Ep. 297 - Does the Bible Oppress Women?

The Living Waters Podcast

God created men and women with equal value and early Christianity elevated women in a time when women were oppressed. Misusing scripture to dominate or oppress women is a sin, and believers are called to submit to one another out of love for Christ.

Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar start this conversation by highlighting an important biblical truth: God created both men and women in His image, giving them equal value. While some who claim Christianity have oppressed women, scripture itself uplifts women. Jesus brought women from the margins to Himself, and throughout the Bible, women are honored, both in the Old and New Testament. Christianity was a driving force in elevating women’s equality.

The Bible teaches that men and women are co-laborers, equal before God; however, many focus on verses instructing wives to submit to their husbands, missing the broader command to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Submission in marriage, according to scripture, is about mutual care and respect. Husbands are called to sacrificially love their wives, just as Christ loved the church. This does not mean women are lesser. They are helpmates, not subordinates. A true biblical marriage involves mutual support, where men and women complement each other, serving their God-given roles.

Christianity has historically elevated women, with Jesus' resurrection being first witnessed by women. While men and women are biologically different, this does not diminish their spiritual or personal equality. The Bible’s leadership structure often sparks controversy, particularly regarding the role of women in the church. Scripture designates men as the heads of households and leaders of congregations, not because women are inferior, but because of God’s commands that bring harmony when followed. Women are called to teach and lead within appropriate contexts  while men are called to lay down their lives for their wives in love and service. This structure, when followed with love and respect, reflects the unity and harmony intended by God. It calls for a humility that recognizes all people are made in God's image, deserving of dignity and care.

The harmony that arises when men and women embrace their God-given roles is a beautiful picture of God’s design. Misinterpreting scripture to dominate or oppress women is a serious sin against God’s image. Men must treat women with gentleness and respect, understanding that before they are wives, daughters, or mothers, they are first and foremost God’s daughters If men have gone astray in this regard, they are called to repent and realign with God’s design, honoring the women in their lives as co-heirs of God

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Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
Ray Comfort
Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
Mark Spence








