EP 19: Making Your Own Rules with Olivia June

Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Always on this show, we are talking with women who are doing things differently.

But as I have come to learn after talking to hundreds of women about their personal journey, not everyone considers themselves a Rule Breaker.

There are two main reasons for this. Some of the people I interview are so unplugged from the expectations of others that they don’t even think about it. And others are sometimes so focused on what they want that the rules are insignificant.

My guest today is a perfect example of someone who lives by the rules, HER RULES, the ones she has made for herself. She has a guiding statement that she comes back to no matter what project she is working on, what business she is launching, or how she is showing up in the world.

Living this way is how she has been able to navigate the many highs, lows, and pivots that are par for the course when you are a woman in the world, let alone mother and female founder.

Olivia June started the tech company, VINA, while living in San Francisco designed to help you make friends (and it made it to Apple’s top app list), had a baby, started another company, and now lives in LA with her new husband, new puppy, and baby number two on the way. You’re going to love learning more about her.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How struggling to meet friends in a new city inspired Olivia to start VINA, a networking app for women to meet new friends
  • Olivia’s experience with anxiety and PMDD that led her to develop her new company, PYM
  • Her guiding principle in everything she creates in the world
  • Olivia’s stance on sharing personal versus business happening on social media

Learn more about Olivia June:

  • VINA
  • Instagram @heyoliviajune
  • Facebook @heyvina
  • Instagram @youcanpym

Rebelle Member Spotlight – Megan Seagram:

  • Seagram Systems Audio Visual
  • Megan on Instagram

Rebelle Shout Out:

  • Sophia Amoruso
  • Sophia on Instagram
  • Alison Gary
  • Alison on Instagram

Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood:

  • What Kind Of Rule Breaker Are You?
  • SWELL by Rebelle
  • Readytorebelle.com
  • Rebelle Community
  • Follow Rebelle on Instagram
  • Follow Rebelle Con on Facebook








