Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

Rob Broadhead
Develpreneur: Become a Better Developer and Entrepreneur

This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and technologists as well as those that want to become a designer and implementors of great software solutions. That includes solving problems through technology. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking, so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life.

  1. HACE 1 DÍA

    Kitchen Sink App: The Ultimate Developer Tool for Consistent and Scalable Software Design

    In the latest Building Better Developers episode, Rob Broadhead and Michael Meloche discuss the “Kitchen Sink App.” This season emphasizes building better habits for developers. The Kitchen Sink App involves creating a prototype or template with essential project controls and elements. It helps developers refine designs, ensure consistency, and facilitate productive client conversations. Introducing the Kitchen Sink App The hosts reintroduce the concept discussed in previous episodes. The Kitchen Sink App serves as a foundational tool for early-stage software development. By creating a prototype with key UI controls, styles, and functionalities, developers establish a solid visual and functional baseline. This approach promotes design consistency, encourages code reuse, and enhances client communication about the app’s look and feel. Rob’s Experience with Technology Sprawl Rob Broadhead opens the episode by sharing a personal story about working with a new client suffering from “technology sprawl.” This client had an unorganized and highly customized system. Which resulted in a massive application landscape where no single person fully understood the entire architecture. Although daunting, Rob points out that this situation offers a unique opportunity for progress. Because no matter where you start, you’re making meaningful strides toward organization. The Core Focus of the Kitchen Sink App The Kitchen Sink App focuses on establishing a clear structure for UI controls and elements. Rob highlights how these foundational elements streamline development and minimize redundant work. Developers can standardize controls like buttons, menus, tables, and input fields for desktop or web applications. With a template, developers can quickly build consistent interfaces without recreating components from scratch. Michael adds that this approach also helps avoid rework when clients request design changes. For example, updating button colors in the Kitchen Sink App automatically reflects the change throughout the entire application. Building for Multi-Platform Consistency A key takeaway is building applications with cross-platform capabilities in mind. Michael discusses the shift from standalone desktop apps to web and mobile applications, each with unique styling. With modern frameworks, developers can now build a single application that adapts to multiple platforms. The Kitchen Sink App is valuable here, providing a single source of truth for UI controls and styling across platforms. It helps developers maintain consistency across devices, enhancing the user experience while simplifying maintenance and testing. Real-World Applications and Best Practices Rob and Michael also emphasize how developers can leverage the Kitchen Sink App to prototype features and gather client feedback early on. By showing clients a working prototype, developers can align expectations, iterate on designs, and ensure that the final product meets the client’s needs. This proactive approach prevents miscommunication and fosters a collaborative relationship between developers and stakeholders. Moreover, Michael provides a helpful tip: developers working on web applications can use browser developer tools to extract and replicate branding elements from an existing site. This can speed up the process of aligning new software with an organization’s established design guidelines. The Episode’s Challenge: Build Your Own Kitchen Sink App Rob wraps up the episode with a challenge for developers: build a Kitchen Sink App for your current or upcoming project. Whether you are developing a desktop application or a web-based interface, create a simplified version that includes all essential controls and styles. This exercise not only sharpens your development skills but also prepares you to handle unexpected client requests with ease. Why the Kitchen Sink App is Essentia

    24 min
  2. HACE 3 DÍAS

    Pomodoro Technique: Boost Your Focus and Productivity with Time-Blocking

    In the latest season of Building Better Developers, Rob Broadhead and Michael Meloche delve into the essential topic of building better habits. Season 23, episode 2 starts with a deep dive into a powerful productivity method: the Pomodoro Technique. This episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for elevating your focus and productivity. What Is the Pomodoro Technique? The Pomodoro Technique, named after the Italian word for “tomato,” is a time-management method designed to boost focus and efficiency. The name comes from the tomato-shaped kitchen timer used by its creator, Francesco Cirillo. The technique involves breaking your work into intervals of 25 minutes, called “Pomodoros,” with short 5-minute breaks in between. This method helps combat distractions, enhances focus, and encourages consistent work habits. Focus and Intentionality The fundamental principle of the Pomodoro Technique is intentionality. It emphasizes dedicating a block of time to a single task without interruptions. Rob and Michael stress the importance of avoiding common productivity pitfalls, such as multitasking and constant context-switching. By setting a timer for 25 minutes, you commit to a task without allowing external distractions like emails or social media to break your flow. Structuring Your Workday To get the most out of the Pomodoro Technique, it’s essential to structure your tasks effectively. Michael advises against overloading your list with too many tasks. Instead, create a focused and concise list of priorities for each day. This keeps your work straightforward and manageable, reducing the risk of burnout or feeling overwhelmed. Another advantage of the Pomodoro Technique is its flexibility. You can adjust the intervals to suit your needs. For instance, if you find 25 minutes too short, you could extend your focus periods to 45 minutes with 15-minute breaks. Experimenting with these variations allows you to tailor the technique to your workflow. Leveraging the Pomodoro Technique Beyond Work While the Pomodoro Technique is often used in work, Rob and Michael encourage applying it to other areas of life. For example, you can use Pomodoro sessions for household chores, side projects, or hobbies. This structured focus can help you stay organized and prevent distractions from derailing your progress. Tips for Success with the Pomodoro Technique Rob and Michael offer some practical tips for getting the most out of the Pomodoro Technique: 1. Set Clear Goals: Michael suggests folding an 8x11 sheet of paper into an index card size and writing a concise list of the day’s tasks. This visual aid helps you stay focused and prevents you from overloading your day with too many priorities. 2. Use a Physical Timer: A physical kitchen timer provides accountability. Unlike digital timers, which are easy to ignore or lose in the background, a physical timer’s ticking sound keeps you mindful of your time. 3. Plan Breaks Wisely: Use breaks for refreshing activities like walking, stretching, or grabbing snacks. These breaks are vital for maintaining focus over long periods. The 7-Day Challenge: Applying the Pomodoro Technique Daily To help listeners integrate the Pomodoro Technique into their routine, Rob introduces a 7-day challenge. Dedicate at least one Pomodoro session each day to a specific task for the next week. Rob suggests trying the technique for work-related tasks and non-work activities like cleaning, organizing, or even exercise. This challenge aims to demonstrate the versatility of the Pomodoro Technique and its effectiveness in various aspects of life. By consistently focusing on one task at a time, you can develop stronger habits and experience improved concentration and productivity. Building Better Habits with the Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a practical and powerful way to enhance focus and productivi

    28 min
  3. 17 OCT

    Security Awareness: Protect Your Code, Your Career, and Your Future

    Season 23 of the Building Better Developers podcast kicks off with a focus on building better habits. The first episode covers a critical topic for developers and tech enthusiasts: security awareness. Hosted by Rob Broadhead and Michael Meloche, the episode stresses the need for vigilance. In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, staying aware is more important than ever. A Shift Toward Actionable Advice The hosts emphasize that this season will be more actionable than ever. Unlike the last season that focused on the developer journey, Season 23 targets building better habits. These habits promote more effective and responsible development practices. Each episode will cover specific skills, tools, or behaviors. Developers will learn how to integrate these into their daily routines. Security awareness, the focus of this episode, is a vital habit. It directly impacts both personal and professional data security. Action Item: schedule at least 30 minutes to explore security awareness. Use a search engine to find security awareness tools or vendors, many of which offer free content or trial periods. This will help you stay updated on the latest scams and security threats. Why Security Awareness is Crucial Security threats are more common than ever. Phishing scams and social engineering are just a few hacker tactics. Hackers have many methods to exploit vulnerabilities. Rob explains that developers may feel confident spotting threats. However, even tech-savvy individuals can fall for well-executed scams. Security awareness isn’t just for IT professionals; it’s for everyone. Those in technical fields may assume they’re immune, but they’re not. Rob shares a story to illustrate the importance of security awareness. He received a suspicious email from what appeared to be a legitimate state tax office. At first, it seemed like a scam. After thorough research and contacting the organization, it turned out to be a valid notice. This example shows that, even when cautious, it’s crucial to verify suspicious communications before taking action. Taking Security Awareness Seriously Instead of a daily habit challenge, Rob suggests scheduling regular security check-ins. He recommends doing this throughout the year. Set aside time every few months to review your security posture. This includes both personal and organizational security. These check-ins could involve: Updating passwords Reviewing email security alerts Exploring the latest security awareness tools or vendors Rob notes that many security awareness vendors offer free resources or trial periods. These vendors frequently update their content with the latest scam and threat information, making it easier to stay informed. He mentions well-known providers like KnowBe4, Mimecast, and INFOSEC. All of these offer accessible programs to help individuals and organizations stay current on emerging threats. Key Steps for Developers Michael offers valuable insights by suggesting developers use secure password managers like KeePass or LastPass. These tools help store credentials safely. He stresses the importance of regularly reviewing and updating passwords, especially for financial accounts. Michael warns against reusing passwords across different platforms. This common mistake can lead to widespread vulnerability if one account is compromised. Another key security tip is to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. Rob and Michael both agree that MFA provides an essential layer of protection. It helps prevent unauthorized access, even if login credentials are compromised. For businesses, Michael advises checking industry-specific security requirements to ensure compliance with regulations. This is especially important in sectors like healthcare and finance, where security breaches can have legal and financial consequences. The Role of Technology in Building Better Se

    25 min
  4. 15 OCT

    The Developer Journey: Key Lessons for Career Growth and Consistency

    Software developers face unique challenges throughout their careers. The Developer Journey podcast tackles these issues head-on. Hosts Michael Meloche and Rob Broadhead guide listeners through typical career milestones. Their show, "Building Better Developers," just wrapped up its twenty-second season covering the Developer Journey. In the finale, they distill vital insights from their discussions throughout the season. These takeaways offer valuable guidance for developers at all levels. Let's explore the lessons that can shape a thriving development career. The Importance of Consistency and Momentum in Your Developer Journey One of the most consistent themes throughout this season has been the need for regular, incremental progress. Rob emphasizes the importance of building habits that support your long-term goals, likening this to the concepts discussed in Atomic Habits by James Clear. In your developer journey, maintaining momentum is critical. It’s okay to miss a day of progress occasionally but avoid falling into a pattern of inconsistency. For many developers, this could mean dedicating 15 minutes a day to learning a new technology, improving a skill, or tackling a side project. By keeping the ball rolling, developers ensure they are always advancing their careers, even in small ways. Once you build momentum, it becomes easier to keep moving forward, creating a sustainable path of growth in your developer journey. Communication and Documentation: Essential Skills for Every Developer In any developer journey, mastering technical skills is only part of the equation. Equally important is the ability to communicate effectively, both within your team and with stakeholders. Rob and Michael discussed how communication, particularly through status updates and documentation, is often neglected but critical for a developer’s success. Documentation is a crucial tool for every developer. It benefits both you and others throughout your career. Document your code, solutions to complex problems, and project details. This creates a reliable reference for future use. Good documentation helps team members understand your work. It allows them to continue where you left off seamlessly. Prioritize communication and documentation in your role. These skills will distinguish you as a well-rounded professional. They're essential aspects of a successful developer journey. Adapting to Change: Staying Relevant in the Developer Journey One of the key challenges discussed throughout the season is the need to stay agile in the face of change. As industries evolve and technologies advance, developers must be prepared to adapt. Michael stresses the importance of continuously updating your skill set to stay relevant in an ever-changing field. The developer journey demands constant growth. You can't afford to become complacent, regardless of your experience level. Staying current with new languages, frameworks, and industry trends is essential. Rob emphasizes the importance of learning how to learn. This skill is invaluable for any developer. Your career will introduce you to new tools, platforms, and concepts. Adapting to these changes is crucial. Embrace this ongoing learning process. It keeps you competitive and ready for future challenges. This mindset helps you navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape effectively. Setting Yourself Up for Success: Time Management and Habits A successful developer journey also requires careful time management and the development of effective habits. Rob shares his own approach to managing time, scheduling specific blocks in his calendar for tasks that contribute to his professional growth. This could include learning a new skill, working on a side project, or even dedicating time to documentation. This approach is essential for developers, particularly those balancing multiple projects or a side hustle. Developing a consistent routine helps ens

    24 min
  5. 10 OCT

    Ending Your Developer Journey: How to Leave a Lasting Legacy

    In this episode of Building Better Developers, the host dives into a crucial topic—ending your developer journey. Whether you’re nearing the end of your career, transitioning to a new job, or closing down a side project, knowing how to wrap up your work properly is essential. The episode offers insights into how to leave things in good order, ensuring continuity for whoever comes after you. The developer journey: Preparing for the end Ending your developer journey can take many forms. Some developers may be nearing retirement, while others are simply transitioning from one role to another. For some, it might be moving on from a side hustle or shutting down a business. Regardless of the specific situation, the key message in the podcast is this: endings are rarely simple, and you should always aim to leave things in good shape. Rather than abruptly walking away, consider how you can ensure a smooth handoff. Whether it’s to a new developer, your successor, or the next business owner, there are essential steps to take to ensure that your hard work doesn’t go to waste. Documentation: A crucial step in ending your developer journey One of the most emphasized points in the episode is the importance of documentation when ending your developer journey. Proper documentation is key to a smooth transition, whether you’re leaving a job, closing a project, or finishing up a side business. Documenting processes go beyond simply writing down login credentials or passwords. It involves explaining daily routines, coding structures, building scripts, server details, and contact information for team members or clients. This ensures that whoever steps in after you has all the necessary knowledge to continue the work effectively. Without proper documentation, your hard-earned legacy could be tarnished. The podcast highlights how this is not just about helping the next person but also about protecting the value of the work you’ve contributed to throughout your developer journey. Transitioning jobs: The right way to end your developer journey at a company Ending your developer journey means transitioning from one job to another for many developers. This process is often filled with mixed emotions, but it’s essential to handle it professionally and ethically, regardless of the circumstances. Even if you’re leaving a job you don’t enjoy, burning bridges is never a good strategy, especially in a tightly-knit industry like software development. The host shares several personal experiences of leaving jobs where he was crucial to the company’s daily operations. One standout example is when he gave 30 days’ notice at a job where he was the only person familiar with a complex system. He spent his last month documenting every process, recording tutorials, and training team members to take over his responsibilities. Months later, the company praised his efforts to make the transition seamless, highlighting the importance of keeping things in good standing. Shutting down a business or side hustle: The final stage of ending your developer journey For developers running their businesses or side hustles, ending your developer journey often means shutting down these ventures. This can be an emotionally complex, significantly if you’ve invested years into building a company. However, proper planning is essential if the time has come to move on. One of the key lessons shared in the podcast is the importance of clear communication when shutting down a business. If you have customers or clients, giving them advance notice about your plans is vital. The host recalls a company that notified its customers months in advance, ensuring no one felt blindsided by the closure. In contrast, he shares a negative experience of a restaurant that closed suddenly without warning, leaving loyal customers frustrated and confused. This lesson can be applied to any business or side hu

    26 min
  6. 8 OCT

    Accounting Tips for Side Hustles: How to Manage Invoicing and Billing Like a Pro

    In this episode of the Building Better Developers podcast, the hosts discuss an essential aspect of running a side hustle or small business: accounting. For developers and entrepreneurs, maintaining proper financial practices is critical to ensuring long-term success, and this episode offers practical advice on managing your business’s finances, from setting up accounts to handling invoicing and billing. Accounting Basics: Separate Accounts and Software The first crucial point the hosts emphasize is the importance of separating personal and business finances. When starting a side hustle, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is mixing personal expenses with business transactions. The podcast stresses that every business needs a dedicated business checking account, no matter how small. This not only helps with tracking income and expenses but also simplifies your accounting processes and makes tax season much more manageable. Using accounting software is highly recommended. Whether it’s QuickBooks, FreshBooks, or any other tool, having software to track your business’s financial activity is essential. These tools can handle invoicing, generate reports, and help with tax preparation. Choosing the right software that can grow with your business is vital. While free or basic software plans may seem attractive initially, they can become problematic when your business expands. Switching systems later can be time-consuming and tedious, so picking a tool that meets your long-term needs from the start is best. Accounting for Invoicing and Billing: Professionalism Matters A significant portion of the podcast is dedicated to the accounting aspects of invoicing and billing. Professionalism in this area can significantly impact how clients perceive you and how smoothly your financial processes run. The hosts remind listeners to set up a consistent invoicing schedule—whether you bill weekly, biweekly, or monthly—and stick to it. This consistency ensures payments come in regularly and clients know when to expect invoices. Defining payment terms in your invoices is another critical task. Without clear payment expectations, clients may delay payments, leading to cash flow issues. Whether you prefer immediate payments, payments within seven days, or a month, clearly communicate this on your invoices to avoid confusion. Choosing the Right Accounting Tools for Your Business Rob and Michael explore various options for handling accounting tasks in a small business or side hustle. While some entrepreneurs start with simple tools like spreadsheets to manage income and expenses, they recommend upgrading to more robust accounting software as the business grows. These tools not only manage invoicing and billing but also handle payroll, expense tracking, and tax filing. One key consideration when selecting accounting software is scalability. Many small business owners begin with essential, free software that works well for a few clients. However, as your business grows, these systems may struggle to keep up with more complex operations. Choosing accounting software that can grow your business from the beginning saves you from the headache of transitioning later. Staying on Top of Your Accounting: Financial Reviews and Follow-Ups A consistent theme in the podcast is the importance of reviewing your accounting records regularly. The hosts recommend setting aside time each week to reconcile your bank accounts and ensure that all transactions are recorded accurately. This habit helps you catch mistakes early and keeps your books current. Following up on outstanding invoices is another crucial accounting task. Make sure clients pay on time, primarily if your cash flow depends on it. Address payment issues promptly to avoid more significant financial problems later. Accounting and Business Growth The podcast emphasizes that accounting is more than just an administrative

    24 min
  7. 3 OCT

    Advocating vs Arguing: How to Drive Collaboration and Success in Software Development

    In the world of software development, disagreements are inevitable. Whether it’s about the tools to use, the architecture to build, or the best approach to solving a problem, developers often find themselves at odds with one another. The key to overcoming these conflicts lies in understanding the difference between advocating for the right solution and falling into the trap of arguing. This podcast episode explores the subtle but critical distinction between advocating vs arguing and how mastering this difference can help developers foster a collaborative, productive environment. Advocating vs Arguing: What’s the Difference? At the heart of the advocating vs arguing debate is intent. Advocacy is about championing a solution that will lead to the best outcome for the project and, ultimately, the customer. It’s rooted in objective reasoning, where you present facts, data, and insights to support your viewpoint. Advocacy is a healthy part of team collaboration—it invites open dialogue and allows others to consider new ideas. Arguing, on the other hand, is often emotional and personal. It occurs when someone becomes attached to their solution, defending it not because it’s the best option for the team or the customer but because they’ve invested time and effort in it. When developers argue, they may lose sight of the project’s goals and focus more on proving their ideas superior. This can lead to friction, slow down progress, and create a toxic work environment. Advocating: Keeping the Focus on the Customer Rob highlights the importance of keeping the end-user or customer at the forefront of any discussion. When developers advocate for a solution, it should always be about what’s best for the project and, by extension, the customer. Advocacy comes from a place of collaboration, where team members work together to achieve shared goals. For instance, let’s say a team of React developers is considering whether to switch to Angular for a new project. Advocacy would involve presenting the pros and cons of both frameworks, considering the customer’s needs, and discussing the team’s ability to execute the transition effectively. The focus remains on how this decision will impact the final product and its value to the customer. In contrast, arguing might look like one developer aggressively defending React simply because they are more comfortable with it, disregarding whether it genuinely serves the project’s goals. When personal biases and emotional attachments take over, it becomes harder to evaluate what’s best for the team and customer objectively. Arguing: When Personal Attachments Take Over One of the most common reasons developers argue is their emotional attachment to their work. As the Michael and Rob explains, developers are not just problem-solvers but creators. They invest time and energy into crafting solutions, and it’s easy to become personally attached to the code they write or the approach they advocate for. However, when this attachment crosses the line into stubbornness, it leads to arguing rather than advocating. The first step in avoiding the trap of arguing is self-awareness. Developers should ask themselves: Am I defending this solution because it’s truly the best option or because it’s the one I’m most familiar with? Is my attachment to this idea clouding my judgment? By checking personal biases at the door and focusing on the project’s goals, developers can move from arguing to advocating in a productive way. Advocating vs Arguing: The Importance of Compromise A key point in the advocating vs arguing discussion is the ability to find common ground. In software development, there are rare cases where one solution is perfect, and all others are completely wrong. More often, the best solution is a compromise incorporating multiple ideas' strengths. When developers argue, they push for absolutes—either thei

    31 min
  8. 1 OCT

    Estimation Essentials: How to Nail Pricing for Development Projects

    This Building Better Developers podcast episode focuses on a crucial and often tricky aspect of the developer journey—pricing and estimation. As developers progress in their careers, they eventually move beyond short-term tasks and need to estimate project-level work. This includes their own time and the time of other team members, system requirements, and environmental needs. Understanding how to accurately price and estimate a project is vital to ensuring both the success of the project and a healthy client relationship. Why Requirements Matter in Estimation One of the first points highlighted in this episode is the critical role of requirements in pricing and estimation. In any development project, gathering as many requirements as possible before starting is essential. While agile methodologies encourage flexibility, having a solid foundation to prevent chaos down the road is still important. Rob stresses that without clear requirements, estimations can quickly become meaningless, leading to missed deadlines and ballooning costs. Although some requirements may evolve during the project, the more information you can gather upfront, the more accurate your estimates will be. Agile allows for course corrections, but there must be a starting point to avoid “spinning your wheels” and wasting time and resources. Using Buckets to Estimate Tasks One practical approach to managing uncertainties in project estimation is breaking the project down into smaller “buckets” or groupings. Developers can assign rough estimates for each part by dividing the project into smaller components. For example, a 5,000-hour project might be split into development, testing, design, and project management categories. This method also helps when estimating work for others on the team. Developers should account for different skill levels and experience, adjusting estimates based on how long it might take different team members to complete a task. Rob suggests using your experience as a baseline and then adjusting for the various levels of expertise within the team. The Importance of Over-Estimating A key takeaway from the podcast is the importance of overestimating time and costs. It’s easy to underestimate how long a task will take, especially when dealing with larger projects that stretch over months. While underestimating might help win a project, it can lead to significant problems if the work takes longer than expected. This is particularly dangerous in long-term projects, where underestimating can result in burnout, frustration, and dissatisfied clients. To avoid these issues, developers are advised to double or even triple their original estimates to allow room for unforeseen challenges. Rob points out that it’s always better to deliver under budget or ahead of schedule than to come up short and disappoint your client. Estimating Hardware and Infrastructure Costs In addition to estimating development time, developers also need to factor in hardware and infrastructure costs. In cloud-based projects, for example, many automated tools can help estimate the cost of servers, storage, and other resources. However, these estimates can be wildly inaccurate without understanding the full scope of user behavior and project requirements. Key questions to ask when estimating hardware include: How many users will be on the system? Will the system handle global or local traffic? Will it involve significant data storage? What are the performance expectations? These considerations can majorly impact both hardware costs and project timelines. Accounting for Hidden Costs One area where developers often struggle in pricing and estimation is accounting for the hidden costs associated with a project. Meetings, agile ceremonies (such as daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives), and project management tasks take time away from development bu

    32 min
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This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and technologists as well as those that want to become a designer and implementors of great software solutions. That includes solving problems through technology. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking, so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life.

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