EP.17 "Objective Behind The Action: Featuring Hannah Ajikawo

The Buyer Enablement Podcast

On this 17th episode of The Buyer Enablement Podcast we meet with an extraordinary individual, Hannah Ajikawo of Skaled & Sistas In Sales.  Titled "Objective Behind The Action" we dive deep into how the role of a sales professional has changed, and because of that, how the expectations of their role should too.  This was a fire conversation. We will surely rub someone the wrong way on at least a couple of occasions. That being said, all opinions are coming from two people focused on the future of sales. Only history will tell if we are thinking in the right direction or not.  


Josh Fedie  

More About The Host:  

linkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshfedie/

Website: https://www.salesreach.io/ 

More about Hannah:  

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannah-ajikawo/

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