Solve for Mom | Find Purpose, Personal Growth, Planning, Self Improvement, Family Time

Anokhi Kapasi, PhD - Life Planning Coach for Busy Moms + Personal Growth Strategist + WAHM + Homeschooling Mom
Solve for Mom | Find Purpose, Personal Growth, Planning, Self Improvement, Family Time

// Science-based life planning to excel while prioritizing family time // Welcome to the Solve for Mom Podcast! Here, you will find solutions to confidently live out your life goals and passions during motherhood without taking time or money away from your family. My mission is to help moms gain joy and freedom through life crafting and passion projects. Rooted in science-style thinking, I show moms how to power their passion work by setting goals, building skills, and practicing high-performance strategies. Hi! I’m Anokhi, a homeschooling mom, wife, and PhD scientist. A few years ago, I welcomed all the excitement and delight of becoming a new mother. What I did not expect was to also feel overwhelmed by simple goals. Not to mention, I was disappointed by the long list of ideas I wanted to dig into, but that I kept putting on the back burner. I did not want to lose my ambition or ignore my passions. To regain control, I did what was natural to me. I leaned into critical thinking frameworks that I used daily in my biomedical research and consulting career to help me overcome the obstacles that were holding me back from exploring my interests. I began to examine my core values. I systematically learned to develop my skills in alignment with my purpose. I energized my life with high-performance habits while retaining my stay-at-home mom status. Now, each transition in motherhood is an opportunity for me to reset and customize MY life to fit MY goals! If you’re ready to go questing for your passions, level up your learning, and confidently pursue projects while still being the awesome momma that you are - you’re in the right place! I’ll show up each week with friendly encouragement, critical thinking lessons, and actionable advice that you can apply to any kind of project in your life. With this podcast, you’ll be on your way to design your life based on what matters most to you and gain some freedom, whether it be creative, intellectual, financial, time, or space… This podcast is for you if you want to: - Allow yourself to knowledgeably and decisively pursue dormant passions while prioritizing motherhood; - Add intellectual and creative flow back into your life; - Pivot from a traditional job to remote work, freelancing, or homeschooling; - Adopt powerful learning habits that will aid in growing your skill set; - Override blocks such as analysis paralysis and decision fatigue; and - Take charge of your mom-at-home journey with plans, strategies and critical thinking tools. In this complex equation we call life, it’s time to sharpen our pencils (and our minds) and Solve for Mom. Let’s Connect! - Tap +Follow (it’s free!) to stay updated on future episodes. - Leave me a Rating & Review (thank you!)—I read every comment and your support helps other moms find the show! - Become an SFM Insider for twice monthly tips, tools, and exclusives: - Got a question or story to share? E-mail me at —Your topic could be featured in a future episode! - Visit for more science-based life-planning strategies. - Join @solveformom on LinkedIn and Pinterest

  1. 2 天前

    EP 19: Laws of Mom Life Dynamics - Managing Energy, Chaos & Balance

    Hello Amazing Mom! Are you struggling to balance what you want to do with the responsibilities that you have to do? Do your days feel too chaotic and overwhelming? If you’ve ever wondered how to create energy, organization, simplicity, and balance, today’s episode is for you! I share how the laws of thermodynamics can teach us about creating energy, flow, simplicity, and balance in our mom life! Yes, we’re getting a little nerdy—but trust me, this science-style approach will leave you feeling empowered, energized, and equipped with tactical strategies to handle any kind of day. Energy: Learn how to conserve and transform your energy to focus on what matters most. Find ways to stop wasting energy on things that drain you and start channeling it into things that fuel your goals and passions. Flow: Build systems that help you manage the unavoidable chaos of mom life, so your days feel smoother and more predictable. Simplicity: Why simplifying your commitments, environment, and goals can make life feel lighter and easier to manage. Balance: Redefine what balance means for you, then align your needs with your duties. Episode Highlights: (00:00): Teaser (02:13): Become an SFM Insider (03:04): What moms can learn from thermodynamics about energy, simplicity, and balance (06:04): 1. The First Law: Energy conservation and transformation in your day (07:22) Life planning for energy redistribution (09:17): Time-blocking & strategic planning (09:31): Types of energy in our day (10:28): 2. The Second Law: Embracing chaos and building systems to manage it (11:03): Building systems (13:04): 3. The Third Law: How simplifying leads to more time and mental space. (14:27)): Minimum viable day (15:34): Focus funnel (16:31): 4. The Zeroth Law: Balancing individuality with family time (19:40): Re-cap of the tactical tips to put these laws into action If you’re ready to wrangle your untamed mom life, hit play, and together we can solve for Mom! References: How planning frees up energy Life planning for balance & energy Delegating (16:21)   Tap +Follow (it’s free!). Leave me a rating & review (thank you!). Become an SFM Insider to receive my weekly newsletter: E-mail me at and your question could be the topic of an upcoming episode! Visit // Science-based life planning to excel while prioritizing family time //

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  2. 1月6日

    EP 18: How to Measure Success as a Mom: Balancing Numbers & Narratives

    Hello Successful Mama! Are you feeling like all the work you do as a mom is hard to define, let alone measure? Do you miss the clarity of progress you have in your career, where promotions, metrics, and feedback loops are part of the equation? In today’s episode, we’re tackling how to balance data-driven and qualitative personal growth goals to celebrate your unique journey as a mom. I talk about why it’s so hard to measure success as a mom and why traditional metrics don’t always apply. I outline a framework for tracking progress on quantitative and qualitative goals that align with your purpose and vision. I teach you how to reflect on patterns and trends to guide intentional growth. Whether you're the COO of your household or juggling homeschooling, work, and passions, this episode will give you actionable tools to recognize your value and track your progress in a way that feels meaningful and empowering. Episode Highlights (00:00): Teaser (02:29): Become an SFM Insider (03:19): Success as a mom is hard to measure (06:51): GRowTh Up framework for tracking goals (07:16): A comment about SMART goals (08:30): 1. Give (09:21): 2. Reflect on wins (10:25): 3. Themes (11:34): 4. Upward (12:09): GRowTh Up example (14:34): Re-cap If you’re ready to start tracking progress in ways that feel meaningful and actionable, hit play and together can solve for Mom! 💡 Resources EP 1: Busy yet Restless? 3 Ways to Find Purpose as a Mom EP 8: Life Planning 101: Follow the Right Trajectory For YOU Let’s Connect! Tap +Follow (it’s free!) to stay updated on future episodes. Leave me a rating & review (thank you!)—I read every comment and your support helps other moms find the show! 💕 Become an SFM Insider for weekly tips, tools, and exclusives: Got a question or story to share? E-mail me at—your topic could be featured in a future episode! Visit for more science-based life-planning strategies. Join Solve for Mom on LinkedIn and Pinterest

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  3. 2024/12/30

    EP 17: 5 Mindset Secrets to Mastering Goals in Your Mom Life (Think Chemistry)

    Hello Ambitious Mom! Are you tired of setting goals that feel impossible to achieve? Do you find yourself starting a goal with excitement, only to lose momentum and feel like giving up? I’ve been there too — stuck in the cycle of trying and failing until I realized something powerful: the problem wasn’t my schedule; it was my mindset. Motherhood doesn’t mean putting your dreams on hold — but achieving your goals takes more than just a plan. In today’s episode, I share 5 mindset secrets that will help you shift your thinking to tackle your goals with confidence and clarity, break free from self-limiting beliefs and guilt, and align your goals with what truly matters to you, all while navigating mom life. I’ll show you how the right mindset can act as a catalyst for turning your goals into reality. From overcoming self-doubt to building habits that stick, you’ll learn actionable strategies to craft the life you want without sacrificing your sanity. Episode Highlights (00:00): Teaser (02:37): Mindset is a catalyst (05:04): 1. A life-long learner mindset (06:23): 2. An empowered mindset (08:39): 3. Keep the big vision in mind (09:40): 4. A positive mindset (10:23): 5. A problem-solving mindset (12:15): Re-cap (13:24): Become an SFM Insider If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels, crush your goals, and live with intention, hit play now! Together, we can Solve for Mom. References: Norcross JC, Mrykalo MS, Blagys MD. Auld lang syne: success predictors, change processes, and self-reported outcomes of New Year's resolvers and nonresolvers. J Clin Psychol. 2002 Apr;58(4):397-405. Be a life-long learner: EP 13: 3 Personal Growth Tips for Moms to Transform from Overlooked to Impressive Learning skills as a mom: EP 2: 5 Things Moms Can Do to Learn a New Skill [15-min or less] Life Planning: EP 8: Life Planning 101: Follow the Right Trajectory For YOU ✨ Connect with Me: Tap +Follow (it’s free!). Leave me a rating & review (thank you!). Become an SFM Insider to receive my weekly newsletter: E-mail me at and your question could be the topic of an upcoming episode! Visit // Grow Your Individuality While Prioritizing Family Time //

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  4. 2024/12/23

    EP 16: Unwrap Your Passions - 3 Ways the Holidays Can Spark Self-Discovery [Holiday Series]

    Hello Wonderful Mom! Do you feel like you lose a bit more of your inner voice during the holiday hustle? The holiday season is here, and while it’s often busy with traditions, gatherings, and giving to others, it can also be a time to give attention to yourself. In today’s episode, we’re flipping the script on holiday stress and exploring how the season’s magic can ignite self-discovery. I share why the holidays are the perfect time to reconnect with your passions, how to use quiet moments to reflect on what truly lights you up, and 3 actionable ways to uncover and celebrate what makes you you. Episode Highlights (0:00): Teaser (02:16): Listener shout-out (05:54): 1. Reflect on meaningful traditions (08:25): Unique qualities about the holidays (09:31): 2. Embrace the magic of the holidays for reflection (10:27): Sign up for the SFM Insiders Newsletter for self-reflection journal prompts (11:50): 3. Experiment with small-scale passion projects (13:30): Re-cap If you’re ready to make this season not just about giving—but also discovering the gifts within ourselves, hit play and together we can solve for Mom! ⏮️ EP 8: Life Planning 101: Follow the Right Trajectory For YOU EP 8: Life Planning 101: Follow the Right Trajectory For YOU ⏮️ EP 14: Do THIS to Find Balance During the Holidays as a WAHM [Holiday Series] References: 2020 State of Motherhood Survey by Motherly Smyth, J. M., Johnson, J. A., Auer, B. J., Lehman, E., Talamo, G., & Sciamanna, C. N. (2018). Online Positive Affect Journaling in the Improvement of Mental Distress and Well-Being in General Medical Patients With Elevated Anxiety Symptoms: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health, 5(4), e11290. Sloan DM, et al. (2015). Efficacy of narrative writing as an intervention for PTSD: Does the evidence support its use? J Contemp Psychother. 2015 May 14;45(4):215–22 Tap +Follow (it’s free!). Leave me a rating & review (thank you!). Become an SFM Insider to receive my weekly newsletter: E-mail me at and your question could be the topic of an upcoming episode! Visit // Grow Your Individuality While Prioritizing Family Time //

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  5. 2024/12/16

    EP 15: No Time for You? 5 Surprising Solutions for Moms

    Hello Ambitious Mama! Are you tired of never having enough time? We’ve all been there. You’re feeling like your individuality has take a backset to the busyness of motherhood. You want to focus on your personal growth, hobbies, or even just a few moments of self-care, but instead you are managing your family’s very full and demanding schedule. Today, we’re diving into 5 common areas of our life that we are unwittingly losing our time to. But, here’s the good news: we can reclaim our time with just a few simple changes. The solutions may surprise you! I know it can feel overwhelming to tackle it all, but you don’t have to. Take it step by step. Even one small change can create a ripple effect that frees up precious time for YOU. Episode Highlights: (0:00): Teaser (02:30): Small vs. systemic changes (06:08): 1. Do your devices own your time? (08:04): Solution for device overuse: Limit exposure (09:57): 2. Losing time dealing with clutter creep (10:27): Solution for clutter: Daily habits and family systems (12:44): 3. Wasting time on unimportant things (13:00): Solution: Life planning can help you focus on your long-term vision. (14:45): 4. Not being picky enough (with time) (16:21): Solution: Set boundaries (17:37): 5. Collecting rather than cultivating friendships (18:07): Solution: Use discernment to pursue quality over quantity (21:28): Re-cap If you’re ready to find time to find purpose, grab a notebook (because this is one you’ll want to come back to again and again). Hit play so together we can solve for Mom! Saying “No” more often can be a game-changer and life planning is the key: ⏮️ Episode 8: Life Planning 101: Follow the Right Trajectory For YOU Tap +Follow (it’s free!). Leave me a rating & review (thank you!). Become an SFM Insider to receive my weekly newsletter: E-mail me at and your question could be the topic of an upcoming episode! Visit Connect: Pinterest (@solveformom), LinkedIn (Solve for Mom) // Grow Your Individuality While Prioritizing Family Time //

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  6. 2024/12/09

    EP 14: Do THIS to Find Balance During the Holidays as a WAHM [Holiday Series]

    Hello Ambitious WAHM! Are you feeling like you're juggling too many balls during the holiday season? Between work deadlines, family traditions, holiday prep, and trying to maintain some semblance of personal time – it can feel overwhelming, right? As a work-at-home mom (WAHM), I know the struggle of maintaining boundaries when your workspace and living space are one and the same. Add in the holiday chaos, and it might feel impossible to find balance! In today's episode, I share my science-style strategies for creating harmony between work, family time, and personal growth during the holidays. Drawing from my experience as a WAHM who manages consulting work, a start-up business, homeschooling, and passion projects, I'll show you how to make the holidays enjoyable rather than overwhelming. I talk about why being clear on your priorities is crucial for personal growth and family harmony. I show how you can make better decisions during the holidays (Hint: life planning is the best way). I don’t leave you hanging, though, because I also lay out practical time management & productivity strategies that actually work for WAHMs. Episode Highlights: (0:00): Teaser (02:48): The “WAHM dilemma” (04:20): 1. Be clear on what is important to you during the holidays (06:07): + Self-discovery questions (06:51): + Life planning is a tool for creating balance ⏮️ Episode 8: Life Planning 101: Follow the Right Trajectory For YOU (08:10): + Get comfortable saying “no” (08:37): + Set your non-negotiables as your anchor points (13:19): 2. Be productive with your time (10:57): + Time blocking (11:28): + Set time boundaries & communicate them (12:19): + Task batching (14:03): + Release perfectionism & delegate where possible (15:14): + Blending personal interests with family time (15:53): Become an SFM Insider to receive my newsletter where I will share life planning resources. My next December 2024 issue will include my favorite Golden Milk recipe too :) (16:09): Re-cap If you're ready to transform your holiday experience from chaotic to intentional while maintaining space for your relaxation and family time, hit play and together we can solve for Mom! Tap +Follow (it’s free!). Leave me a rating & review (thank you!). E-mail me at and your question could be the topic of an upcoming episode! Become an SFM Insider to receive my free twice monthly newsletter: Visit // Grow Your Individuality While Prioritizing Family Time //

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  7. 2024/12/02

    EP 13: 3 Personal Growth Tips for Moms to Transform from Overlooked to Impressive

    Hello Skilled Mama! Are you feeling like your talents and abilities are going unnoticed? As moms, we often put our passion projects and hobbies on hold while focusing on family time. However, I’m here to tell you growing your individuality and demonstrating impressive qualities is easier than you think! In today's episode, I share three powerful personal growth tips - pulled from my experience as a homeschooling mom and from working in the lab - that will help you showcase your unique strengths while maintaining that precious balance between self-improvement and family responsibilities. Timestamps: (0:00): Self-improvement doesn’t discount how amazing you already are (03:50): Become an SFM Insider (04:44): How people reacted when I tried something new (07:30): 1. Have lifelong learning mindset (10:19): 2. Master communication skills (13:19): 3. Develop self-awareness (16:44): Re-cap If you’re ready to leave a positive impression on others, hit play and together we can solve for Mom! ⏮️ Want some neat ways to learn during a busy day and don’t have much time? Listen to EP 2: 5 Things Moms Can Do to Learn a New Skill [15-min or less] ⏮️ Balancing your motherhood and personhood: EP 9: Why Making Time to Prioritize Yourself IS Serving Your Family Tap +Follow (it’s free!). Leave me a rating & review (thank you!). E-mail me at and your question could be the topic of an upcoming episode! Become an SFM Insider to receive my free twice monthly newsletter: Visit // Grow Your Individuality While Prioritizing Family Time //

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  8. 2024/11/25

    EP 12: Are Your Habits At Risk During the Holiday Hustle? 15-min Solutions Designed for Moms [Holiday Series]

    Hello, Skilled Mama! Are you worried that the holiday hustle might derail your personal growth journey? Do you want a way to stay grounded and feel like yourself throughout the festivities? In this episode, we dive into why habits are crucial during chaotic times and how to maintain your habits to continue your self-improvement during the busiest time of the year. Maintaining your habits during the holidays sets an example for your family, reduces stress, and ensures you don't lose sight of your purpose amidst the festivities. I share 6 mom-centered strategies to maintain habits in 15 minutes or less. Timestamps: (0:00): Mom life during the holidays (Teaser) (02:43): Become an SFM Insider (03:24): Don’t pause your habits during the holidays (06:33): Types of disruptions to our daily rhythm (07:01): What is a habit? (07:53): The importance of maintaining our habits (09:02): 1. Bundling habits (09:49): 2. Habit stacking (10:32): 3. Having a non-negotiable 15 minutes (11:54): 4. Make your habit a part of family time (12:25): 5. Establish a strong morning routine (13:17): 6. Track your habits (13:54): Re-cap For more on skills bundling: EP 2: 5 Things Moms Can Do to Learn a New Skill [15-min or less] Take Action Now to Holiday-proof your Habits Plan a consistent morning routine. Choose 1 non-negotiable habit to focus on for 15 minutes daily this holiday season. Use one of the 6 strategies discussed. Sign up for the SFM Insiders newsletter for extra tips & support. Remember, moms, the holidays don't have to mean pressing pause on your personal growth. With these strategies, you can find the balance between family time, holiday planning, and your passion projects or hobbies. Tap +Follow (it’s free!). Leave me a rating & review (thank you!). E-mail me at and your question could be the topic of an upcoming episode! Become an SFM Insider to receive my weekly newsletter: Visit // Grow Your Individuality While Prioritizing Family Time //

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// Science-based life planning to excel while prioritizing family time // Welcome to the Solve for Mom Podcast! Here, you will find solutions to confidently live out your life goals and passions during motherhood without taking time or money away from your family. My mission is to help moms gain joy and freedom through life crafting and passion projects. Rooted in science-style thinking, I show moms how to power their passion work by setting goals, building skills, and practicing high-performance strategies. Hi! I’m Anokhi, a homeschooling mom, wife, and PhD scientist. A few years ago, I welcomed all the excitement and delight of becoming a new mother. What I did not expect was to also feel overwhelmed by simple goals. Not to mention, I was disappointed by the long list of ideas I wanted to dig into, but that I kept putting on the back burner. I did not want to lose my ambition or ignore my passions. To regain control, I did what was natural to me. I leaned into critical thinking frameworks that I used daily in my biomedical research and consulting career to help me overcome the obstacles that were holding me back from exploring my interests. I began to examine my core values. I systematically learned to develop my skills in alignment with my purpose. I energized my life with high-performance habits while retaining my stay-at-home mom status. Now, each transition in motherhood is an opportunity for me to reset and customize MY life to fit MY goals! If you’re ready to go questing for your passions, level up your learning, and confidently pursue projects while still being the awesome momma that you are - you’re in the right place! I’ll show up each week with friendly encouragement, critical thinking lessons, and actionable advice that you can apply to any kind of project in your life. With this podcast, you’ll be on your way to design your life based on what matters most to you and gain some freedom, whether it be creative, intellectual, financial, time, or space… This podcast is for you if you want to: - Allow yourself to knowledgeably and decisively pursue dormant passions while prioritizing motherhood; - Add intellectual and creative flow back into your life; - Pivot from a traditional job to remote work, freelancing, or homeschooling; - Adopt powerful learning habits that will aid in growing your skill set; - Override blocks such as analysis paralysis and decision fatigue; and - Take charge of your mom-at-home journey with plans, strategies and critical thinking tools. In this complex equation we call life, it’s time to sharpen our pencils (and our minds) and Solve for Mom. Let’s Connect! - Tap +Follow (it’s free!) to stay updated on future episodes. - Leave me a Rating & Review (thank you!)—I read every comment and your support helps other moms find the show! - Become an SFM Insider for twice monthly tips, tools, and exclusives: - Got a question or story to share? E-mail me at —Your topic could be featured in a future episode! - Visit for more science-based life-planning strategies. - Join @solveformom on LinkedIn and Pinterest








