Ep. 159. Trading Advice from TikTok?! Why We Need Personalized Investment Advice – with Finnovest

Disruption Talks by Netguru

Countless investors are turning to viral TikTok trends and unverified social media tips to guide their financial decisions… But can this really be trusted?
Or are we gambling with our financial futures in the quest for quick, crowd-sourced advice?

In this episode of Disruption Talks, we sat down with Tal Brockmann, Founder & CEO of Finnovest, to talk about how his platform is addressing the unique challenges modern investors face.

Finnovest is revolutionizing retail investing by delivering hyper-personalized investment advice, real-time portfolio screening, and seamless 'one-tap' trading execution of recommended orders, empowering the next generation of investors with actionable real time advice, tailored to their unique needs and preferences.

Here’s what you'll learn:
– Why generic investment advice is no longer enough in today’s market
– Key lessons from Finnovest’s success and tips for building impactful partnerships
– The future of retail investing and what’s next for Finnovest

Host: Maria Achinger, Content Team Leader at Netguru

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