It Doesn't Matter

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Former radio guys, Othello & Blue Shorts, have realized the meaninglessness of life after having their dreams crushed for a solid decade, so they're starting a show because it doesn't matter. Nothing does.
2024. 07. 07.
I sold my dog to pay for a yearly subscription. Completely worth it.
Angry & paranoid
1월 27일
Hear Othman & Shorts complain about how much life has wronged them. They have partners, children, supportive family/friends yet are still outraged about trans people & cancel culture. You’ve been saying slurs on a podcast for 2 years and are still broadcasting. Nobody is coming to get you. The only time you faced professional consequences from podcast actions is when Bob the Builder fired Shorts. Yet you still worship him. I once loved this pod, but now see it as an aggro comedy retread. Culture is conservative now; you guys won. Why are you still so angry?
IDM to the moon
2024. 03. 02.
The boys do a great job talking current topics, nostalgic topics, vice topics, and even share funny or embarrassing personal stories about themselves or everyday life. An inclusive show thats a great listening/watching experience.
Use to listen to the free show
2024. 02. 28.
Now I have 5 dollars, have 5 dollars. Well worth it great show guys keep it up!
- 제작진It Doesn't Matter
- 방송 연도2023년 - 2025년
- 에피소드310
- 등급무삭제판
- 저작권© 2023
- 웹사이트 보기
- 제공자Othman Bouchareb