EP 01: Daniel Kinnoch, A.I tools and Planning

Future Proof Podcast

To kick off Episode 01 of the Future Proof Podcast, we're delving into A.I and it's use-cases within Planning. Joined by Daniel Kinnoch, the Founder and Director CoLab Planning - a specialist resource management consultancy, based in Auckland, NZ.

CoLab Planning has embraced a 'Technology First' approach, integrating AI tools that have transformed their business operations and services.

In this episode, Daniel shares:

  • His journey from planner to tech-savvy planning business founder.
  • How CoLab Planning has adopted a 'technology first' planning approach.
  • Practical tips, A.I tools/applications for language models and interpreting images.
  • The good and bad of ChatGPT.

If you'd like to hear more episodes like this - don't forget to subscribe.

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