Litigators Lounge

Business RadioX®
Litigators Lounge

Litigators Lounge is the go-to source for in-depth analysis and expert advice on law and the workplace. Jackie Voronov and Shylie Bannon, attorneys at Hall Booth Smith who specialize in labor and employment law, offer engaging discussions and diverse viewpoints from expert guests, along with an ample touch of humor. Listen as they delve into the intricate world of workplace legal issues, exploring real-life examples, unpacking legal scenarios, and offering expert insights to help organizations and employees navigate the ever-changing legal landscape.

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Litigators Lounge is the go-to source for in-depth analysis and expert advice on law and the workplace. Jackie Voronov and Shylie Bannon, attorneys at Hall Booth Smith who specialize in labor and employment law, offer engaging discussions and diverse viewpoints from expert guests, along with an ample touch of humor. Listen as they delve into the intricate world of workplace legal issues, exploring real-life examples, unpacking legal scenarios, and offering expert insights to help organizations and employees navigate the ever-changing legal landscape.

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