[Ep. 238] LA Wildfire, Palestine, & Israel: How Relinquishing Ownership Is At The Center Of Each

Holistic Life Navigation

Ownership is the question explored in this epic podcast where Luis interviews Unique Hammond, Zeena Ismail, and Hadar Cohen to share their distinctive perspectives of being forced out of their home/land. The inspiration for the podcast arose from the ashes of the LA wildfire where Unique's home was burnt to the ground as nature evicted her.  Forced from their homelands, Zeena Ismail is a Palestinian living in Jordan and Hadar Cohen is a Arab Jew living in the United States. 

Luis' queries if it is more painful when nature takes your home, compared to your home being taken by humans and war? All were forced to leave their homes, and there is a wisdom in their leaving. Unique notes that when you fight with reality, reality wins 100% of the time. Indeed, we may leave our land, but the land is carried in our bones, and never leaves us. Zeena shares her experience of learning to belong to a new land and welcoming it's wisdom. As the author Robin Wall Kimmerer says, she became indigenous to (a new) place. The added layer of identity is weighed. Identity, as Hadar sees it, is just a lens, not eyesight itself. Can we release the bind and binary of identity? 

Ultimately we can claim, colonize, and extract from a place, or we can belong to a place. As Hadar asks, if you belong to the land why do you need to control it? Would there even be war if we did not have ownership? A universal question emerges, do we grasp at what was, or can we allow transformation to occur? 

You can visit Unique Hammond's website here: https://www.youregreat.com/

You can visit Zeena Ismail's website here: https://www.zeenaismail.com/

You can visit Hadar Cohen's websites here: https://www.hadarcohen.me/ www.malchut.one

To read more about, and register for, the 2025 Menla retreat, click here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/menla-retreat


You can learn more on the website: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/

Learn more about the self-led course here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/self-led-new

Join the waitlist to pre-order Luis' book here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/the-book

You can follow Luis on Instagram @holistic.life.navigation

Questions? You can email us at info@holisticlifenavigation.com

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