The Unlock Lab

Tosca DiMatteo
The Unlock Lab

You hold the key to unlocking what is stuck in your life, and your business. The unseen will come to light so you can discover how you might be getting in your own way of success and transformation. Expect truth bombs, vulnerability and the messy middle of life’s stories. Expect taboo topics and practical tips to shift your life in the direction of your dreams. I also hope you laugh hard and find levity in the process of seeing, believing, and owning your truth. In this ‘lab’ you are encouraged to experiment with what works and then come back for more! See you in the LAB my friends!


    Ep 36 Inner Critic Series: Limiting Beliefs

    In this episode of The Unlock Lab, I discuss how limiting beliefs impact our lives. I share personal stories about how I broke free from those doubts so that you can do the same thing. I also give you tips for silencing that inner critic that loves to drag us down. When you start to trust yourself and stay open to possibilities, amazing things can happen. So if you’re ready to shake off what’s been keeping you from shining, and step more fully into your power, this episode is for you! Highlights: Unlock the next level of your life Overcome doubt using practical tips How limiting beliefs weaken your resilience over time Quotables: [00:00:03] "I know that there's so much freedom in following our true desires and stopping the self doubt, and disrupting the limiting beliefs, and building the muscle of our truth." [00:02:47] "Limiting beliefs come part and parcel with every inner critic that we have. But I just wanted to dive in a little bit deeper to help to see where you might have limiting beliefs that you didn't even realize. Limiting beliefs force us into boxes and they can prevent us from taking action. They limit our view." [00:10:59] "It is something you have to deeply embed in your bones to have self belief, but perhaps even bigger than that to have belief in something bigger than yourself." [00:13:46] "Working a job we tell ourselves all these things about what's possible and what's not, and part of it is self protection. Part of it is overwhelm and just contributing to our inaction, and actually contributing to our bias of not wanting to do the hard thing…to get over ourselves." Tosca’s Links and Resources: Tosca’s Website Get in Touch with Tosca Submit your question for Tosca to answer on her ALL ACCESS episode Innovation Women Giving Flowers To: Theme music by: Adrian DiMatteo Podcast audio edited by: Landis Podcast Editing

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    Ep 35 - 5 Lessons Learned in 5 Years Being An Entrepreneur

    In this week's episode of The Unlock Lab, I look back at what I've learned about being an entrepreneur for the past five years. In the beginning I wasn’t sure if I’d make it this far or WANT to still be my own boss! Whether you’re an entrepreneur or chasing success in any career, these lessons are for you. I talk about how personal growth always comes before those big professional breakthroughs, why it’s so important to block out the noise and trust your own path, and how investing in yourself before you feel ready is a game changer. Highlights: Personal growth comes before professional breakthroughs. Tune out the noise, and don’t compare your journey to others. Invest in yourself even when it feels uncomfortable or risky. Let go of timelines - you are not in control. Quotables: [00:00:03]: "Part of shutting out the noise includes the comparison that we love to do when we're not sure if what we're doing are the right things. But when you're paving new pathways and carving your way of doing things into the world, the last thing that you should be doing is getting distracted by looking at what others are doing." [00:13:26]: "We tend to invest in everybody else before we invest in ourselves. So let's just make sure that we are making the best investment, which is always on ourselves, first and foremost. And if you're hesitating on something but your gut is like, I really know I need this and this is going to help me really get to the next level, then do the thing." [00:15:59]: "It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay. You're gonna waste some of your spend. And I think this is another way that we can be perfectionist. This is another way we can be hard on ourselves, telling ourselves we can't make any missteps. Trust in the process of building your own business, in the process of life in general." Tosca’s Links and Resources: Tosca’s Website Get in Touch with Tosca Submit your question for Tosca to answer on her ALL ACCESS episode

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    Ep. 34 SPECIAL EDITION - Are Your Inner Critics Running the Show w/ Kiera Doyle

    In this episode of The Unlock Lab, I’m sharing something really special with you - a replay of my interview on Kiera Doyle’s podcast, Meeting Your Magic. This was one of the most in-depth conversations I’ve had about inner critic work and how it plays such a huge role in getting out of our own way. Kiera is not just a close friend, but also an expert in human design and all things self-discovery. We talk about everything from moving from corporate life to running our own businesses, to the impact inner critics have had on us. It’s raw, real, and packed with insights on how understanding yourself can make all the difference in your journey. I’m so excited to share this with you! MEETING YOUR MAGIC PODCAST Hosted by Kiera Doyle Is your Inner Authority running the show or it is your Inner Critic? In my maternity leave comeback episode, I'm joined by my dear friend, Tosca DiMatteo host of The Unlock Lab Podcast who is an expert on uncovering, and befriending our Inner Critics so we can live our BIG lives- the ones truly meant for us. Episode Highlights: How working on managing inner critics deeply impacts interactions with outer critics and relationships. The importance of occasionally pulling back to move forward. We outline various tools for disrupting negative thoughts like affirmations and writing down thoughts, Quotables: [00:12:55] TOSCA "I realized that there was something else I really wanted to do in the world. And that put me on the path of really helping people and teams and organizations to get to the next level, to do the transformation work, to find out what else is possible and unleash their potential." [00:25:24] TOSCA "How do we identify it is a really big first step of the process, deepening your awareness. We may think we know what we're saying to ourselves, but until we're actually paying attention to it over a period of time, and I usually say two weeks, definitely. Like a week of really documenting and externalizing, writing down literally, what are you saying to yourself that's not serving you?" [00:49:30] TOSCA "What I love about who you are and how you move in the world is you're like, I'm doing this work because I believe in myself, and there may be parts of myself that are scared about that, but I'm not waiting, you know, you're not waiting for some major life event to kick you in the pants. Like, you're willing to kick yourself in the pants and say, no, I'm not going to stay small." Meeting Your Magic Links: Podcast Website Instagram Tosca’s Links and Resources: Tosca’s Website Get in Touch with Tosca Submit your question for Tosca to answer on her ALL ACCESS episode

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    Ep. 33 Inner Critic Series - You Are Not An Expert

    Let's talk about a particularly sneaky inner critic - the one that keeps telling us we are not an expert. It’s part of a whole trifecta of inner critics, right along with the one that’s pushing us to step out of our comfort zone, and the one whispering that we're not ready for what’s next. With limitless information out there at our fingertips, it’s easier than ever to feel like we don’t know enough to get started. Whether it’s speaking up in a meeting, sharing your opinion with family, or putting yourself out there in front of the world, this episode is all about calling out that inner voice and taking action. I’m not immune to this either - I share my own experiences with that “I’m not expert enough” critic and how to stop holding yourself back. Episode Highlights: Truth: You only need to be a step ahead of those you are helping. How this inner critic can delay us from doing what we are meant to do. Taking risks and the BEST thing that could happen. Quotables: [00:03] "If you've been telling yourself a story that you're not enough, or whatever your story is about your journey to date, then it may be time to update that story so that you can redefine what an expert is or even decide. You know what? I actually don't even need to be an expert in order to put myself out there. Let's give them something to talk about." [12:32] "I'm often asked, so how did I get into transformation work? How is it that I'm able to do this? And how does one kind of prove that they can help people in transformation? And I'm not going to lie. When I used to get these questions, my inner critic used to come out loud and proud and start to wonder if what I really need to do is go back and get a degree in psychology or change management or other kinds of studies and modalities having to do with transformation." [21:16] "You have something to share. You have something that you think is valuable to other people. You may not know exactly who quite yet, but you know it in your bones. And if you know it in your bones, then I'm inviting you to take a leap of faith, to be willing to go to the edge of your comfort zone and take the next step." Tosca’s Links and Resources: Tosca’s Website Get in Touch with Tosca Submit your question for Tosca to answer on her ALL ACCESS episode Giving Flowers To: Theme music by: Adrian DiMatteo Podcast audio edited by: Landis Podcast Editing

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    Ep. 32 How Community Supports Inner Critic Work. An Interview with Deb D.

    In this episode, I chat with my friend, Deb Driscoll, founder of Big Life Magic, to talk about how community can shut down that inner critic we all deal with. You know the one - it’s always making us second guess ourselves, telling us not to ask for help, or making us feel like we have to do everything on our own. Deb shares how she overcame this mindset and we talk about how surrounding yourself with the right people can make all the difference. We break down how building a solid community for ourselves gives us the confidence and support we need to push past self-doubt, grow, and heal. Episode Highlights: How community support can shut down our inner critic's fears and limitations. Going from grief to big life magic using spiritual practices and actionable tools. What makes communities powerful and provides a sense of belonging, even when everyone is very different. Quotables: [09:15] Deb: "I think community is defined by people or place. So it's the gathering together of a group of people who are either connected because of who they are, what they're interested in, or where they are." [41:58] Tosca: "There is no winners and losers in the community mindset in a we mindset, dare I say the Aquarius mindset, you know, and I appreciate your observations, because I think the thing that I'm always talking about, right, like, is this is the hardest work of our life. This work of becoming our own best friend, this work of getting out of our own way to live our biggest dreams. And we don't have to do it alone, which is the main reason why I wanted you on this show to talk about, what does it mean to not do life alone?" [1:00:10] Deb: "What I realized months ago through the women in the community is it's not about the magic, it's about the women being together and that value of being together and being seen. What's the benefit of being in the community? ...What they're saying is, I've learned to trust myself." Deb D Links: Tosca’s Links and Resources: Tosca’s Website Get in Touch with Tosca Submit your question for Tosca to answer on her ALL ACCESS episode Giving Flowers To: Theme music by: Adrian DiMatteo Podcast audio edited by: Landis Podcast Editing

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    Ep. 31 Inner Critic Series - Don't Ask For Help

    In this ongoing series I am talking about the inner critic that tells us not to ask for help. This critic insists we should handle everything on our own and never seek help - after all this is how we have 'always' done it. Sometimes this critic manifests as a feeling of guilt rather than an inner dialog. It might even show up as fear - for example in spending money on a coach to advance your career. However it shows up for you, this episode is here to help you navigate these barriers of getting support - which you deserve and have every right to receive. It's not something you need to earn. Period. Episode Highlights: How asking for support is a gift for someone else Overcoming the vulnerability factor Implications on running a business without proper support Debunking the myth that support = weakness Quotables: [00:00:41] "I'm talking about the inner critic that tells us not to ask for help, the inner critic that tells you to just pick yourself up by the bootstraps, do the things, move forward. Don't be a burden on anybody else. Don't put the resources against what you're trying to accomplish. Just get it done all by yourself." [00:09:58] "The other truth that our inner critic doesn't tell us is that the people that care about you love opportunities to help and support you. They may not be coming up to you and saying, hey, how can I support you? What help do you need? No, but when you tell them, hey, I could really use this support, or I could use your help with this technology problem that I have. They will be really happy to be able to be of service because everybody wants to feel needed." [00:17:57] "We're conditioned to think that it's weakness to reach out and ask somebody for support or to ask for more resources. We think it's supposed to be a struggle because that's just what it is. It goes back to that saying, no pain, no gain. What if it doesn't have to be that way? What if that's a damn lie? Because it is." Tosca’s Links and Resources: Tosca’s Website Get in Touch with Tosca Submit your question for Tosca to answer on her ALL ACCESS episode Giving Flowers To: Theme music by: Adrian DiMatteo Podcast audio edited by: Landis Podcast Editing

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    Ep. 30 Inner Critic Series - The Edge of Your Comfort Zone

    As part of my inner critic series, I'm talking today about the one that shows up when you’re taking those important steps of doing something that scares you. In other words, when you're on the edge of something big or doing something you don't normally do. Whether you’re about to quit your job, start a side hustle, or set a much needed boundary, your inner critic tends to get louder as you push past your comfort zone. I share personal stories of experiencing this, as well as examples from a client, and even my niece. Tune in to learn how to reframe that fear, breakthrough self-doubt, and take bold steps forward. Episode Highlights: Learn about the inner critic that shows up at edge of your comfort zone Reframe fear as a sign of growth and progress Practical strategies to silence your inner critic and keep moving forward Identify the sneaky self-talk of self doubt that holds you back Quotables: [00:03:13] "This inner critic is the one that I'm calling the edge of your comfort zone. Inner critic can come in blazing and this happens with my clients a lot. And I got to tell you that when we have a conversation and they're telling me, yeah, I was moving forward on this thing, and then all this self doubt came in, I'm like, yes. Honey, you are right on track. Fear not." [00:05:57] "It can be really helpful to identify this inner critic, to remind you, oh, right, I actually don't need this safety department right now and actually, the way I'm living my life right now is I'm willing to take risks, that I want to push my comfort zone, that I want to do things differently, that I want to go after my biggest boldest dreams." [00:12:34] "Comfort zone inner critic can trigger other inner critics, like scarcity inner critics and all kinds of other things. It can be the impetus because then they're having a whole party giving more reasons why you shouldn't go do that scary thing." Tosca’s Links and Resources: Tosca’s Website Get in Touch with Tosca Submit your question for Tosca to answer on her ALL ACCESS episode Giving Flowers To: Theme music by: Adrian DiMatteo Podcast audio edited by: Landis Podcast Editing

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    Ep. 29 Inner Critic Series - The Maximizer

    In this episode of the Unlock Lab, I kick off the fall season with reflections on how we often look back on our summer with regrets. Find out about inner critic I call "The Maximizer," which constantly pushes us to feel like we aren't accomplishing enough. This episodes encourages you to acknowledge the positive aspects of your summer and recognize what you actually needed versus what you planned. I invite you to reflect on your summer patterns and think about what you need as you move into a new season, reminding you that you can carry the summer vibe with you whenever you need it. Key topics include: Updates about my summer activities, including my new podcast logo What does this inner critic say to us? How to see the truth vs your inner critic lies Honoring transitions and recognizing the true value of our experiences, even if they weren't what we expected Quotables: [00:05:01]: "It's easy to get into this mode of looking back at your summer with regrets. Maybe you look back and you say, oh, I didn't get ahead on all those projects or goals that I wanted. And your inner critic comes in and start telling you like, you didn't do anything at all, hashtag, you failed the summer. But we do not want to go down that rabbit hole." [00:05:44]: "Some of the things that the maximizer says is you didn't do enough. You veered from your path. You veered from your goals. You veered from what you said you were going to do. Shame on you. And that might even be you veered from taking the vacation you said you were going to take. Right? It could go that way as well. You could have gone to the beach more." [00:6:23]: "So what we do when we start to experience inner critic voices is we start to ask ourselves, okay, well, what's the truth? Right? So the first thing is being aware of what are you saying to yourself? What have you started to say to yourself? And maybe even anticipating what might you start saying to yourself in the next coming days or weeks as you really feel like that summer season has ended. So we come back to the truth and we say, what actually did I need this summer? There's kind of what I thought I needed. And then there's what did I actually need, right?" Tosca’s Links and Resources: Tosca’s Website Get in Touch with Tosca Submit your question for Tosca to answer on her ALL ACCESS episode Giving Flowers To: Theme music by: Adrian DiMatteo Podcast audio edited by: Landis Podcast Editing   Podcast logo by:

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Giới Thiệu

You hold the key to unlocking what is stuck in your life, and your business. The unseen will come to light so you can discover how you might be getting in your own way of success and transformation. Expect truth bombs, vulnerability and the messy middle of life’s stories. Expect taboo topics and practical tips to shift your life in the direction of your dreams. I also hope you laugh hard and find levity in the process of seeing, believing, and owning your truth. In this ‘lab’ you are encouraged to experiment with what works and then come back for more! See you in the LAB my friends!

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