Endometrial carcinoma: Systemic therapies. Part 1 - The physicians' perspective

COR2ED - Obstetrics & Gynecology Medical Conversation

Join world-renowned gynaecological oncology experts Dr Domenica “Ketta” Lorusso and Dr Mansoor Mirza as they explore the changing landscape of systemic treatment in endometrial carcinoma. Single-agent immunotherapies (pembrolizumab and dostarlimab), and now immunotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy combinations (pembrolizumab and lenvatinib), are transforming treatment pathways, with OS benefits in the second-line now achievable. They offer tips for managing the toxicity of these novel therapeutic options and set the stage for 2023, a year which promises a paradigm shift in the use of systemic treatments in this once underserved malignancy.

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