Ep 108 Listening To My Inner Child | Welcome to the Summer of Self-love! S1 E2

《I'm Speaking...with Elizabeth West》Podcast

Hello lovely, thanks for listening!

Welcome to the Summer of Self-love!🌞💞

In this particular episode I’m speaking about ‘Listening to my inner child’.

For me my inner child goes hand in hand 🤝with my gut instincts and my heart and it feels easy and “cozy” and all the good feels.

Long story short is that I was having anxiety for not accomplishing all or most of my to-do’s. 📝

When I listened to my inner child it said “it’s okay”, “it’s not the end of the world” and “what’s the alternative?”.

With these thoughts my heart rate went back to normal, my anxiety went away and I was able to go back to sleep for the rest of the night. 🥱

What are we sacrificing for ignoring our inner child? And is it worth it?

There are many studies that show that too much stress and anxiety will eventually lead to poor health and even death. 🧐😞

I talk more about this on my newsletter or my ‘love letters’ 💌 as I like to call them). ;)

Wanna get my newsletter? 🗞Here’s the link to join the list!

I hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps you in some way, shape or form.

I podcast for love of connecting with others, encouraging others and sharing information with others.

Cheers to speaking up and for making your voice heard! 🗣



💕My ‘self-love supplement’ for this episode is: Michelle Rohr’s program called ‘Say Yes to Desire’. You can find out more about it as well as to sign-up here.








