EP 185: Principles & Skills For Coaching Greatness (Building An Elite Career In Fitness) - Part 1

Vigor Life Podcast

I decided I wanted to start sharing principles and skillsets that build the greatest coaches and careers in the fitness industry. This is not a list from 1 to whatever. This is my personal insights, notes from other great coaches, books, things mentors shared with me, and much more. This will be an ongoing series of at least 3 episodes (if not more) as I want there to be something anyone can come back to and use as a resource to develop their skills, get a refresher (“we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught”), or direct someone to that wants to build successful coaching skills.

Developing these skills is a lifelong purpose and after 20-years of being obsessed with coaching, I can still see how much better I can get at many of the skills I share. 

These episodes are for the coaches (and by the way, everyone will be in a coaching role in their life so it applies to everyone!) who want to be in the elite category. I have been fortunate to stand on the shoulders of giants and invested an enormous amount of time, energy, and money, to learn from them over the decades. Most that were grateful to help, asked me for one thing in return - to pay it forward. These episodes and this podcast is a way for me to pay it forward like the greats did for me. 


=> What makes a great coach, the principles that will stand the test of time. 

=> The anchor that you need to be a great coach. If you’ve been doing it for a while, you need this reminder.

=> The power of 3 - which 3 things you should do with every client every session.

=> What is PAF and why should you know it for every exercise you coach. 

=> Why you should steal smart people’s s@*t (and never stop). 

=> How videoing your own coaching sessions can be a catalyst and mirror to build the best coaching abilities. 

=> The reason feedback loops are so powerful and how to make sure you’re getting better and not worse, daily. 

=> What habit that we teach our clients is critical for your own coaching success.

=> What should you be doing 100% of the time on the training floor (this differentiates the good from the great).

=> The reason using jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms makes you a “smart ass” and not a great coach.

=> Why you should be practicing demonstrating exercises (yes, even if you’ve been at it for a while).

=> The superpower of communication and why you still need to get better at it (even if you’re good). 

=> Do you need to give clients “more s@*t or more ice cream”?

=> Why you should be “flipping it more often” and why you shouldn’t talk about yourself in sessions. 

=> Your body language may be the thing stopping you from building your book of business. 

=> Don’t program exercises you can’t do, demo, or aren’t confident coaching. 

=> Not too quiet, not too loud, just right (what does this mean for you as a coach). 

=> Tony Robbins, David Goggins, Brene Brown, Gary Vee, Mel Robbins,…who are you emulating and how should you be as a coach.

=> The one sentence that is a big NO to say to a client (and so many coaches still do it).

=> And much more….


Book: Set Your Voice Free (Roger Love) - https://a.co/d/5RLslRh

How To Speak So That People Want To Listen (Julian Treasure TED Talk) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIho2S0ZahI&t=18s

Luka’s Courses and Workshops  www.LukaHocevar.com

Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel 








