The BadassFabulous Podcast

Pej. O
The BadassFabulous Podcast

*Want to go from a Beautiful Mess to a Fabulous Glory?* Join Pej, also known as the "Chief Encouragement Officer" of the World, as she interviews experts and fellow ‘BadassFabulouses’ and shares weekly fun and deep insights into how you can become a person of excellence, a person who becomes more fearless and unapologetic daily, in being who they were created to be in the world. The BadassFabulous podcasts discusses ways to become more aware of your journey to improved well-being and self-mastery, by cultivating self-truth ** while coming from a place of love, sincerity and truth. This is the new destination for you to learn to improve your Self-Truth, which is uncovering a bit more of who you really are consistently or daily and having the courage to step into the truth uncovered. *This leads you to knowing your capacity and believing and trusting in yourself more.* *'Badass'* stands for courage - big or small steps taken towards your life's purpose, while *'Fabulous,'* stands for the growth and fruits (desired results), that comes after any courageous step is taken. The BadassFabulous podcast presents tools that *help you align your body, mind, soul and actions to God, while improving your integrity, commitment and consistency skills,* which are needed for you to become BadassFabulous! This is a fun path to wholeness and self-mastery, so join us and become more BadassFabulous! Instagram:

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    EP 027: It's a New Year! Eff Your Resolutions and Go within Instead!

    Someone very wise said that the issue with most humans is that "we feel we have enough time." I believe that it was Seneca who said that. I'm the same person who use to say "God created enough time." And I'm also the same person who use to say that "I'll Sleep when I'm dead." Now that I'm older and wiser, all those statements can be true and are kind of connected if you really think about it. Everything in life is connected and works in harmony. Once one area of your life goes out of the divine flow of harmony for your life, you'll feel it on a deep soul level. January is here, literally almost over and everyone seems to be "going hard" on the plans they've created for themselves. Studies have shown that most people will quit by the 21st of January- sheesh! For the past few years, I basically take it very slow in January, I believe that it's the best month to take a few weeks off, if possible, and to fully disconnect from the world. During this time, I love to reflect even deeper on the previous year and my life, and a few ways I would really love to have transformed by the end of the new year, including what new things I'm ready to expand for in order to receive. Listen to more in this episode, plus the main areas of my life I truly focus on. Setting worldly goals is important, but including God in your plans and in building your character is what truly counts! "Unless the Lord builds a house, he that builds labors in vain!" I mean check out this bible verse: “Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such-and-such a city, stay there a year trading and make a profit”! You don’t even know if you will be alive tomorrow! For all you are is a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears. Instead, you ought to say, “If God wants it to happen, we will live” to do this or that. But as it is, in your arrogance you boast. All such boasting is evil.” So plan all you want, but at the end of the day if your well-being is "out-of-whack," you can only go so far with accomplishing your goals. In this episode, I talk about 5 main areas of well-being: Your BodyYour MindYour Soul/ SpiritualYour RelationshipsYour Finances and relationship to Money I also talk about the "Metaverse" and how that could impact your future. Yes, I do! Everyone is desiring for something new and better in the months to come, but you can only become by minding your daily thoughts, habits, and choices/ actions, to create something new for yourself in 2022! How would you want to make your life count this year? What do you want to see in your life regardless of this pandemic and future strains? What do you choose to do with your life in 2022? Above all, what is the 1 thing you desire to happen this 2022?   Enjoy this episode and Have a BadassFabulous New Year!!!! #metaverse #selftruth #selftrust #selfacceptance

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    EP 025: Enjoying Prayer Again - How to Pray and Get Your Prayers Answered

    I know from my experience that prayer is so simple, yet it could be such a challenge to get into that place of prayer. Living in a world full of distractions these days doesn't help either, and it's so so easy to have the time for prayers listed at the bottom of your to-do list, or maybe it just never made the list due to overwhelm, stress or anxiety. Ever wondered how to pray or what to pray for? Or whether prayers still work? Does prayer feel like a chore to you, like something you feel you "need to do"? Do you genuinely enjoy praying? Do you want to build a consistent prayer practice? Prayer is basically having a divine pure connection with God by talking to God. In this episode, join Pej as she shares a list of very important things to check- before, during, and after prayers. So listen in to get some prayer insights on: What hurts you the most and causes you the most pain?What do you lose sleep about?State of your heart when you pray.Going to God with all your pains and giving them to him.Going exactly where it hurtsHaving intimacy - open your heart fully and Having a genuine connection with the DivineBeing clear in your words when you prayQuoting bible scriptures as prayersComing just as you areHaving your soul prosper as you prosper in lifePraying in silenceHow to integrate the presence of God into your busy livesNourishing your relationship with GodPride comes before a fall - Being humbleThe danger of praying with doubtTrusting God alwaysTaking your time with praying Enjoy listening to this episode and remember to be BadassFabulous for the greater good, because the world becomes a better place when you become more of who you were created to be! Come say Hello: Instagram: #selftruth #badassfabulous #selfacceptance #selfworth #GodisstillGod

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    EP 024: Nadine Kelly - A Journey Outside the Comfort Zone.

    Why is the comfort zone called the "comfort zone" when it's filled with managed discomfort? This managed discomfort manifests in all sorts of ways, but most commonly in our bodies, especially when its time to get out of the comfort zone. There are so many people who feel stuck in their comfort zone, and are just so afraid of taking the leap out of it. They'd rather stay in the pain and discomfort of the comfort zone than to lead more fulfilling lives, where fear and courage dance together. Listen to this podcast episode, as my awesome guest Nadine Kelly, shares her journey and the process of what it really took for her to go from being a medical doctor (her comfort zone), to becoming a yoga instructor (outside her comfort zone) and bringing healing and mental health awareness to the "wise women" generation. Nadine shares the ups, downs, fears and joys of going on this journey to discover her life's calling. In this episode, you will learn: How Nadine discovered her calling at the age of 40The true value of self acceptance and approval, plus the dangers of waiting for people to choose youThe importance of living your calling in the right settingEmbracing uncertaintyThe importance of having a supportive support systemThe importance of having positive internal conversationsThe importance of Self-studyThe Practice of slowing down to catch the pieces to your life's puzzle.So many other wisdom nuggets! Life kicks you in the "tushki" continuously when you’re not doing what you’re created to, so I hope this episode inspired you to take THAT LEAP! On the other side of that is excitement, self-approval, acceptance, fulfillment, joy, and so much more. You get to lead and live a more fulfilled life filled with joy, success and love. To get in touch with Nadine or get more of her, find her on: Website: Podcast: Instagram:  Facebook: "Do not wait for permission to be chosen. Go for it!" - Nadine Kelly  Thanks for listening. Be BadassFabulous for the greater good!

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*Want to go from a Beautiful Mess to a Fabulous Glory?* Join Pej, also known as the "Chief Encouragement Officer" of the World, as she interviews experts and fellow ‘BadassFabulouses’ and shares weekly fun and deep insights into how you can become a person of excellence, a person who becomes more fearless and unapologetic daily, in being who they were created to be in the world. The BadassFabulous podcasts discusses ways to become more aware of your journey to improved well-being and self-mastery, by cultivating self-truth ** while coming from a place of love, sincerity and truth. This is the new destination for you to learn to improve your Self-Truth, which is uncovering a bit more of who you really are consistently or daily and having the courage to step into the truth uncovered. *This leads you to knowing your capacity and believing and trusting in yourself more.* *'Badass'* stands for courage - big or small steps taken towards your life's purpose, while *'Fabulous,'* stands for the growth and fruits (desired results), that comes after any courageous step is taken. The BadassFabulous podcast presents tools that *help you align your body, mind, soul and actions to God, while improving your integrity, commitment and consistency skills,* which are needed for you to become BadassFabulous! This is a fun path to wholeness and self-mastery, so join us and become more BadassFabulous! Instagram:

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