27 min

Ep. 16 Savannah Sanchez’s Winning TikTok Strategy Ecommerce Building Blocks

    • Entrepreneurship

Savannah Sanchez is a paid social and media buying expert who runs an agency that seamlessly pivoted from helping clients advertise on Facebook and Snapchat to making millions for advertisers on TikTok. She and Jason Wong pick apart what it means to truly succeed at marketing on TikTok, and why it is so much more exciting than previous social media platforms.

In this episode of Ecommerce Building Blocks Savannah Sanchez and Jason get into the workings of TikTok content and what is most important to keep in mind when making creative decisions for marketing on this platform. If it could be boiled down to one word it would be AUTHENTICITY. Advertising on Snapchat and Instagram that featured polished and edited creative worked the best, but in TikTok, the most important thing is to make an ad look native to the platform. Savannah shares the rules for getting the most out of working with influencers and her 3 steps to making powerful content for TikTok. Finally she talks about how to measure whether your TikTok creative is working for your efforts, what metrics to pay attention to, and why the comments section is a very powerful tool. 

Savannah’s site: https://thesocialsavannah.com/ 

Savannah’s twitter: https://twitter.com/social_savannah 

➡️ Building Blocks website: bbclass.co 

🍍Jason’s twitter: https://twitter.com/EggrolI

Savannah Sanchez is a paid social and media buying expert who runs an agency that seamlessly pivoted from helping clients advertise on Facebook and Snapchat to making millions for advertisers on TikTok. She and Jason Wong pick apart what it means to truly succeed at marketing on TikTok, and why it is so much more exciting than previous social media platforms.

In this episode of Ecommerce Building Blocks Savannah Sanchez and Jason get into the workings of TikTok content and what is most important to keep in mind when making creative decisions for marketing on this platform. If it could be boiled down to one word it would be AUTHENTICITY. Advertising on Snapchat and Instagram that featured polished and edited creative worked the best, but in TikTok, the most important thing is to make an ad look native to the platform. Savannah shares the rules for getting the most out of working with influencers and her 3 steps to making powerful content for TikTok. Finally she talks about how to measure whether your TikTok creative is working for your efforts, what metrics to pay attention to, and why the comments section is a very powerful tool. 

Savannah’s site: https://thesocialsavannah.com/ 

Savannah’s twitter: https://twitter.com/social_savannah 

➡️ Building Blocks website: bbclass.co 

🍍Jason’s twitter: https://twitter.com/EggrolI

27 min