support candidates through the recruitment process.
  • What a recruitment team can do to be seen as strategically important.
  • How infusing a recruitment culture throughout an organisation, can deliver better results.
  • Things we can do to improve the candidate experience.
  • The role of technology, and how it can support a direct sourcing strategy.
  • What technology can do better than humans.
  • The importance of the recruitment process moving quickly, and the bottlenecks to work on.
  • How an organisation can market their opportunities more effectively.

Here's the link to the video version of this conversation:-









