Ep. 209: No One is Coming to Save Us

The Baffling Behavior Show {Parenting after Trauma}

It took me a looooooong time to really truly believe and understand that- no one is coming to save me.

I had to do the hard work to take responsibility for my own triggers, my own nervous system, my own change. This only happened after oodles and oodles of safety, connection, and co-regulation.

Maybe you, like me, have held onto the hope that someone else will fix this. Your child will change, you’ll get the services you need, something will happen and everything will get better. 

Maybe this journey through some of the intimate moments of my own healing journey can assist you on your’s.

Read the full transcript at: RobynGobbel.com/saveus

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Webinar and eBook on Focus on the Nervous System to Change Behavior (FREE)

eBook on The Brilliance of Attachment (FREE)

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Ongoing support, connection, and co-regulation for struggling parents: The Club

Year-Long Immersive & Holistic Training Program for Parenting Professionals: Being With


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You can get your copy of Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors at RobynGobbel.com/book


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Are you a professional who wants to support families of kids with big, baffling behaviors? Then Being With is for you!

Just need a little extra help? Head to RobynGobbel.com/FreeResources 

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