Ep. 14 – Teachers That Make a Difference - “The Funny Life Podcast” - William Lee Martin

The Funny Life with William Lee Martin

Ep. 14 – Teachers That Make a Difference - “The Funny Life Podcast” - William Lee Martin

In this podcast episode:

o Why Do Grandparents have to go to all functions now?
o Top 5 Blankety Blanks – “Reasons your kid didn’t get an award in elementary award”
o Progressive Schools of the 1970s
o I knew I was Poor in the 6th grade
o Teachers are true saints and deserve an award

Join comedian, writer, songwriter, actor, family man, William Lee Martin along with the Wild Bunch, tour manager, Lisa Bruce and producer Ron Phillips as they dive into life in and out of show business. Take us in the car, on a walk or watch on your phone while lying in bed or hiding out in the restroom at work! After all, all our lives are funny...let’s talk about it. And we will do it in about 30 minutes.

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-funny-life-with-william-lee-martin--5894622/support.

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